Fiera Fights Back


Stopped home...yesterday? All getting confused. Picked up vitamins, mail, watered plant. Weight 192.4. Picked up steak tacos on way back to the rehab hosp.

Dad comes home tomorrow, He was tired and somewhat uncooperative in the gym. He tired me out arguing about why he can't drive his scooter up the portable ramp. I had first therapy session in 3 weeks. Thinking and talking about it...the struggle to get things sorted in the near term so that maybe I can renter my own life part time. The possibility this could go on for 10, 15 years. CB said 'no way' and I said "you don't know my Dad. It has been 8 years already, yes slowly progressive. She admitted there is no way to know how any of this is going to go.

I'm really drained, I didn't sleep well. This morning at rehab plus CB was draining. Now that I am home for a couple of hours ALONEI can get some rest.

Dad came home yesterday. He was struggling to walk and to adjust to the different equipment - chair, recliner, bed, toilet seat. He gives up trying to stand and wants to dive into a chair instead of properly standing up. It doesn't bode very well. He was supposed to meet up with Peaches' and her brood for a bbq/bday party about an hour away, She called and cancelled saying that the rain was pouring and they had to bring the boat in and were cooking and eating indoors (non accessible). I took him out to dinner instead.

He wasn't sleepy which was probably a warning, I left him sitting up at bed time. He hit the emergency alarm around 3 AM. He thought his foley urine bag was "getting too heavy" and needed to be emptied. I was not even half full. So we did a little education on the measurements and what constutes an emergency. Between the harsh storm / sump pump turning on and off, and my dad's emergency button followed by hours of him swearing loudly and complaining about pain and discomfort, I barely slept.

We had all agreed I would take the morning off and go out to the kennel for a needed break. Now I probably won't. I'm really tired and it's a long country drive. And, I forgot he will likely need to go #2 and he is not steady on his feet right now. He needs a chair follow and a guide, and Peaches overestimates her own capability.

Bright Spot: Last night I was able to pop in to see EF, her hubby, brother T, her best friend S and son C...for a quick hug at the BBQ (at golf course).

Other bright spot: Dad is trying.

I got really angry this morning - flash rage - about not being able to go to the ONE thing I wanted to do for myself which would refill my bucket. Then I disarmed it and started praying to the Universe for the patience to be kind and understanding. I don't want to be angry at my Dad. I don't want to hurt his feelings any worse than he already feels about being a burden. He apologized several time for waking me up over the urine bag.

Peaches seems entirely detached and sympathetic to him. I am a bit concerned this is driving her judgement about her ability to support him to the bathroom. H
If he falls, oh well, I think is where she is at. But if he falls he may end up in a nursing home. Is she subconsciously sabotaging him? It's my place to get a handle on it and make sure he is safe. Compled, not going to solve it now.
Monday. Discharge +2

Bright Spots

Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio just as we arrived early at Dad's PT. We turned it up and sang and jammed.

Dad's favorite PT girl really worked with him and got him stretched out, then walking more. He is to walk to the kitchen for every meal and snack. He walked for peanuts, dinner, and popcorn.

His blood sugar is more moderate and he had a better day overall.

I slept better over night.

I made plans to go to the kennel tomorrow morning.

I got out and walked a mile in addition to caretaking activities. Took the dog. Talked with Proggy a bit. Felt less bloated today.

Florida won the Stanley Cup.

I think that is all.

We went to lunch with Peaches granddaughter K and her husband and daughter, and 2 other littles which belong to her sister. It was ok. I am not sure we were wanted, but Peaches extended the invite and my Dad jumped on it right away. It mostly felt like indifference to each other, it always does, even though I made basic efforts to engage conversation.

Went to the kennel this morning. It was hot and humid and in keeping the dogs settled and quiet the lights were left off and I primarily visited with a cute little black boy nicknamed Mag and then a shy brown boy called Max. Mag I would love to have, he was all love and cuddles. But I just have to get that dog love as I can right now.

