Dry & Eric: The Green Mile

Last night's workout:

7 min warm-up on bike

100x15x1 150x5x1 160x3x1
(weight does not include bar...I will have to check how much it weighs)

35x6x1 35x5x2

Decline Situps (these are badass)
15x2 10x1

The above 3 exercises we're done in a superset.

DB Shoulder Press/Lat. Raise Superset
15x6x3 each exercise

Lat Pulldown
(for the first time this exercise actually gave me a burn in the lats, finaly)
105x10x1 120x7x2

25 minutes on bike on alpine pass program (interval cardio) level 10

For some reason or another I weighted 199 this morning...don't really care...lifts are going up...waist still going down...more and more veins showing up.

This is what happens when you slack off on your meal planning...lol. It's probably just water intake or a defective scale. Meh.

Love Warcraft III

I write my workouts down on my little pad and leave it at the gym so I don't really remember exactly what I'm doing or when I'm doing it, but I've, since we started, hit the gym 3x or 4x weekly and do upper & lower splits. I dunno, I've seen 15lbs added to almost all my weights so far, I think that I'm gaining strength, plus I've gained 4 lbs and can still see my abs so I'm certain my progress is fine... But I really should write down my workouts for you I suppose....

I skipped last night because I played final fantasy II on SNES for about 5 hours instead. Gah.

You suppose? You think I write my workouts here for your illusionary friend Bob?


Tonight I have to work on fixing a computer again...at 7:00PM I am going to the sports complex and will (finaly!) start enjoying a decent swim.

I love water so damn much, I could swim in it all day - if I didn't turn into a raisin.

My plans to swim went down the drain. :(

I went and bought some swimming shorts and some sweet speedo googles and when I got to the customer service counter at the complex I got a: "Sorry, short on life guards, can't let you in."

Stupid %#$@%#$%.


I am re-thinking my workouts.

For some reason or another I weighed in at 199.5 this morning.

Tonight I weighed 198.4.

I will wait a few days as I suspect my water intake this week-end was high and is what caused this. If not, then it means I am bulking way more than I want. If this weight doesn't come off by the end of the week I will re-adjust my workouts to keep myself in the 8-10 rep range to lower bulkage gains.

When I tried my shorts in the men's room I noticed a lot more muscles but my huge protruding belly still disgusts me. ack!

Now....to clean up the mess that is my apartment and to fix this god damn computer.


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Week 6, Day 1
Bench Press: 135 x 8; 145 x 8; 160 x 5
Flat Dumbell Bench Press:55 x 8; 55 x 8; 60 x 3
Flat Dumbell Fly: 30 x 8, 30 x 8; 35 x 8
Barbell Rows: 90 x 8; 110 x 8; 130 x 8
Dumbell Clean & Jerks 20 x 8; 20 x 8; 25 x 3
Dumbell Shrugs: 75 x 8; 75 x 8; 75 x 8
Dumbell Curls:30 x 8; 30 x 8; 35 x 6
I am halfway thru my program, I now weigh 165 lbs. (up 5 from the start)
My increases are as follows:

Bench Press: 25 lbs
Flat Dumbell Bench Press: 20 lbs
Flat Dumbell Fly: 0 lbs
Barbell Rows: 35 lbs
Dumbell Clean & Jerks 15 lbs
Dumbell Shrugs: 0 lbs
Dumbell Curls: 0 lbs
Also I twisted my ankle a bit waterskiing Sunday, no worries, but I surely can't do any lower body exercise that would put pressure on it. I hope to be at full strength by this weekend.

Tonight is yet another FBW routine.

When I deadlifted 200# last week, I woke up with a bad knee the next morning. The knee is still bad and will discontinue any lower body exercise until it is resolved.

Due to this I will increase the cardio routine by 5-10 minutes to compensate.

My apartment succumbed to a make over yesterday...my desk is re-arranged and re-organized. Fixing computers is easier now and studying will be better also.

I will work on a progress tracking table today. I have a rough idea of the gains I got this year but I want more solid numbers.

Those are pretty nice gains Dry, keep it up.

Thanks, I'm not overly excited with the gains I've made, the compounds look like good increases, but being new to this whole thing, I believe better form accounts for more than anything.
The eat less part needs to be taken care of. :rolleyes:

I'm such a slacker, ugh.

I eat less than my maintenance all the time though...I'm pretty sure I just drank to many fluids in the week end...the weight is now down by 1.5# which seems to support what I am saying. The rest of the fluids will be taken care of today as I am receiving my shipment of cylinders today (any minute now) and am doing a pretty big workout tonight on top of that. I have 40 minutes of cardio and 11 lifts to do tonight :yelrotflmao:

I like kicking my own ass. :D

I made myself a table with Word. It's pretty practical. I track down everything (but nutrition) with it. I will make one for nutrition when the planning is done.

