Couch to 5K Club

Today's my momma's 43rd birthday! :)

Yesterday I ran my 28 minutes. Only 2 more days of Week 8!

I almost ran the entire 2.4 miles (correct distance his time! GRR. still mad about that.) in the 28 minutes. That tells me that I am going pretty darn slow! Bah. Oh well... I'm just going to keep pushing myself.

The way I see it is that I have until May 2nd to train for the 5K.

I began the Couch - 5K program at the beginning of January (the 7th) as a total non runner. In just under 2 months, I have gotten to where I can run 28 minutes straight. Not fast, but I can do it.

Judging by that progress I made in 2 months, I am certain that in 2 more months I can train myself to run the entire 3.1 miles at a decent speed. I can almost run 2.4 miles in 28 minutes, so I'm sure that I can reach 3.1 miles in 35 minutes (at the most! - hopefully even faster!) by May 2nd.

I'm trying so hard to be positive about this! :)

that's awesome, go you!

it's pretty incredible what the program can do. I finished it in Dec. of last year and when I started I'd never run in my life. I remember huffing and puffing through wk1 day1. Thinking that I can now run 5k is pretty amazing. As long as it's fun and you're enjoying it, that's all that matters.
w2 d2 complete. I only did the program today. No extras since tonight is a Lower body workout at the gym.

2.5 miles, 31:30 time.. forgot to look at calories. Oh well.

I gotta figure out my calf problem too. I've been having pain in the inner front portion of my calves (both sides) not on my shins, but where the inner front of the soleus muscle attaches to the bone. It hurts like a beyotch. Started bothering me last year when doing Aerobics and volleyball and it's been hurting ever since. Any ideas??

are you doing any stretching that targets that area?
are you doing any stretching that targets that area?

I have been trying to, but maybe I'm not doing the right kind. Any ideas?

I took some photos today and circled the exact area that bothers me.. it's like right in the middle of that area and it's definitely not muscle pain.. it has something to do with the bone too. :willy_nilly:

Like I said, it initially started when I was playing volleyball about 4-5 hours a week and doing Aerobics 2-3 hours a week back in Aug/Sept. In January, when I first started walking and running, they both hurt so bad I was in tears at times and unable to walk on a daily basis and had to quit walking early on some trips because of the pain. I'm not sure if the pain has weakened or if I have just gotten used to it. I just wish I could make it stop!
I gotta figure out my calf problem too. I've been having pain in the inner front portion of my calves (both sides) not on my shins, but where the inner front of the soleus muscle attaches to the bone. It hurts like a beyotch. Started bothering me last year when doing Aerobics and volleyball and it's been hurting ever since. Any ideas??

Are you positive it isn't shin splints? I know you said it's not technically on your shin, but since you think it's a pain in the bone and on the muscle perhaps it's the same thing but in a different area. What kind of pain is it (sharp, dull, constant, comes in waves, etc.)? Are there any other symptoms (swelling, tenderness, etc.)? Do other parts of your body hurt?
Are you positive it isn't shin splints? I know you said it's not technically on your shin, but since you think it's a pain in the bone and on the muscle perhaps it's the same thing but in a different area. What kind of pain is it (sharp, dull, constant, comes in waves, etc.)? Are there any other symptoms (swelling, tenderness, etc.)? Do other parts of your body hurt?

Well, I was thinking that shin splints only occurred in a single area of the shin, and after doing some research this evening I am finding that's not the case. It looks like it could be medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) just on the inner bone/muscle area.

The pain is pretty sharp at times and hurts worse on my right leg than my left when I'm in action. If I apply pressure to the bone of the area, it sends a sharp pain on both sides though. It's not constant pain though. It didn't really bother me much today until I did my C25K, but it's not so bad that I want to quit doing it. I'd like to find ways to stretch or change the way I'm running (Like if I'm not going heal first or whatever). I'm going to start paying attention to what makes it a lot worse.

I had been on an anti inflammatory for a torn ligament in my finger, and that could have made the pain better over the last 2 months and now since I haven't really been taking them, I'm wondering if that's why it's getting worse.
Week 2, Day 2:

I'm so slow, argh! I don't know if it's the running outside or if I had been miscounting my laps around the track. I think I'll stay with the outside running until the weather gets nasty (i.e. hot), especially since I'll be running my 5k outdoors, not on a track. Instead of building up to week three the once i get back from spring break, i may just redo week 2. I think it'll be best for my stamina and speed in the long run.

I got some friends to commit to a 5k next spring, by then I should be a speed demon. :D
So I have this test tomorrow that I was having trouble concentrating for, so I decided to go to the rec and burn off my excess energy so I could focus...I never knew so many people worked out after 10pm. There wasn't a cardio machine open. I ended up on the track and it was so much easier to do a week 2 program now than it was this morning. I think half of it was because I was trying to pace myself with people that looked like seasoned runners. I think I need to find a jogging buddy...
Today's my momma's 43rd birthday! :)

Yesterday I ran my 28 minutes. Only 2 more days of Week 8!

