Couch to 5K Club

That's awesome about signing up for the 5k Tyly. My dad has started running again recently and I'm hoping maybe he would want to do a 5k with me this summer.


That's awesome! I wish I had someone to do it with me!

[Focus];409847 said:
Tyly, I'm glad you realize that you are being a clownfish when you over-analyze and mope. You're a smart girl and you know shit takes time. And often steps backward to even move forward. There's a word for assessment without perspective... craziness. ;)

Haha! This made me laugh out loud! Thank you for that! :)

wow well done DA! Races are really exciting :D

Thanks! I'm pretty nervous since it's my first one! Not about the time or anything... just more of a what do I do when I get there? I was looking at pictures, and there's thousands of people and teams! I'm going to be clueless, but I'm going to do it! :D
Weekend Update:

Good morning C25Kers!

I finally completed Week 2, Day 1 Friday night. I got 2.12 miles in 31 minutes. It went alright...not the best...not the worst. I guess I felt like I needed more recovery time than 2 minutes between each 90 second run. Oh well, nothing's easy the first time. I'll give it a try again tonight, and if it feels like I need more time, I'll give myself more time.

Saturday was an off day since I was out of town at a wedding.

Yesterday I did 2.04 miles just walking for 35 minutes.

Tonight is Week 2, Day 2. - Wish me luck...

P.S. - TOOTING MY OWN HORN - I posted several sets of 20 lbs lost progress pics in my diary - check them out!
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Well everyone. I have been doing a terrible job of keeping up with everyone else and even keeping up with myself. HA. good thing we are all adults here and able to do it ourselves.

So, I need to get W2D3 finished today so I can start W3 ASAP. This past week has been pretty tough for me with sleeping hours and lack of sleeping hours and so many other things going on. I guess it was a good thing it was spring break else I'd have lost my mind already.

So, here's to me getting back to schedules.. all of them, my eating, sleeping, working out, running, class and homework.. ALL of them.

Hmm.. now that I've motivated myself let's see if I make it to the treadmill.
Ok, so today was suppose to be my first day. Well, it's not. I already blew it. The fact is I was looking forward to getting up early this morning and doing my run. I thought it'd be nice to be outside at daybreak. But my husband had a surprize for me last night. Yesterday was my birthday and about 7pm the doorbell started ringing and kept ringing. Seems my husband and my daughter planned a surprize party for me. Needless to say, after being up late and consuming wine that everyone kept bringing, I didn't get up! Wednesday will be my first day.

Congratulations Daiseeangel on signing up for the race! I always thought it would be cool to do that. And don't worry about your speed. You're an inspiration to me.
C25K W2 D3 Complete!!! YAY.

So, here's what I did.

3 min warm-up
90 sec jog @ 7.0
2.5 min walk 4.2
then started the real intervals
7.0 90
4.0 120
7.0 90
4.0 120
7.1 90
4.0 120
7.0 90
4.0 120
7.0 90
4.0 120
7.5 for 80 sec and 7.0 for 10
Cool Down -

I was kinda hot from today's workout. Sweat was pouring off of me. heh. I gots proof.
I found a good site describing proper running form. I'm sure there is a lot of us out there that could use this info:

As well, here is a thread on a different forum that relates to shin splints (which I am having a bit of a problem with!).

I finished Wk 2 Day 3 last bring Week 3 on!!!
Welcome to the team smith123. :)

I completed W2 D3 on Sunday. I didn't post it until now because my work load was crazy at my job this weekend. I swore my head was going to fly off it was spinning so fast. I'm a Supervisor at Six Flags Magic Mountain, and I work in the Ride Operations department. I have some interesting times there, let me tell you. Apparently I also teach training classes. I found out I'm doing one this Friday... Yea. lol Maybe I will find a fellow runner in the class, and we can run around the park together. :p

Anyway I did 1.90 miles in 20 minutes. I really want to hit that ten minute mile, but I'm just not there yet. I'll be start W3 Wednesday!
Thanks luciouslemon for the link to the article on proper form. I am definitely going to check that out this morning. I have HORRIBLE form!