How long would you say it took you to get those gains, Dry?

took 5 weeks to gain 5 lbs of weight (1 lb per week) and whatever it is I'm putting up now. The good is that at 1 lb per week it's probably not as much fat as I'd like (I can still at 165 see some ab definition) the bad is that my waist size has increased meaning that too much of the weight has gone to that area.
25lbs on bench press in 5 weeks is royal ass kicking if you ask me.

The first place fat will goto is at the core, ie. waist, abs, love handles etc. Quite normal IMO.

I'm pretty sure you are pretty dead on with your goal.

I don't think there has been a day where I did not want to work out as much as I did yesterday night.

After my shipment of cylinders - I am burnt and drained and feel like simply doing nothing when I get home after getting one of these.

I got home and crumbled into my bed for about 50 minutes.

Got up - drowsy as **** and went on my computer to chat and stuff. Everything was telling to stay home and not go to the gym. I was tired and bored out of my mind....totally...then I started playing WoW.

Then, I suddenly stopped playing, got up and said: "**** it, get off yo ass bitch and get to it."

I went to the gym totally bummed out and drained and came back out as though I just drank 3 red bulls.

I didn't go to sleep until 1 AM - I wake up this morning and feel like complete dynamite.

Workout consisted of:

10 min warmup on bike, level 7-11.

100x12 150x8 150x3 (not including bar, must be about 10#)

Standing Alternating Curls
35x6 35x5x2

Decline Sit-Ups (these kick my ass pretty hard, not even used to them yet and was still sore from previous routine)
BWx5x2 (yep that's right 5x2)

Back hyper extensions

Above 4 exercises done in super set

DB Bent Over Row

DB Shoulder Press/Side Lateral Raise
15x5x3 each exercise

30 min. Alpine Pass Interval Program on bike. MHR was kept at 140-170 during the whole thing and I have to say, it was pretty hard on the legs. Level 10.
3 minute miles.
Burnt about 215cals on bike alone...hardest bike run to date.

Tonight I am going, once more, to the sports complex to try and get in for a swim, hopefully they have enough lifeguards this time. I will show up at the opening.

Hoping to stay there for about an hour.

It's a machine BP station where the bar is held onto rails...it's pretty big like 2 inches in diameter...but it doesn't feel heavy when no weights are on it...I am guessing it is 10ish pounds...but am unsure.

Do plenty of BP at home on on a flat bench and BB....that one feels like 10# also...maybe 6-7 feet wide and 1 inch in diameter solid steel.

I am tired of not knowing how much these bars weigh. :bncry:

Maybe 45lbs is lighter than I think on the BP?

Last night was the concluding night of summer dart league, our team took third, thus winning our entry fees back. Because it was the last night of the league, there was also an open bar from 6pm - 2am, which I took full advantage of.

Now I sit at my desk feeling pretty *****ty and tired. This evening I may or may not go there, I have 3 appointments to look at new places to live so we'll see how drained I am once I get done with those.
Went for a 20 minute swim tonight, god damn! swimming is good cardio.

I took some progress pics and was totally shot down...my lifts went up a good deal but there appears to be zero change on the fat loss. At least I built some muscles.

This is the direct result of my slacking off from doing my meal planning.

I am not going to bed until it is done.

Tomorrow I wake up an hour early and go for a 30 min walk.

I will go for these walks each day during the week.

Going to work...toodles.

Working the night shift?

just got back from ye old fitness center... my back is torn up.

I did:

Pullups: 10 x bw, 8 x bw, 7 x bw
Bent Over Rows: 90 x 8, 130 x 5, 130 x 5
Lat Pulldown & Face Pull Superset: 115 x 8 (lat) 100 x 8 (face), 130 x 8 (lat) 110 x 8 (face), 115 x 7 (lat), 130 x 8 (face)
Front DB Raises & Side DB Raises: 15 x 8 (each), 15 x 8 (each), 20 x 5 (each)
DB Skull Crushers & DB Curl Superset: 25 x 8 (each), 30 x 8 (each), 30 x 8 (each)
Weight Holding (hold the DB by the head to build forearm): 15 lb DB for 60 seconds (dropped 3 times :-/ )
Keep up that swimming, its great for muscle gain, atho swimmers always seem to have a different shouldery build

not only do you have to make your diet, you have to stick with it man, it's the only thing thats important. You can work out until you're blue in the face (and I'm sure you've done that once or twice) but at the end of the day its all about calorie manipulation and YOU KNOW THIS

for *****s sake man! haha, well keep workin at it, its good to see those nice strength gains either way!