I almost ran the entire 2.4 miles (correct distance his time! GRR. still mad about that.) in the 28 minutes. That tells me that I am going pretty darn slow! Bah. Oh well... I'm just going to keep pushing myself.

The way I see it is that I have until May 2nd to train for the 5K.

I began the Couch - 5K program at the beginning of January (the 7th) as a total non runner. In just under 2 months, I have gotten to where I can run 28 minutes straight. Not fast, but I can do it.

Judging by that progress I made in 2 months, I am certain that in 2 more months I can train myself to run the entire 3.1 miles at a decent speed. I can almost run 2.4 miles in 28 minutes, so I'm sure that I can reach 3.1 miles in 35 minutes (at the most! - hopefully even faster!) by May 2nd.

I'm trying so hard to be positive about this! :)

Awesome job daiseeangel!! I hope I can say that when I hit week eight. Day two of week 2 was harder for me than the first day. That worries me a little bit. I'll explain more in my post.
I finished Day 2 Week 2 Tuesday morning. I jog/ walked 1.84 miles in twenty minutes. Weird thing is I found day two harder than day one. That worries me a little bit because I was hoping things would get easier as I went along.

I think it can be accounted to two things though. I just kind of quit smoking (I say kind of because saying "I quit forever" puts a lot of pressure on me lol), so maybe my body is stressed out. Most think quitting smoking is all just lollypops and puppies, but the first few weeks even months it doesn't feel good.

Also, much like you photocrazed, I'm having bad pain in my left foot. To be more precise the pain is coming from my heel. I don't know what's going on with it, but when I run it starts to bother me. If I press on a part of the heel I feel the pain too. The back of my heels is a little raised almost like there is extra bone. I would think this was a problem, but my other foot is sort of like that too. I need to get it checked out, but getting a doctor's appointment takes FOREVER! I just hope it isn't anything to serious. I also hope I'm able to run like I'm suppose to without the pain.
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Good morning runners...

Checking in - I did not work out in any shape or form last night and feel like a total loser this morning because of it.

Anyone who reads my diary knows that my husband and I have been fighting, and we finally settled it all last night, but it took almost 3 hours...and until we were done fighting, it was 7:30-7:45ish. I go to bed around 9-9:30ish, so if I would have done W2, D1 that late, I never would have slept.

Ughh...and I was really looking forward to W2, D1!! Honest...

Tonight after work, I have to get my hair done (which takes FOREVER!), so I am going to TRY to work in W2, D1 tonight.

I want to post more on how everyone else is doing, but will need to do so later. It is 8:37 now and I need to leave at 9:15 to go to the cardiologist, so I better get some actual work done before I leave!!
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I finished Day 2 Week 2 Tuesday morning. I jog/ walked 1.84 miles in twenty minutes. Weird thing is I found day two harder than day one. That worries me a little bit because I was hoping things would get easier as I went along.

I think it can be accounted to two things though. I just kind of quit smoking (I say kind of because saying "I quit forever" puts a lot of pressure on me lol), so maybe my body is stressed out. Most think quitting smoking is all just lollypops and puppies, but the first few weeks even months it doesn't feel good.

Also, much like you photocrazed, I'm having bad pain in my left foot. To be more precise the pain is coming from my heel. I don't know what's going on with it, but when I run it starts to bother me. If I press on a part of the heel I feel the pain too. The back of my heels is a little raised almost like there is extra bone. I would think this was a problem, but my other foot is sort of like that too. I need to get it checked out, but getting a doctor's appointment takes FOREVER! I just hope it isn't anything to serious. I also hope I'm able to run like I'm suppose to without the pain.

I am a former smoker and I know how it is quitting. Although I quit 2-15-1998. The first 2 years or so were hell off an on and after that, I still craved cigarettes for another 6 years I guess. But if you smoke one (which I did in 2002, at least I tried to smoke one) you realize the taste isn't the same as you last remembered and crave and it's quite nasty.

I know you can do it if it's something that YOU want to do. I also hope you get your foot checked out and find out what the problem is. Good Luck!
Good morning runners...

Checking in - I did not work out in any shape or form last night and feel like a total loser this morning because of it.

Anyone who reads my diary knows that my husband and I have been fighting, and we finally settled it all last night, but it took almost 3 hours...and until we were done fighting, it was 7:30-7:45ish. I go to bed around 9-9:30ish, so if I would have done W2, D1 that late, I never would have slept.

Ughh...and I was really looking forward to W2, D1!! Honest...

