Evolution or ID

What do you believe in?

  • evolution

    Votes: 43 61.4%
  • creation

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • not sure

    Votes: 10 14.3%

  • Total voters
I didnt mean it like that wantbfit, anyway yeah it is interesting, its kind of like my second interest (along with astronomy).

Ciarzys right too, thats a common misconception many people have.

Oh and accordiny to you CCR we must be witnissing these evolutionary changes if they occur that often :p

Matt you big meanie.......:D
I'm down for some philososophizing.....

As I see it, we are presented with a "reality" that we can't entirely understand & conceive. It's human nature to try to assign understanding to things around us...but questions are answered with more questions and nothing is entirely concrete or absolute.

Let's start with something basic. Go back in time a billion years, then another billion.....how far can you go? If you think about it, there really can be no "beginning"..and if there was, what was before that? Who or what created that? and then who gave birth or created that being? It is inconceivable when you think about it.


God created a reality that to some degree suggests evolution and he deliberately provides circumstances that allow us to wonder if there is a God OR things have evolved in a manner that can't entirely be explained other then the presence of a God. '

The only thing I'm certain of is that we're not supposed to understand it all or truly know.

If a person acts good only to get into Heaven, then their behavior isn't genuine and instead only guided by a threat/reward. If they believe there is no after-life or such consequences, they act accordingly under their own free will. For whatever reason, we are not given any proof. We don't have a weekly fireside chat with God, we don't receive the daily 'burning bush'. Sure, we have lots of people claiming to be communicating with God...but something doesn't add-up.

If Christians are right, then you must accept that Buddist are entirely & completely wrong. So were too the Romans with their multiple Gods. Let's not even get started on the Incas and Egyptians. Everyone can't be right; there can only be one correct answer and when you think about it, it doesn't make sense.

There's far too much to cover in one thread....but I'm certain we're supposed to question this issue and I'm equally certain we're, by design, not able to ascertain a firm answer: we are deliberately NOT given this information; like those who act good only for a reward, we're left in the dark so we can interpret it for ourselves and act entirely upon our own freewill.

Either way, it's beautiful.
Maybe theres a new thread starter bikey :p

If we go back billions of years ago, we know space-time begun about 15billions years ago. There really is no time at the quantum level, its simultaneous. Why would you think that maybe god was responsible for the big bang, it doesnt actually solve anything. We know there was some somethingness to begin with and that nothing is the next big thing (i.e in billions of years from now there will be nothing in the observable universe - some design huh...not). A lot of scientists actually think there are multiple universe, constantly sprining into existance, just like when bubbles form when you shake a can for example.

I think its suprising too ciarzy. You could imagine if another supreme intelligent life encountered as, how primitive, stupid, and arrogant they would think we are (most of us).
Hey Matt182, I did feel like you were having a go at me but it isn't a subjuct of passion and I did truly only add my (true) story as an icebreaker. I understand your passion for astrology...I've just taken interest in zodiacs, closely related to astrology, and although it's self interest I can see the relationship between zodiacs and personalities. So thankyou for your understanding.
Hold on buddy. Theres a BIG difference between astronomy and astrology. Astronomy amazing and true, astrology a load of bullsh*t - sorry its the truth ;). You dont actually beleive in that stuff do you? or are you looking for an argument ;)
Hey Matt182, I did feel like you were having a go at me but it isn't a subjuct of passion and I did truly only add my (true) story as an icebreaker. I understand your passion for astrology...I've just taken interest in zodiacs, closely related to astrology,

and although it's self interest I can see the relationship between zodiacs and personalities. So thankyou for your understanding.

Does that mean you actually believe in ( the validity of ) horoscopes - i.e " relationship between zodiacs and personalities " ?

On this alleged " relationship " - can explain to me ( briefly - in a nutshell ) how the day, month and year in which you were born influences your personality in any way ?
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I'm down for some philososophizing.....

As I see it, we are presented with a "reality" that we can't entirely understand & conceive. It's human nature to try to assign understanding to things around us...but questions are answered with more questions and nothing is entirely concrete or absolute.

