Couch to 5K Club

Aw, that sucks daiseeangel. Well, now you have some extra movtivation behind you to step up your work out. I'm sure you'll be up to speed in no time. :)

I started week 2 day one, and it was a little different. Sometimes I was getting annoyed with the extra jogging, and then other times I was like "Bring it on!" I guess I'll have to see how the next two go.

I did see a little improvement in my speed. 1.91 miles in 20 minutes.
May I ask what the name of the podcast is on itunes?

I am interested in starting this running plan and the music would help greatly.

If you search "Podcasts for running" it should pop up. It's creator is Robert Ullrey. Good luck in finding and welcome if you should join the club!
Good morning everyone! Just checking in and staying accountable.

Last night I finished the Week 1 Day 3 workout with 2.03 miles in 30 minutes. I was thinking and you know what? I think am going to go ahead and move on to Week 2 on Wednesday. I actually saw an improvement in my stamina (and a little better form already), so why not give it a try? If it's too hard, I'll back down to the Week 1 workout.

Tonight is just my light walking jogging for me.

So how'd everyone do last night?

Great job finishing up week 1 and feeling great. So you are basically doing what I did with week 2.. started soon after week 1. I felt great doing it too. Just don't be afraid to move back a day if needed.

I think I'm starting to get addicted to this running stuff and hope I can keep myself only on walk mode today. Yesterday I was dripping sweat and boy did that make me feel awesome. When I was walking after I finished the podcast for the next 15 minutes, I started cooling down and wanted to be sweating more.. haha so I started running again. =) (I'm dumb)

Man, I am totally ticked off.

I just redrove the route that I have been running, and I discovered that it isn't .8 miles like I thought. It's actually only .6 miles! GRRR.

I know that doesn't sound like too huge of a difference, but it's a huge difference to me!

I run the route 3 times, so when I thought I was running 2.4 miles, I was actually only running 1.8. I have more work to do than I thought. How depressing.


Oh Tyly, that sucks! I know that must be really upset you last night, but look on the bright side, you are still running that entire time and running an entire 25 minutes without stopping. Yeah, it's an obstacle, but well, it's one that you can overcome!! We are all hear for ya.
Tasha: I know what you mean about being sweaty and proud! I walk around the house all confident each time I finish another C25K session! Make sure you WALK only today - no injuries please!

Tyly: That stinks your distance was off, but you know what, you're still an awesome motivator and inspiration for the rest of us. Don't be depressed! We all know you'll push yourself to get where you want to be.
Oh Tyly, that sucks! I know that must be really upset you last night, but look on the bright side, you are still running that entire time and running an entire 25 minutes without stopping. Yeah, it's an obstacle, but well, it's one that you can overcome!! We are all hear for ya.

Tyly: That stinks your distance was off, but you know what, you're still an awesome motivator and inspiration for the rest of us. Don't be depressed! We all know you'll push yourself to get where you want to be.

Thank you so much ladies! That is why I am here. All of you are such wonderful, motivating people!

I just need to suck it up, and look at it as a challenge. I know I can keep going longer, harder, faster, and stronger!

I start my 28 minute runs today!
Thank you so much ladies! That is why I am here. All of you are such wonderful, motivating people!

I just need to suck it up, and look at it as a challenge. I know I can keep going longer, harder, faster, and stronger!

I start my 28 minute runs today!

If I didn't know what you were talking about, I'd think you were talking about something else. haha
Sorry to hear about the distance errors Tyly. No big deal though. Your doing amazing!

I did 20 minutes on the elliptical today, followed by Week 1 Day 3 of the program. Feel amazing! I will definitely be starting Week 2 on Thursday!

I guess amazing is my word of the day, lol....

Week 2, day 1:
I'm not really sure about my mileage today. I went running at the park and according to their trail markers I only ran 2miles in 30min, however their trails leaves out a large section I had to run to reach another trail, so I assume I'm just below my normal speed, which is somewhat discouraging considering I was jogging for a longer period of time. Not to worry though, I feel so refreshed after I get home that I know I'll keep up with it. I haven't decided whether I prefer jogging outdoors or on the indoor track so I'll keep mixing it up, especially while the weather is nice.

Sometimes I was getting annoyed with the extra jogging, and then other times I was like "Bring it on!" I guess I'll have to see how the next two go.