Tonight after work, I have to get my hair done (which takes FOREVER!), so I am going to TRY to work in W2, D1 tonight.

I want to post more on how everyone else is doing, but will need to do so later. It is 8:37 now and I need to leave at 9:15 to go to the cardiologist, so I better get some actual work done before I leave!!

GOod Luck today at the docs, and I'm glad you and hubby have gotten the vacay thing figured out. I'll go check your diary soon! Hit up w2 d1 tonight, and things move right along if you can. =)
I haven't posted in what seems ages (at least 4 pages ago!)

In my last post I said that the bf and I had been slacking but we were off for a run that night. Well completed that run (3rd run of week 2) and I just wanted to keep running it was great, but we haven't run again since then.

We always try to run together and as lately he hasn't been finishing work until 9pm, last night it was 10:45, we haven't been going.

I guess I should take the initiative and go and run on my own, but it's much more enjoyable when we do it together. The fact that we do it together is what makes us do.

I know he'll be home late again today and we are out for dinner with friends tomorrow so it means I wouldn't do any runs until Saturday.

I am going to have to see if I can get my head around running solo. It seems that most people in the group are solo runners. And you all seem to be much more disciplined than me. Any tips?

Congratulations to all you that are sticking to it. I hope you all feel great cos you deserve to :)
I'm back - doc says I'm fine and good to go for the next 10 months.

Tasha - are you getting those new running shoes you mentioned any time soon? When I got my first pair on anti-pronation shoes, the running store had a special foot doctor (he wasn't a podiatrist - can't remember what they called him) who listened to me as a I described the pain I was getting while running and showed him the areas it hurt (like you did with the pics). I don't remember all that much about it now because it was literally years ago, but I do remember he was EXTREMELY helpful and I haven't had a single shin-splint yet. In fact, he was so helpful that I vowed all of my running shoes would come from that store from that point forward. Just a thought on how you could find out exactly what the problem is...

This brings up a shoes question for anyone who wants to answer. What's the life of a pair of running shoes? How frequently should I replace them? I do buy good shoes (New Balance), but I know they won't last forever...

LillyJo - I prefer to run alone rather than with my husband. Yes, I run on a treadmill, but he has offered to run with me outside. He wants to chat, and I really need to focus because I have horrible form and am really slow. That's why I run alone.

Pennybear: My goodness. I could never workout after 10 PM and get a decent night's sleep! Good luck getting ready for that 5K!
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Today's my momma's 43rd birthday! :)

Word to your mother.

I am going to have to see if I can get my head around running solo. It seems that most people in the group are solo runners. And you all seem to be much more disciplined than me. Any tips?

I don't know that there's any trick to it. I mean, you just tell yourself you're going to do it, and then you follow through. Do that a couple times and your discipline improves and you start to develop a sense of accomplishment. Just like working out a muscle, really. Train hard and you will become stronger.

When I have to talk myself up to it I ask why I want to do the things I want to do. If that doesn't work (and it usually does), I outline my choices for myself (undisciplined, fat and weak or strong-willed, lean and strong) and ask myself which I want until something inside me responds. And if that doesn't work, I put on some "strong" music and read something motivational from what I call my "hope box" (a little basket of collected papers and items that help me remember why and what I want). If all of that managed to fail me (and it hasn't yet), I'd tell myself I obviously don't want it bad enough and to just not. Then I'd feel really really bad about myself until I got up and did it haha. :D

This brings up a shoes question for anyone who wants to answer. What's the life of a pair of running shoes? How frequently should I replace them? I do buy good shoes (New Balance), but I know they won't last forever...

They say every 300-500 miles. Sometimes 400-500. Supposedly it's even better to have two pairs and rotate them, which will let you get a little more out of them. To be honest I'm not terribly clear on why. Odor maybe? Haha. I just use Lysol II Country Fresh spray. Not even dookie (horse, I swear) is a match for Country Fresh.
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[Focus];408523 said:
They say every 300-500 miles. Sometimes 400-500. Supposedly it's even better to have two pairs and rotate them, which will let you get a little more out of them. To be honest I'm not terribly clear on why. Odor maybe? Haha. I just use Lysol II Country Fresh spray. Not even dookie (horse, I swear) is a match for Country Fresh.

A runner I used to know, explain the two shoe thing for me. When you run everyday, especially for long distances, the foam and support stuff in the shoes needs a chance to "puff" back up. It takes over 24hrs to do that. If you run in the same shoes day everyday, the foam is continually compressed and doesn't do what its supposed to. I don't think its as big of a deal for those of us who don't run everyday.
Supposedly it's even better to have two pairs and rotate them, which will let you get a little more out of them. To be honest I'm not terribly clear on why.
It allows the shoe to dry out completely before wearing them again...