Day 20 - Friday 20th January 2023 - Back to My Old Tricks
Weight: 196.6 lbs (-3.4 lbs)
Body fat: 45.7% (-)
BMI: 30 (-0.4)
Body fat back up, which is incredibly annoying, but that's because I'm not doing enough exercise. Weight down another little bit today - good! I hope it continues to melt off! It's time!
- orange juice; 2 milk trays
- branflakes and milk
- 2 coffees and milk; tea and milk
- 20 jellies
- sweet chilli chicken wrap
- love herbal tea
- 4 chewing gums
- 2 cans of gin and tonic
- bottle of white wine (13.5%)
- small bottle of white wine (12%)
I've completely gone off food and I'm back on the wine tonight.
Bad day.
Cigarettes: 14
Work turned into a disaster today. I handled a situation that I was upset about really badly. Something happened that really upset me, and it was like I was standing in front of a control panel with two buttons in front of me - one button read, 'Let It Go' and the other read 'Drama Option.' And of course I went for the drama option. Anyway, it was a learning opportunity for me, because I think when this situation arises again, I'll make the better choice of 'Let It Go.'
I'm going to try not to be too hard on myself about this, because I can see other areas of my life where I have really grown and improved. But today, I felt left out by the team - 4 of them went to lunch without me, and only kind of mentioned it as an afterthought - and that is my Achilles' heel. Feeling left out is the worst feeling in the world for me. (Root cause: Bullying in primary school.) So I tend to really lash out when it happens in my adult life. Sigh. The 'Let It Go' button is really the superior solution.
I've also developed an inappropriate crush again, which is also spiraling me towards the 'Full Drama Option', a level up from what happened today. It's also really making me want to lose the weight quickly, which I think is what is suppressing my appetite. So, is it so bad to like someone who is very much not available? The thing is, he texted me last night - not anything saucy or anything, but it was after 11pm, and I was kind of like, 'Hmm...' He's a very handsome man. Ugh. Anyway. If knowing him helps me get back to optimal shape, then that's a win in my book!!