Weight-Loss Falling Off For Fall Challenge!!

So, how was everyone's weigh-in??

I'm soooo happy, I went from 172.4 last Friday to 170 this morning! Yay! 2.4 lbs this week. I was getting on the scale pretty much every day this week and one day, I think it was Monday, it was at 174. So I never thought I'd be at 170 today. What happened? Well, I behaved!

I was especially good yesterday- went out for dinner with friends and ordered a veggie burger with a side salad. I was so full too, it was great. Then we went to a movie, and I didn't order popcorn or anything! This is a first for me- I used to say I could never go to the movies without getting something to nibble on.

Also, we've been parking the car at my fiance's workplace on the mornings this week and walking to get our coffee. It's a little 5-10 minute walk, but better than driving everywhere!

So I hope everyone's week was as good as mine. I feel confident that I can weigh in at 165 on August 31. Just to get back to the 160s would be great though.
My weigh in this morning sucked! I am still at 204 close enough to 205 for me to be really unhappy. I so wanted to be at 200 at the end of July but I just can't seem to shake these last few pounds. I am really frustrated about this. All I ask for is another 4 pounds that is not asking too much now is it! I am not going to make my goal if I can't make it over this speed-bump:rolleyes:

Better luck next Friday!!
Hey there! I am the same way. First off I lost two pounds this week! So I am happy! Anyhow I used to always think no way would I beable to give up "snickers" or "popcorn" at the movies. However I can honestly say I do not crave those things. I do eat the popcorn that has only 20 calories per cup of popped. This one girl asked me what I was doing to lose weight, somehow everyone seems to think their is a quick fix out there. I told her cutting my calories and no junk food or liquid calories. she said oh that's too hard. At that moment it had me remembering when I used to think that, all it takes is for someone wanting to change but enough to where they atleast try, I no longer try it's becoming the norm for me. I used to hate going to the market because I couldn't get snacks. Now I love it because I can look for healthy things that I never even knew was out there! Congrats on the weight loss! As long as your still trying, your still winning!
172 today. Frusteratingly enough I've gained 6 lbs since starting this challenge.

On a positive note, I worked out 3 days this week. Skipped yesterday and went for a 30 minute walk instead.
How has everyone else done this week?
Well for most of the week I was 270 lbs but on my weigh in it showed 274. I haven't been feeling well lately. I only jogged twice this week. I have also been pretty busy, I am kinda afraid, because these are the sign when I usually give up on things. I can't afford to give up on this though. This is my life and if I don't keep going who knows if I will ever get another chance to. I really don't feel like giving up, but I did eat pizza and taco bell. So I am feeling really Guilty because of it. However I plan to really manage my food intake this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic weigh in. I can not believe how fast this challenge has come and soon to be done with.
i'm getting really frustrated.. i really really wanted to make it to 199 by the end of august.. getting sick really messed everything up, after i went back to the gym for the first time, i wasnt able to work at the same intensity.. blahhhh.. guess i'll have to wait until september to be in the 100's :\
204, 204, 204 :flame: I am really getting tired of this. I am not getting anywhere these days and it is driving me crazy! I want to be 199 so bad!
Ok this is our finaly week! Wow it went by so fast! Pretty amazing, however I wish more people would of kept with it. It seems as if it was only a few who did, however who knows. Let's make it a great week. My wife told me something last night, it kinda got to me, she said " you don't seem to be counting calories anymore" She is right, for about a week or so I just have not counted my calorie intake, now I am not eating too much or eating junk I just am not counting. I also have been drinking alot of Diet drinks, hmm, I miss the weeks where i would lose 7 lbs and now I am lucky if I lose 2 pounds! This week I am going to push myself for a great final weigh in. I am going to stick to water this week and stay away from diet drinks and see how that helps or not. and i'm going to stay within 1500-2000 calorie intake range. so far im at 200 calories for breakfast so I am doing ok. Gosh I look at myself and just hate it! I hate being so big. I have lost almost 50 lbs and still have over 100 to go. I am going to become fit! For I say so!
You can do it Shyjesta!!
I can't wait to see everyone's final weigh in. I myself didn't lose a darn pound *sigh* but this challenge still helped me stay in the right mind set and keep trying.
I am done with the challenge..!

My final weigh in for this challenge was today.. Well I did not meet my initial expectations of losing 20 lbs, but I did manage to lose 12.5 that I am very proud of. Just another 15 to go and I gave myself till Christmas to get there.
Everybody, good luck with your final weigh ins for this challenge!!!
Well the fall off for fall challenge has come to an end! However our journey should never stop! I exceeded my goal which was 25 lbs I actually lost 37 lbs!!! I thank everyone who participated and even the ones that gave up. It showed me what I have been doing most of my life and that was giving up! Not this time I still have a long journey but I can actually say that it's something that I will continue to do forever it's no longer a diet, but it has become ME.
This is who I am now. No more eating until I vomit and yes I used to all the time! I feel good but I want to feel amazing! Perhaps by this time next year I will finally reach my ultimate weight loss goal!
Thank you

Thomas C
Starting Weight :226.1
Week 1 weight :221.7
Week 2 weight :220.4
Week 3 weight :(went to wildwood for a week and ate horribly, but i guess all that boardwalking and biking, beach and pool made up the difference )
Week 4 weight :217.0
Week 5 weight :216
Week 6 weight :216
Week 7 weight :214.5
Week 8 weight :212.3
Week 9 weight :212.3 beh
Week 10 weight :207.7
Week 11 weight :( i got a really bad sinus infection) :( wasn't able to work out AT ALL 208.8
Week 12 weight :207.6..blah, don't think i'll make it to 25 lbs
Week 13 weight :202.3 :D
FINAL - AUGUST 31st!!!!
Week 14 weight :

i'm pretty excited about this :D

Congrats! You did great!
aww thank you!
right now im STUCK.. tomorrow is my weigh in day and if i weight 202 again im going to be angry because i worked really hard this week.. um, i did eat some cake and a ppj sandwich . but still! lol
Hey there, yeah me too sorta. I went out of town this weekend and I ate pizza and some mcdonalds, I felt so bad for doing it! However I was surprised to learn that I didn't gain anything! I really need to push myself.
If you have a new challenge I want in!