Drove dad around this afternoon while Peaches went for a haircut. It was too warm for him to be outside without A/c...he was hurting in his knees and swollen and painful around his foley and we could not get him up walking. I think he is getting a pressure sore. I did what I could to make him comfortable and he mostly has been sleeping in the recliner and now Peaches is doing the same. He badgered me into getting him a snickers (I gave him 1/3 and then later some no sugar popsicles). I got myself a white claw tall boy and a pack of cigarettes. I prayed to the Universe to help me not got angry with him. He has to be frustrated, angry, scared, annoyed etc etc. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I am stiff all over from lack of exercise. Today I did a few step ups and a little walk. The heat/humidity were oppressive. Yesterday Peaches got a key fob for the residential fitness center and I checked it out tonight. Basic fitness equipkent and a functional room where they do some light aerobics and drumming. I also stopped by the town senior center for a chat and to learn what type of activities they offer. Maybe some of it will end up working for one of us. Dad doesn't want anything to do with it though.

Peaches just went to bed early. We got Dad into the bed from the recliner and now I snuck off to the bedroom to have a snack and some relief from the blare of the tv. I had a moment today where I really felt like I was losing it mentally. I need to not let his moods affect my moods so much. Right now he is out there swearing up a storm, I will go check on him in a minute, but I want to see if it passes on its own. I am exhausted from waiting on him constantly.

Bright spots: Loving on Mag, observing the play of light and clouds at sunset, supportive text from Pixy, and being able to spend time with a Dad who in spite of being difficult and harsh (even abusive and manipulative at times), now says the words he could never say when I was growing up - "I love you, baby.'

Uro doc appt this morning, saw his NP Julie instead of the abrasive doc and it was such a relief. She talked to my dad on his level about his choice between the foley and IC, and was willing to do additional tests next Monday to find out if his bladder still has its ability to contract and do its job. This will inform my Dad's longer term options. The bleeding is highly likely that the prostate is both larger and gets veinous as you get older, and so both IC and the foley rubbing can cause prostate bleeding. The options are a bit limited.

He has a stage 1 pressure ulcer. Yet he just bitches about anything I try to do to help (position on a pillow, lay down instead of recliner etc, keep standing up and moving). He did let me put ointment on his bum, big whoop.

Lunch at the diner and then PT.

Peaches received resuls of her sleep test, and she has sleep apnea. That maybe what is causing her to wake up and go pee frequently during the night. She was in a quiet mood all day with some extra abrupt comings and goings and shputting of cabinets, She seems better now that we got home and relaxed and I took care of dinner.

I'm making dinner. Bake cod filets with veg and possibly some potato.


Bright spots: Love the Uro NP and the Female PT who has developed a sassy rapport with my Dad. Also love that she was able the get us in Sat and Tues where we otherwise were going to have a long break in his rehab. Grateful for bith of them.

Got to go TJ shopping for first time in a while. The day turned gorgeous, drier with bright blue skies and puffy clouds. It felt freeing to leave the house by myself for an hour and drive with the car window open. Then I made a perfectly executed simple dinner of cod (butter and lemon), broccoli, and a small portion of mac and cheese. Delicious. Dad loved the cod a lot and asked for extra.

Dad is tucked in and laying on the couch for the evening, Peaches is reading. The house is relaxing. I am going to get organized for a while and take a walk around 6:30 or 7 once the sun goes down a bit more.
Wow. I realized I had enough time to get to the FH trail for my walk....broke out of thinking I needed to stay close to the house...nothing was going to happen that needed my help. So, I claimed a bit of myself back. I went the opposite direction from the one I had walked with goes under a road and I didn't know what I would see though I had an idea of the direction it would head. And wow, coupled with the majestic clear summer weather, and the plentiful rain and sunshine getting everything growing, it was so gorgeous, real prairie the way it would have looked 200+ years ago, when the native americans occupied and travelled here, and when the settlers first arrived - how majestic the rolling prairie looks against an open sky. So many varieties of plants, flowers, even berries, a creek, so many birds and outstretched arms expanded my chest and I smiled and breathed deeply. To FEEL again, to appreciate some form of awe, and history and majesty again. And on the way back to the car, to catch the scent of the prairie, the dry grasses and flowers baking in the SMELLED like my childhood. The fields near where I grew up, not very far from here...same earth, same was really a great 40 minutes. I posted a photo on social for the first time in ages...those close enough to know where I am and why will know the significance of my finally having an hour to get away and walk a trail.

I also met my goal steps according to my Garmin. I'm getting around 10,000 per day now that I am working it a little fitness walking on top of what I do for my dad all day long. I'm not snacking on junk food the way I was when Dad was in the rehab and I was eating at the nearby W's or the gas station or vending machine.

