WOO, well done everyone!
Just back from Paris last night (an AMAZING trip!), so I'm only getting the chance to post now.
I lost 4 lbs! Woooo!!
I was very good while in Paris---I stayed away from the boulangeries and ate delicious and healthy food incl lots of my favourite, sushi! I feel super now!!
I only got to go for one run --about 5 miles along the Seine, but all I did each day was walk around so I burnt off lots of calories that way!
Congrats everyone on the positive results, see, we CAN do it! I'm so excited for the summer now
Day off exercise for me today, I'm exhausted, bu tI'll go to gym/run tomorrow.
Hlangel, where do you live in Germany? I'm going there in July, I haven't been in years so am really looking forward to it!
Shyjesta---well done on getting out of the 300s!!
Nataliejo, you're doing brill--did you go up the mountain today???