Weight-Loss Falling Off For Fall Challenge!!

I'm not doing so darn good. I have epilepsy and depression and I hate my meds! But I can't go off them. But I still hate them. I didn't sleep Friday and Saturday night at all, and I take ambien. So, of course I didn't care at all what I ate over the weekend. But I want to get back on track today. I'm going to drink all my water and exercise. My mini-challenge for the day.

Hi girls. (?any guys), I came here this am to get my mind back into the swing of things.

Hlangel I think I have the kids are home all summer blues. That means almost no time for me to be alone. I think it is already getting to me mentally. Need to get into new routine.

MissyMc you are almost my neighbor. Sorry about your meds. If you exercise and drink your water today I will do mine. I will either walk 3 miles on the track or hit the gym. Will have 16 dtr watch dtr 6 if I decide on the gym.

Since Sat morning I have not been kind to myself either, no exercise for 2 days. Weather has been rainy off and on, cloudy. My neck has been sore and I haven't sleep well for several nights. My oldest has phys therapy today for back pain. But her xrays indicated there might be an infection. All blood work should be back today and possibly an mri. I think that is part of my slump Haven't been horrid, just not caring.
lisamcrn - I know how you feel about the kids being home. we seem to be going through similar things. my youngest is the one that had to go through the mri's (germans call them mrt's incase i type it wrong you understand). her last one was 2 months ago - now we are being sent to a peds neurosurgeon. - she is only 16 months. her problem is her head though. i hope you guys have better luck with the docs than we have.

hope everyone can get out of their funk - i know i need to!
Hlangel I hope things go well with your baby and testing. Just the thought of my child needing a ped neuro is terrifying. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. Also thanks, the therapist and I both agree that my dtrs pain is more presenting as soft tissue/weakness in muscles and etc causing pain. I am thankful things are going well, I would be nasty and out of here if they weren't.

I have a much better out look today, the sun is shining and that helps.
I feel like that smiley accurately describes my mood today, haha.
This was a bad weekend for me. Hung out with some of the girls from college Saturday, ended up on a mini-pub crawl around the city and had a few too many beers. I haven't done that in Months though, so it's not terrible I suppose. It was great fun and a good stress reliever w/girls I haven't seen in a while. Sunday I felt terrible all day which at first I thought was a hangover but realized I'm getting a sinus infection. Had a nice fever which has continued over today even after a full day resting in bed. It's been cold and rainy here as well, so that's definitely not helping the sickness. I really want to go to the gym tonight but running with a fever is never a good idea so I think I'm heading home after work, having some soup and laying in bed for the rest of the night. I feel so drained and spacey. I hate being sick! But the good part is I always loose my appetite so I should lose those carbs I drank this weekend!
Hey guys, now come on, it's only the first week, dont' be so hard on yourselves!!!!

For the ladies with children, I can only imagine how little time you have for yourselves...so just keep trying your best! I guess eating healthy and exercising WITH your kids could be a good way to work your diet into your life!

Lisa, don't worry about not having gotten any exercise for two days, just make sure you set aside even just a half hour slot to do some today!

I'm doing ok myself, had to take two days off exercise in preparation for a 10K race yesterday (which was amazing!) so now I feel great!!

I'm going to Paris tomorrow so *wish me luck* sticking to this healthy life plan while surrounded with croissants and al manner of yummy cheeses!!!! I'll pack my running shoes anyway and hopefully get out for 2 of the four days I'll be there!

Off to the gym now.

Good luck guys...........talk to you when I'm home!!! :D
Hi everyone. I'm here to lose 15 lbs. I'm getting married next February, but for me my weight loss isn't about looking better in my dress (though that's a bit of a motivator). I want to feel sexier and be able to run up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath!

My current measurements: 38-31-44. I'm 5'5, 26 y/o, and find my biggest problem is exercising regularly.

Starting Weight : 166
Week 1 weight : 165.8 (June 8- yay! .2 lbs!)
Week 2 weight : 165.4 (June 15)
Week 3 weight : 166 (June 22, *sigh*)
Week 4 weight : 164.4 (June 27)
Week 5 weight :170.2 (July 6)
Week 6 weight : 168 (July 13)
Week 7 weight : 168 (July 19)
Week 8 weight : 170 (July 27...gar!)
Week 9 weight : 172.4 (Aug 3... garrrr!)
Week 10 weight : 170 (Aug. 10. yay! back down again!)
Week 11 weight : 172 (back up again, but have been working out all week!)
Week 12 weight : 168.6 (August 23- whew, back down to 160s.)
Week 13 weight :
FINAL - AUGUST 31st!!!!
Week 14 weight :

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oops sorry i forgot to say my weight lost goal.. ill shoot for 20-25lbs

i def have been neglecting things for the past 2 days. getting really nervous about my up coming doctor visit.. but i did workout this morning.. even if its 20mins its something.. maybe later i wont be lazy and get up and do something else too.
yesIcandoit - thanks for the encouragement. You will love paris - we live 3 hours from there! It's beautiful! Today was not to bad. Me and the girls walked about 4 miles so far today. Stroller too heavy!!!!!
Hey everyone, at the beginning of the week, I started to get down and out. I looked at myself in the Mirror, I had been trying to avoid Mirrors that are large enough show my whole body. Yet on Monday I did just that. I looked horrible! Why oh why did I allow myself to become that BIG! Last night I went for a walk and walked further than I ever had 2 1/2 miles each way! So that got me excited. Right now I am taking Rev xp I got it at walmart for a few bucks. It doesn't make me anxious which I enjoy, but gives me just enough of a boost to keep going! I am looking forward to everyone's first week weigh-in! I wish the best to everyone, always remember you only fail when you give up, sometimes when you feel like it's all bad and nothing will ever go good for you, if you only keep at it, it's likely success and joy is around the corner! We can do this!
Yes we can! I had to add that to shyjesta's post. forgive me! I have toddlers in the house & bob the builder is always a big hit! Everyone keep up the good work. Friday is just 2 days away. My biggest goal I think, is that I didn't gain any. This week has been horrible. On top of everything, I came down with a migraine. My first in months. Gone now though! Keep up all of the hard work everyone. On friday, just edit your original post to add your new weight for friday (where it says week 1)!!!!
Hi all!