So, celebrating a better day today.

Bright spots: Dad loved the fish-themed card I got him. We were done with major care activities* by 3PM, which gave me a chance to turn my mind to getting organized and working on balancing his financial software. Took time to post about my SUV issue and had zoom with CB at 11. Talked with Proggy. Got checklist together for planned stop home tomorrow.

*Breakfast out, occasion bakery stop, leg back tubing kink/fail/mess, shower, all bedding changed and laundered, extra supplies obtained from doc office and convos w 2 nurses, pain and irritation in foley.

Evening was spent trying to get him to lay down, he has been falling asleep sitting up/tipping over, is swollen, and complaining about pain "all over" when he lays down. Lack of sleep and bipap last night is manifesting.

Dad also hit the emergency bell last night and make a lot of noise even after due to pain in the lack of sleep. I might spent tonight in the recliner as he is acting so strange and not bedding down normally.

Hopefully I will remember to weigh when I stop home tomorrow.

Another broken sleep night, not as dramatic. Dad got a lot of fluid off yesterday evening and overnight....not sure why, maybe managing bs better, maybe lack of salt, maybe lack of inflammatory foods...he looked better this morning and moved more easily in PT. Weight down to 210. Blew it all at P's where he had 2 hot dogs but oh well...

Stopped by my house, picked up mail, checked on things, all seems OK except a basement rug which had a little mildew on it. Attic bucket was practically empty, so the rainwater seems to be evaporating in between storms.

Now resting in the A/C while Dad naps. Hotbox organic chicken is the dinner plan with some spinach.

I did not weigh at home since we had just had lunch. I believe I'm holding or even lost a pound. Some of my muscles, like squatting muscles, are being activated with the caretaking which is great. Even feeling a little bit of core activation.

Bright Spots: Hanging with Dad including getting him out to eat. No Peaches is a bit more fun/relaxing. We don't typically get much alone time. Also, he is getting around a bit easier without the extension tubing and using the rollator on the carpet. Hopefully soon we can quit the chair follow.

I asked Dad whether he knew of any plans or discussions for Peaches if her health deteriorates. He says not specifically. He assumes daughter S will be responsible for her. He does not plan to pay for a caregiver for her to stay at home. She does not have a lot of funds and can probably qualify for a care home under Medicare and then Medicaid. He knows I cannot take care of both of them and he does not expect me to step up for her. That is all as I see it too but good to start having these discussions. Need to talk with her next but it is delicate as she is already depressed about her emerging medical concerns.

Low activity day got turned into a moderate one after Dad and Peaches wanted to go to the cell phone store and then lunch, After we stopped at Ultish where I ultimately could not find my thermal spray; a later online search determined it has been discontinued. Oh well. It has been ages since I flat ironed my hair and will see if I find a suitable replacement tomorrow.

Bright spots: Gorgeous and not as hot. Took a walk at Cow Lake preserve for the first time. 2.4m was the longest single walk I have taken in a long time. 14k steps for the day total. My watch makes that out to be 7.1m. That seems a bit overstated.

I blew any calorie deficit on junk food, as I purchased some cool ranch chips and a chocolate chunk cookie as well as a hard tea and small soft serve cup. It was an outlet for some disturbance I was struggling with, feeling tethered to my dad, this house, a life that is not mine, and a lack of me time. Later on, I pushed my Dad to walk further and he made it to the bathroom - and back - each way without sitting. I need him to do what he can and not be dependent on us for every little thing until it become entirely necessary. He is getting stronger even though he doesn't do his exercises as a self-starter. I'm grateful for any little progress which makes things easier. Still have trouble with his foley a few times a day, I am hoping I got the stat lock sorted out.

Peaches has been binge watching episode of series every time she has control of the tv. Yellowstone, It is a soap opera with cattle and does not interest me. She also likes to watch shows like Chicago Fire which are horribly contrived dramas. I spent the evening in my room, laid in my bed and tried to nap. I will shortly go wake Dad up to move from recliner to bed and change to the bed bag for overnight. We have an early uro appt then I have to go see my primary care doc - the real one not guru doc. I am not really prepared. My overall health has been better than when I saw her I think, but I have gained weight, been more sedentary, and have been smoking for the past few days. The only active problem I have is occasional bathroom urgency, and of course a disturbed sense of personal peace.

i fhink I am going to buy new running shoes, mine have no spring left. Since I wear them full time and not just for running, I probably have more miles on them then I realize. Those sure will feel good!