The only thing I'm certain of is that we're not supposed to understand it all or truly know.

If Christians are right, l.

Is it safe to assume that you're an agnostic BSL ?:)
Why are you " shocked " ?

I'm shocked because I wouldnt have thought that the creationist demographic was that large. My parents are 'card-carrying' Roman Catholics who believe in evolution so I'd have imagine that 25%+ is quite large.

But hey isn't that the beauty of this forum, constant learning and healthy debate!
Is it safe to assume that you're an agnostic BSL ?:)

Agnostic? No...I like woman and I eat meat :D :D

I'm under the impression that no religioin is entirely right.....it's all man's interpretation and years of accumlated superstition. It's just human nature, helps us feel more secuure to understand that which surrounds us....and isn't it oh-so-wonderful to figure there's life after death??? Let me ask you this....

We find a planet and drop-off a few thousand people to start a new civiliation....give them nothing, provide them with no evidence that we had initiated their life there....just a couple thousand humans and raw materials. How much you wanna bet you can revisit the same planet a couple thousand years later and you'll find SEVERAL different religions all banging away their version of the truth & reality??? Each just as passionate as the next, probably even wars over it and people put to death or jailed over their beliefs.

So bring it back home.....and let me get this straight: of all the many religions on Earth...ONE is right and it just so happens to be the one that our ancestors subscribed to and we live near. How convienent.

I entertain the notion that everything was somehow created....largely because it's all too amazing, inconceivable and conveinent to just exist....but I figure the whole "God" concept is more of an energy force and not someone/something that listens when people "pray" for their football team to win a game.
You sound more of a pantheistic beleiver, just like eistein! No personal god but but god as a metaphor for the orderly workings of physics.

Why would you ask why he's suprided. Its like making a poll between a sperical eartrh and a flat earth, where 1 in 4 beleive in a flat earth. Its clear that our brains havnt evolved as good as it could have, the frontal lobe could have been bigger for example. byproducts that we see today such as religion, zodiacs, and lot of alternative medicine, are a result of instincts that helped us survive in the early days. Its ashame really, although at least a lot of great minds are able to see the light ;)
Yes Matt I agree theres a huge difference and NO I don't believe in astronomy I'm just investigating it for personal interest. I have an older friend (60 ish, I"m 30)) who can talk to someone for 5 mins and know there zodiac and personality and behavioral charictoristics so it just created some interest. I like to investigate little things that catch my attention, unfortunatly I don't have the time to investigate things as deeply as I'd like to.
Oh and accordiny to you CCR we must be witnissing these evolutionary changes if they occur that often :p

I wasn't very clear, what I meant was the transitional stages would be brief, like 100 years, but would occur very infrequently. I didn't mean a species would evolve every 100 years :)
Yes Matt I agree theres a huge difference and NO I don't believe in astronomy I'm just investigating it for personal interest. I have an older friend (60 ish, I"m 30)) who can talk to someone for 5 mins and know there zodiac and personality and behavioral charictoristics so it just created some interest. I like to investigate little things that catch my attention, unfortunatly I don't have the time to investigate things as deeply as I'd like to.


You " can see the relationship between zodiacs and personalities......closely related to astrology " .....yet..... you " don't believe in astronomy ".

I'm the other way around, as I see astronomy as a valid form of science and astrology as nothing but a scam.
Obviously with such vague interpretations most people will match with whatever zodiac they are. And when the majority do match the description they get this kind of personal feel and truth feeling, basically seeing a pattern when there really isnt any. Which kind of relates to the topic because this helped us back in the day and unfortunately still persists today which is why you see things like zodiacs and alternative medicine so popular.
Ok, so I was just catching up on some threads since I've been away for a while. While I admit I didn't read this thread all the way through, this topic reminded me of a conversation my husband (a scientist) and I had about this. He said that everything in life leans towards chaos. You drop a glass vase and it shatters into a million a pieces. But he said that with life, it's like dropping a million pieces and it turning into a glass vase. I believe in evolution but I don't dismiss that it is guided by some intelligent force.