My first post in this forum!

This is a great challenge and exactly what I needed to keep me organized and motivated! And also the weight-in day is just perfect for me!

I am 23, female, 5 3". My wedding will be on August 22, 2007, and my birthday is August 24. I am going to start my master's study in university of Toronto this September, and this means leaving my home country for the first time!

So I have already all the motivations in the world!

I am 123 lbs, and I like to lose 1 pound a week. That will be 12 lbs, which will put me at 111! (hopefully! ;) )

I know it's a bit late to join, but since I know my weight as of the last Friday, I can fill all of the weeks!
I do not expect to lose this week (next Friday) though, but I am very determined to stick to my diet and workout from the next week.

Starting Weight :123
Week 1 weight :123 (I started the challenge a week late!)
Week 2 weight :
Week 3 weight :
Week 4 weight :
Week 5 weight :
Week 6 weight :
Week 7 weight :
Week 8 weight :
Week 9 weight :
Week 10 weight :
Week 11 weight :
Week 12 weight :
Week 13 weight :
FINAL - AUGUST 31st!!!!
Week 14 weight :
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Never too late to lose weight! I am a NEWBIE but I am the kind of person who likes to talk(post). Hope I aint hoggin the thread too much.
hlangel, I'm with you on the migraines. I had one yesterday. I also have had problems with one of my meds this week and haven't been sleeping. I started to get that "who cares" attitude, but I'm working on it. I'm going to do my 45 minute walk today and focus on snacks after dinner!
Hi everyone,

This is my first chat post in this challenge thread. I have to say I haven't done so well nutrition wise lately. I just started a new job and I am very tired. I have been turning to convenience foods and that needs to stop. I know the weigh in is tomorrow but I weighed myself today and don't expect to see a change for better or worse tomorrow. You never know though :rolleyes:. I look forward to a better week next week and getting to know everyone a bit better!
Tomorrow is weigh-in day. I'm scared *sigh* 166.6 this morning. Maybe some good ol' salad for lunch and dinner today will help me see a change for tomorrow morning.
Don't worry PaintedDaisy, I'm scared too. I snuck on the scale this morning and I gained 3.5 back from the beginning of this week, so I'm a little unsure of what the scale will be tomorrow. I've been doing a lot of cruches this week, so I'm hoping it's muscle weight and not fat. I've been eating pretty good with very few downfalls. And Aunt Flo came this week, so I'm sure I'm retaining water as well! Just hang in there. It's only the first week! Keep up the good work everyone!!!
I keep telling myself that it is only the first week & not to be too hard on myself. The only thing is, once I start seeing results I know I will try harder. But like I said earlier, for week 1 I just want to be sure I don't pack on any more pounds. I have walked 10 miles this past week, so I guess that is a good thing. I just know that I haven't been doing all that I can for nutrition and exercise. I just don't want to put on any more pounds. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life. More than either of one of my pregnancies. This is more than just a vanity thing - although there is always a little of that in there too - but a life style necessity. If I want to see either one of my girls graduate from high school, I have to change my way of life. Before I had my second daughter my big goal was to do a marathon by the time I turned 30. I know that won't happen. But I know I want to do one before I turn 35. (I'm 28 right now.) Good Luck to all of us. I know we can all meet our goals!
Can I join? I need to lose four to five pounds this month for my goal...

Starting Weight : 299
Week 1 weight : 300 (Just jumped on the scale, wanted to update this... +1...not good .. bad sign, but good in that I will need to work harder, had a birthday party yesterday! icks! )
Week 2 weight : 297 (whoot whoot! Yessa!)
Week 3 weight : 295 (Yessa! (as the crowd cheers)!) lol
Week 4 weight : 295 (I'm Stuck!, but I am still losing weight! Yessa!)
Week 5 weight : 295 (ugh)
Week 6 weight : 295 (I yo yoed up down to 294 than rolled back up to 297, only to find myself this morning at 295. Oh well!)
Week 7 weight : 293
Week 8 weight : 292.4 (yea!!!)
Week 9 weight : 294 (no fun when you gain, been a slacker lately, but not anymore ... going for a bike ride to the beach tomorrow , yippee!!!!!!!!)
Week 10 weight :
Week 11 weight :
Week 12 weight :
Week 13 weight :
FINAL - AUGUST 31st!!!!
Week 14 weight :
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I loved my surprise this morning when I got on the scale and it went down 4 pounds. I was just hoping not to gain!!! Yippee!!!!!! Today is going to be a good day. Tomorrow night we are having game night here. Tons of fun, with lots of snacks. I'm also going to have a veggie & fruit tray here - but I know I will steal a few of the not-so-healthy awesome snacks. Hopefully I can still do a little workout today to keep me ahead of the game and make up for any of my not so healthy decisions that I may make tomorrow. I already walked my 10 miles for the week, but I think I will definitely throw in another 2 today for good measure!