Bright spots: Nice day. Dad is getting stronger, walking more. He also took scooter on a family walk and into pharmacy.

Dad Uro doc and toenails trim (home visit); I visited my care primary doc. Started dad in IC again....he is refusing and is partially voiding so we let him do his best until bedtime and it went pretty well for him. Residual was only 175. He had a couple of urgency accidents til we figured out how to deal with it. Peaches had some extra loads of laundry to do. I fixed the fob for his scooter (batteries).

My weight at doc office was 193.1 with clothes. Doc is nice, good to have a female. I told her about my couple of bowel incidents and we agreed to just monitor and see if there is any kind of pattern to it. I have the snackies tonight...yogurt, then 100 cal bag of popcorn. Then a bowl of tuna mac and a piece of American cheese. Finally 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich. Could it be deficit related? Maybe. I was on the go from the 5:45A alarm until around 8P, and then again at 10P. Brekkie was a bowl of oatmeal on the go. Lunch was plentiful, leftover fettuccini. Dinner was tuna mac and some broccoli. Maybe it's a function of all the pasta carbs.

I was expecting to lay awake listening for my dad needing help, but I realize that we have set him up to be able to handle the basics and he has a call button...staying awake is hypervigilance which won't be sustainable. He will be fine.

Bright spots: Brilliant sunset colors in the clouds, watched from the driveway while talking with Proggy. Made summer "cake" for 4th bbq. Got some thermal spray so I can flat iron my hair. Grocery shopped a bit.

Just read that one of the dogs from the May transport suddenly died from a stomach torsion. It is a very painful way to go with sudden violent suffering. I fear that the owners did something stupid. The wife came off as a know it all who was dumb enough to let the dog escape the day after they picked her up from my house. I am feeling a lot of grief. The dog was beautiful, 5 years old, black with white sox, and had a long life ahead of her. Am sure Pixy is devastated as she had a particular sweet spot for that girl. I know we can't bubble wrap them but we put our hearts and hard work into the transports and finding them homes and it's a bit hard when you lose one in this manner, RIP little girl, you deserved better.

Today met Proggy and his friends at annual music fest. Wx turned out comfortable. Music was a bit lesser caliber than usual. It finally got going with a female blues singer/piano player. But at that point Proggy and his friends were done and went home. I stayed about 1/2 hour longer and went home. Proggy and I didn't have much to say during the time we went outside so he could grab pizza. I doubled up my antidepressant today in the hopes it might help me feel more social and talkative. But talking over loud music and a crowd was making me irritable. And I think overall what I might need more is along time and exercise.

My skin started showing some effects of recent dietary indiscretions and stress. A few scaly patches in typical spots. Under my watch and "down there". Moving on...

Thursday was the annual 4th bbq with the Mexican family. I was kinda bummed out while there...Proggy was subdued and I had a couple of drinks. A couple of them women came over and talked about struggles/situations they were dealing with. One is 62 and looking for a job....Proggy has it even worse but he didn't say anything. And the other woman asked how many dogs I have now and without any condolences launched into her own sadness about her two dogs who are both aging and failing....I am glad people feel like they can open up to me but it really did nothing to help me have the fun time I was hoping for to let off some steam.

One of the guys in the family, who I have slowly developed an interest in, kissed me a couple of times and then unexpectedly he went for a full on open mouth tongue in make out kiss....I pushed him away and then it was awkward. He apologized later. I am not some girl in a bar and I feel like if he liked and respected me he would not have done it. I'm sure alcohol played a factor. I think we are both OK putting it behind us but I was already feeling some attraction anxiety around him before that happened, and I don't have a good way to turn that off.

It's typically because I get way too ahead of the game and start thinking about long term scenarios i.e. I don't date someone unless I see them as a partner. CB thinks I should just hang out with him and get to know him better and have some fun. But I also am concerned that it could upset the apple cart of our happy little gatherings and shift everything if I got involved with him. I might be overthinking it.

Yesterday we went to a movie, then dinner, picking up a friend of theirs. Altogether we were out of the house almost 8 hours. I had no interest in any of it, yet I am needed to help get dad in and out of places and take him into bathrooms to help him urinate without making a mess.

