I dont know why anyone who believes in a god would follow the theistic god which is so obviously man made, so much so its rediculous. Although a god is a god someone who is deistic gets a lot more respect from myself imo - (a god that doesnt choose to intervene when he feels like it, works for a few hours then takes billions of years off, order trecherous murdurs, homophobic etc). I think whatever started the universe (if it was even started at all) the cause would be so mysterious i think a god would be at best a metaphor for the strangeness - not a supreme authoritorian who sends people to heavan and many to hell for eternal life.
Dude, I'm not sorry. Everything that Dr. Hovind has done, he has done it transparantly. He has offered up debates and discussions on the matter time and time again, and not even the most learned scientist or evolutionist or athiest for that matter can argue facts with the man. Do yourself a favour and reserve judgement until after you have heard one of his presentations.
As far as proving that God exists. Look around... God is everywhere and in each beautiful thing that was created. Yeh yeh, I know what you are going to say next.. but wheres the proof. Well thats just it you see, it is our faith.
It was once said: " I would rather live my whole life in faith and service to God and die to find out there is no God, than live my whole life in defience only to find out there is "
Look bud, if you are so set on the matter, I am not going to change your mind, I can only point you in the direction that in my opinion is the right way. If you choose otherwise, thats your choice and you are free to make it. You are still a wonderful being, and wether you know it or not, God loves you.
Thank you for your comments. I must just make one thing clear. I do not beleive what I believe out of any type of fear. I honour and respect my creator, and the opportunity to accept his salvation. I am not here to prove you wrong, as we are all accountable for the descisions we make. I am a bible believing Christian, and applaud the Almighty for the awesome job he did in creating me.
He gave us free will to choose what we want to beleive...
I'll beleive in God. The God of Isaac & Jacob. No other. If you want to believe that your ancestors were a bunch of monkeys.. well ok then, thats your choice.
He gave us free will to choose what we want to beleive...
Recently my friends 4 yr old asked her Dad where the very first Mother and Father came from. So he gave a very brief evolution vs God therory and asked what she thought...She thought for a while a usual, and said 'Well if we evolutioned from monkeys there wouldn't be monkeys anymore." AMAZING!!