I completed Week 2, Day 2 last night and surprised myself:

Warm Up
1 min each @ 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 & 3.8

1.5 min @ 5.5 / 2 min @ 4.0 (Repeat 6 Times)

Cool Down
1 min each @ 3.8, 3.6, 3.4, 3.2 & 3.0

Total Distance = 2.19 miles in 31 minutes

OMG - I did my runs at 5.5 not 5.0! I'm probably still slower than everyone else - but that's a great increase for me! Go me!
photocrazed and Tarrish: I've just completed W2D3 on Sunday too :)

I was really struggling at one point, then during the walking period bf pointed out to me that I had been practically sprinting. Don't know why I had upped my speed, but my body did not like it and I quickly corrected my pace back to jogging which felt like a breeze in comparison.

Still I'm interested, if not a little worried, to see how my body reacts to jogging for 3 mins on my next outing (W3D1)

The problem I have this week is that we have house guests staying with us until Saturday, and so I fear that I will be caught up with entertaining them and not get a chance to run.

Thankfully we are getting out of town at the weekend and not only will I have plenty of time to run, we will have lovely countryside to do it in.

[Focus];408523 said:
Word to your mother.When I have to talk myself up to it I ask why I want to do the things I want to do. If that doesn't work (and it usually does), I outline my choices for myself (undisciplined, fat and weak or strong-willed, lean and strong) and ask myself which I want until something inside me responds.

Thanks, wise words. See it worked for you the other night when it took you an hour to leave the house. I am going to try and put it into practice
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Today I did my Week 2 Day 2 workout. It felt really good, actually. This is kind of how it broke down:

Warm up 5 minutes 4.1mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 6.5mph
Walked 2 minutes 4.2mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 6.6mph
Walked 2 minutes 4.2mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 6.7mph
Walked 2 minutes 4.2mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 6.8mph
Walked 2 minutes 4.2mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 6.9mph
Walked 2 minutes 4.2mph
Ran 1.5 minutes 7.0mph
Walked 1 or 2 minutes 4.2mph

Hoping to increase these mph's in the next workouts. I think I'm a day behind, and I feel up to it, so I might do Day 3 tomorrow just so I can be back on track on Thursday to start Week 3. I dunno if that's off limits or not... I was going to run tomorrow anyways. I have really noticed lately how great my Asics feel when I run in them:D

Awesome job Sam! You'd be running circles around me at those speeds!

Last night was a night off from C25K, but I still got on the treadmill.

I did 1.69 miles uphill in 30 minutes.

Tonight is Week 2, Day 3 of C25K for me.

Will report on how that goes sometime tomorrow morning.
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Congratulations everyone for all their hard work!

Looks like Week 3 consists of the following:
* Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
and repeat 1 time.

5 minute warm up: 3.8-4.3mph
1st jog 90 secs: 6.8mph
1st walk 90: 4.0mph
1st jog 3 min: 6.3mph
1st walk 3 min:3.8-4.0mph
2nd jog 90 secs: 7.0mph (bad idea)
2nd walk 90 secs:3.8-4.0
2nd jog 3 mins: 6.5 (1st 10 secs) 6.3 thereafter for 2.50 mins
2nd walk 3 mins: 3.8mph

I honestly didn't think I was going to make it through this C25K Day. As soon as I got on the treadmill I began feeling sick to my stomach. I think that either my food last night didn't agree with me or I'm coming down with something. I made it all the way through the last 3 min jog (read: barely made it) and had to pause the treadmill to dash to the bathroom so I didn't make a mess all over the floor. (that would have been fun to clean up). Got back on the treadmill and finished up my cool down. (Guess I could have gotten too hot too). I dunno.

25 minutes 2 miles and later I have leg workout at the gym. Go me. :puke:
Hoping to increase these mph's in the next workouts. I think I'm a day behind, and I feel up to it, so I might do Day 3 tomorrow just so I can be back on track on Thursday to start Week 3. I dunno if that's off limits or not... I was going to run tomorrow anyways. I have really noticed lately how great my Asics feel when I run in them:D


Listen to your body. You'll know if you are up for doing it 2 days in a row. =) Personally, I am finding that I can't with the Ab routine and lower body workouts because I'm using my hip flexors so much I can barely make it through the ab routine.. I mean, I have to stop a lot more now than I used too already because of them.