Where was the joy? At the bbq and at the music festival? Both days had good ingredients. I am just so flat, depressed. Ugh. Well, I will keep taking the additional antidepressant for a few days. Perhaps it will help. Also, Peaches goes to play bingo tomorrow so I can relax a bit with my Dad without having to accommodate another person. It's tiring.

Today was better. Dad had the idea to make the drive to my place early so we got in and out of the city and then stopped and had lunch at an American food restaurant in HP. Al Fresco, since they had shade and Dad was cold in the indoor AC. It was a real treat for me as I love al fresco dining and rarely get to do so.

Afterward I talked him out of an unnecessary 40 mile drive to get gas in another state and we went home instead. He was not doing that well today, tired and unable to get waking, so I gave him a break, got him settled with the tv (he dozed off), and was able to get some of my own work and organizing done. Opened all the new mail, reconciled bank accounts, and paid bills/property taxes. I didn't have to listen to the incessant tv chatter while holed up in the spare room. Mentally I feel more rested, and I was more able to have a decent phone call with Proggy. Helped him understand a couple of communications from the attorney in Italy.

FDog's foster mommy sent a copy of the video she made to help get him adopted. He is so adorable, so friendly and eager and easygoing. I wish I could adopt him. But I can't.

That said, things are starting to get more normalized here. Dad only had one major residual and that was yesterday morning. Tonight before bed was 175. I'll have to ask the uro doc if it matters what time of day we do the cathing/measurement.

I raise that because both Peaches and I are on the same track of getting me to be able to start spending some time away from them. I am not needed as much and it will help her to start getting a sense of routine once I am not here. As of right now he has appointments every day next week then it drops off. The crew chief was here on Friday and gave us some ideas and ballpark estimates for a couple of ramp options.

I took 1/2 of the new medicine around 4PM. Topamax. Felt slight effects. Forgot to take the 2nd W until it was too late in the day. Better at remembering Dad's meds than my own.

Hopefully will sleep good with a better sense of my head clearing and getting out of first gear.

Woke up inorganically to my Dad calling the dog loudly in the living room. Heloped get him up and fed/did dishes and have retreated to the bedroom again to finish a cup of coffee.

My eyelids are now burning, which is likely related to the other skin symptoms, but possibly aggravated by being outside on 4th and 6. I'm a mess. Evertyhing hurts. My hips won't stretch and I'm getting some neuropathy (from clothes too tight? Tight muscles?)

Why am I here (writing?) Good question. Mostly because I am not fully awake and I'm avoiding doing anything else. Dad is not awake either just yet. There will probably be a frenzy of activity after 9 when I shower, get him cleaned up for the doc, do some PT stretches with him to get his legs moving. I kindof noticed that Peaches doesn't do any of this. Another reason why I cannot leave his care solely up to her definition of what he needs. Maybe I need to make a checklist of what I perceive that he needs and go over it with her.
I watched my crabby mind find something to latch onto to create a resentment/complaint. In this case, Peaches was in the Master bedroom which is really, at this point, "her" bedroom since Dad sleeps in the living room. I decide to take my shower, so I go out to my Dad and tell him I am going to shower and ask if he thinks he needs the bathroom or anything else? "My knees hurt." and he asks about pain medicine. I tell him he can have a tylenol and some patches for his knees. I am still carrying my shower towel and I go over to the cabinet for the patches when Peaches arrives. Next thing you know, she is putting a pack of purple wipes next to me while I am putting his pain patches on.

Earlier, I had told my Dad he needed a wipedown and a change of briefs everyday. Today he has an AM doc appt but it is good practice to control odor and help maintain skin integrity. But this moment, I was headed to the shower. Not giving him a wipedown. And she put the wipes down next to me/him instead of doing it herself. I really assume she meant to be helpful. But now I have to go heat them up and get gloves and do his wipe and change. She helped, she brought out a brief and helped dress and undress him. In reality I need to take the high road. It is possible due doesn't agree with the daily cleaning and she was being passive aggressive about it. But if so it was more subtle than her usual pouty hints.

And I felt irritated and I watched the way my mind was working it, telling myself possible motives, reacting to being treated like "the help" instead of first asking me if we were doing his wardrobe change now. She likely was just assuming I was getting it all done at once, and had not heard the beginning of the conversation where I said I was going to take a shower.