Ha, I wish I were like that. I was more like "why am i still running?" lol I'm sure all the people walking their dogs were amused by the face i was probably making.

Spring break is next week, so I'm going to have to disrupt my schedule. To make up for it I started week 2 day 1 today instead of tomorrow like planned and will finish week two before i leave. Then when I get back, I'll do one day of week 1 and one day of week 2, then officially start week 3.
Finished Day 1 of Week 2. I have not figured out how to dress for the weather. I wore one too many layers today but I forgot my gloves so my hands were cold. Part of the learning curve. If this running thing catches on, I might have to invest in some decent clothes for my runs. I was looking like quite the uber geek in my bright red fleece pants...especially when I run like a granny. Then again I don't want to be the newbie runner all decked out in the ultra-technology clothing, sun-visor, hip pack and water bottle! (No offense to anyone who fits into either category. LOL)

The session was good and I feel like it was a bit of a push more than last week, but not too much. Keep it coming!
C5K Week 2, Workout 1

Ran 2.6 miles tonight. Went out in the -10 C cold to do it, too.

I decided to modify the program a bit to make it a little more challenging. What I did was instead of 90s run/ 120s walk I did 90s run/90s walk. Which of course means I did 7 intervals instead of 6. I also tried to control my urge to run really fast for the first couple laps. As you can see those two changes resulted in a pretty hefty decrease in overall distance, but they also made for a smoother and more enjoyable run. It felt like sailing through the clouds. I really liked it. :D

Glad you're enjoying yours as well, Penny. Cheers to everyone else who's keepin' on out there. :)
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Just checking in for my daily accountability...

Last night was an off night for me, so I just walked on the treadmill. I did 3.45 miles in one hour.

Tonight is Week 2, Day 1 for me. Wish me luck...
Did Day 1 of Week 8 last night!

There's more in my diary, but I didn't want to double post...

Is it bad if I double post? I don't know how many read my diary and would have to read the same thing twice...
Bon chance, TrkrGrl83. :)

Is it bad if I double post? I don't know how many read my diary and would have to read the same thing twice...

I know I do. Of course my journal's on the other forums, but still: if I'm going to hell I'd rather have company. ;)
Is it bad if I double post? I don't know how many read my diary and would have to read the same thing twice...

I think it's fine to post that portion in both sections as it applies to those who read your diary who are not in the C25K and it applies here.

If it's something that someone has already read, hopefully they are smart enough to realize that they don't have to read the rest and jump to the next thing.

I can't get to diaries everyday, but I try to get here everyday and read how this team is going. =) POST POST POST!!!!
Today's my momma's 43rd birthday! :)

Yesterday I ran my 28 minutes. Only 2 more days of Week 8!

I almost ran the entire 2.4 miles (correct distance his time! GRR. still mad about that.) in the 28 minutes. That tells me that I am going pretty darn slow! Bah. Oh well... I'm just going to keep pushing myself.

The way I see it is that I have until May 2nd to train for the 5K.

I began the Couch - 5K program at the beginning of January (the 7th) as a total non runner. In just under 2 months, I have gotten to where I can run 28 minutes straight. Not fast, but I can do it.

Judging by that progress I made in 2 months, I am certain that in 2 more months I can train myself to run the entire 3.1 miles at a decent speed. I can almost run 2.4 miles in 28 minutes, so I'm sure that I can reach 3.1 miles in 35 minutes (at the most! - hopefully even faster!) by May 2nd.

I'm trying so hard to be positive about this! :)
Just checking in for my daily accountability...

Last night was an off night for me, so I just walked on the treadmill. I did 3.45 miles in one hour.

Tonight is Week 2, Day 1 for me. Wish me luck...

You did better than me. I didn't really do any considerable amount of walking and no running at all. I guess I did push the shopping cart around the grocery store and I walked a few laps around the gym's indoor track.. not enough to count though. :(

You are doing great.. I'm sure you'll hit W2 D1 running! =)
w2 d2 complete. I only did the program today. No extras since tonight is a Lower body workout at the gym.

2.5 miles, 31:30 time.. forgot to look at calories. Oh well.

I gotta figure out my calf problem too. I've been having pain in the inner front portion of my calves (both sides) not on my shins, but where the inner front of the soleus muscle attaches to the bone. It hurts like a beyotch. Started bothering me last year when doing Aerobics and volleyball and it's been hurting ever since. Any ideas??