Good Luck with your workout and all that running! Great job on the speeds.

I think I'm going to try to pick up with the distance before I increase speed any, because It's harder for me running longer distances at higher speed since I just started.
I honestly didn't think I was going to make it through this C25K Day. As soon as I got on the treadmill I began feeling sick to my stomach. I think that either my food last night didn't agree with me or I'm coming down with something. I made it all the way through the last 3 min jog (read: barely made it) and had to pause the treadmill to dash to the bathroom so I didn't make a mess all over the floor. (that would have been fun to clean up). Got back on the treadmill and finished up my cool down. (Guess I could have gotten too hot too). I dunno.

25 minutes 2 miles and later I have leg workout at the gym. Go me. :puke:

Tasha, that's terrible! Hope you're feeling better. Did you include the run to the bathroom in you're total mileage. LOL.

I finished Week 3 Day 1 last night. I have to say that it wasn't bad at all. I think I'm going to really push it next time and see where it takes me. Good Job everyone!
Congratulations everyone for all their hard work!

Looks like Week 3 consists of the following:
* Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
and repeat 1 time.

5 minute warm up: 3.8-4.3mph
1st jog 90 secs: 6.8mph
1st walk 90: 4.0mph
1st jog 3 min: 6.3mph
1st walk 3 min:3.8-4.0mph
2nd jog 90 secs: 7.0mph (bad idea)
2nd walk 90 secs:3.8-4.0
2nd jog 3 mins: 6.5 (1st 10 secs) 6.3 thereafter for 2.50 mins
2nd walk 3 mins: 3.8mph

I honestly didn't think I was going to make it through this C25K Day. As soon as I got on the treadmill I began feeling sick to my stomach. I think that either my food last night didn't agree with me or I'm coming down with something. I made it all the way through the last 3 min jog (read: barely made it) and had to pause the treadmill to dash to the bathroom so I didn't make a mess all over the floor. (that would have been fun to clean up). Got back on the treadmill and finished up my cool down. (Guess I could have gotten too hot too). I dunno.

25 minutes 2 miles and later I have leg workout at the gym. Go me. :puke:

That sucks that you weren't feeling too well. I hope your not coming down with anything, that is never fun. I ended up not doing the 3rd day of Week 2 today because I did a pretty hardcore Plyometrics workout with the PT today and my legs felt too JELLO like to run... But I will get it in tomorrow and then hopefully be able to start Week 3 on Friday or Saturday.

Take it easy,
Well kids, I finished Week 8 today!

Only one more week to go, and I will be done with the program! The only problem with that is I don't know how to create a training schedule for myself for the 5K! I'll have about 1.5 months to train once I'm done with C25K, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it!
Well kids, I finished Week 8 today!

Only one more week to go, and I will be done with the program! The only problem with that is I don't know how to create a training schedule for myself for the 5K! I'll have about 1.5 months to train once I'm done with C25K, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it!

just keep running your 30 minute runs (or 3 miles). for a 5k you don't really need to do much differently if you're running about 5k 3 times a week anyway. you can increase your distance. some people go into the 1hr runner program or hal higdon's spring training program after they do c25k. keep going, you're doing great.
Just finished W3 D1. I decided to take things a little slower since I've been having trouble with my foot. I still enjoyed my jog, even if I'm not going as fast as I wanted to at this point.

I jogged 2.07 miles in thirty minutes.
just keep running your 30 minute runs (or 3 miles). for a 5k you don't really need to do much differently if you're running about 5k 3 times a week anyway. you can increase your distance. some people go into the 1hr runner program or hal higdon's spring training program after they do c25k. keep going, you're doing great.

Thank you!

I am going to research those programs you mentioned. I've never heard of them!

Thanks again!