In any event, I took a minute to cool off here and I know it wasn't real. What is that saying about True, but not Real? That is what probably just happened,

Instead of heading home for my first "night off" I headed up toward the either be a last minute houseguest with EF or car camp at the state park. It ended up being the latter. I never car camped before, and I improvised a bit, but it worked out fine. I made a nice fire, and while the peace was disturbed a good portion of the evening by a noisy (but otherwise well behaved) group down a ways, I still had a much needed experience. Alone time. Fireflies. A successful bit of self-sufficiency and improvisation. Spontaneity. Decent weather. Birds. Wood-burning fire. A bit of pen and paper. This morning, less stiffness than expected, brewed coffee from the gas station, a pleasant prairie vista, and a non-rushed return to Dad's place with ample time to shower and take him to lunch with his friends.

Peaches was on it this morning, I think she relished being able to do the caretaking duties on her own and free me up a bit. She had my dad all cleaned up and dressed and ready to go. We even got him to brush his teeth.

Still, I felt stressed again this evening when Peaches asked me if I had plans the next few days. No, because my dad has somewhere to be every single day, and then it turns into lunch, and then shopping, and then providing coverage for her. Besides, my time is not spent that way. I look at the weather, I see how I am feeling, and I certainly have been carrying the bulk of the load around here. I think that is starting to shift. She is even going to catheterize him this evening as practice (with my coaching).

So I think she is trying. But when she suggested I did not need to be here Thurs and Friday because she could take him to PT - I reminded her how is she going to get him out of the house? Doh! She forgot. And there is something on the calendar almost every day for the next 10 days. The crew chief has not returned our call about modifying the garage stairs/handrail. I finally called a ramp rental company to see how much it would cost to get an ADA ramp out here which Peaches could push him on more readily. Tomorrow I will hold her feet to the fire about then caretaker for the lady next door...anyone capable and reliable enough to help do that so I can go back to living at home at least a few days per week. Before I explode.

Because I *NEED* more alone time. I cannot live in a communcal house where the tv is on all the time and hangout there. I don't want to start hanging at bars. I do need to start exercising again (maybe the fitness center tomorrow?) I feel bad for my Dad but I just cannot sit around all day in this house just to keep him company. I am not able to think.

Yesterday was not so good. I was relieved of duties from about 4:30PM until 9. I went out to go to the farmers market and get tacos and a drink. It rained so I ducked into a restaurant/bar off main street. Food there is good. I wanted a margarita but they use a pre-made mix and the sugar in that stuff makes me crazy amped up and then crash. I opted for a vodka on the rocks. After much indecision I ended up ordering their pizza instead of something healthier, because it is so good. I chatted with some interesting people at the bar. I felt a surprisingly strong kick from the first drink and midway into a second I realized I was feeling like I was starting to get hammered. I guess she was making them doubles without asking. And I had to drive home AND had expectations I was going to catheterize my Dad or coach Peaches, since Dad refused the evening prior. I switched to water but it took a looooong time to sober up enough to drive. And then I wanted a snickers bar. I went to the drug store where they had a special 3 for $3 where they have the base price set as $2.99. So I bought 3. Ate one in the car before going home....ate the other two in my bedroom later. The whole episode was just stupid.

Bright spot: I did see a vertical rainbow on the way to the drug store which was really unusual and cool.

This morning Peaches is off to breakfast and I made brekkie for Dad and I, doing laundry now. I'm really not happy with myself. Going to hit the reset button and do better today.

My Dad said some really horrible things to me today. I initially took it in a numb kind of stride. Now that I fed lunch and retreated to my room the dam is breaking.

First he said that he loves me in spite of the fact that I've gotten fat. Second, he said in a perverse moment that I enjoy catheterizing and washing him up before putting on his fresh underbrief because I don't have a man in my life. Peaches overheard that one and jumped in with "if she wasn't taking care of her dad all the time maybe she would [have one]." Great. I'm sure you all talk about me behind my back anyway.

So. That's just great. I spent my time in part this morning working with the crew chief on the new plan for a platform/handrail in garage and new rail for shower. Also tracking down his opthamologist (who moved) and coordinating with Peaches. And getting sh*t sleep last night which included calling the fire dept around 1AM since he slipped out of bed and we could not get him back up (2nd time).

Out of sorts.