Couch to 5K Club

Total crap.

I am supposed to be running today, but the weather is horrible. It's pouring down rain, and it's only like 40* outside. They are saying it's going to snow. Crap. I'm dedicated, but not that dedicated! Lol!

I am so ready for it to stay at beautiful spring weather. We keep getting teased. We'll have a day or two of gorgeous weather, and then it'll turn to crap again.

long as you don't wear a white tshirt -it's all good :) go splash in puddles :) it's fun..
Hey errbody...

I got thru the whole first week of the C25K program. I was supposed to start Week 2 today but, I didn't. I plan on starting it Fri. morning. and then doing Week 2 Day 2 on Saturday. I don't think your supposed to do the days back to back but in this case I have to....

I have a few pairs of running shoes I rotate thru. I think it's best that way, if you can swing it.

Sorry guys, but no running in 40* pouring rain.

Personally, I think that's nuts.

I am trying to get fit, not pneumonia! :)
C25K Week 2, Workout 2

2.6 miles.

Didn't "feel like" going out to run tonight. My mind was extremely intent on convincing me that I didn't have any energy and that it was too late and blah blah blah. Took me almost an hour to finally step out the door, but I did. :flame:
I did not make it out for my run tonight. I completely, no word of a lie, ran out of time. I was hoping to do it today because tomorrow is going to be almost as busy as today and it supposed to rain. Running in the rain does seem too appealing. It going to happen sooner or later.

I checked in with my kinesiologist yesterday for my back exercises (from a car accident in August). He thinks that the running sounds like a good plan, but thinks that my back problems might creep up a bit with the longer running intervals. He's says to repeat a week or two before moving on if it happens. Good advice for all of us with our various problems!
Good morning all:

I, once again, did not get in any exercise last night. I never got home from my hair appointment until 7:30 last night, and as I mentioned yesterday, I go to bed between 9-9:30, so it was too late.

Will shoot for Week 2, Day 1 yet again tonight. (A bonus: tonight is Friday night so there's no need to be in bed as early as I usually am!)

I will exercise tonight.
I will exercise tonight.
I will exercise tonight.
I will exercise tonight.....

How'd everyone else do?
I just found this club. Can I join? I've never been a runner before so I'm starting from gound zero.

Since no one else is around today (not that they'd mind anyway), I say "YES!" So, welcome aboard! :seeya:

Make sure you check in frequently and let us know how you're doing.
I finished Week 2 Day 2... in the rain and in the dark! This is a big accomplishment for me. It looks like everyone else is doing great as well! Keep it up, buddies!

Welcome Smith123! We are glad to have you join us. Check out the previous posts for information on what we are up to and remember to fill us in on your progress. Good luck on Monday! Can't wait to see how you do (we know you'll be wonderful).
ok i was meant to start last week but i didnt - sorry got rather bogged down with other stuff. New start day is monday (providing i can get up and do it then with all the cycling im doing lol)
I did Day 2 of Week 8 today.

When I got home, I was very frustrated.

During the last 5 minutes, I just felt so defeated because I barely made it any farther than I did on my last 28 minute run. I was trying really hard to cover more distance, but it just wasn't happening! I did run a tiny bit farther, but not enough to get excited about.

I was bummed when I sat on the couch. James asked what was wrong, and I told him that I was bummed about being a slow runner.

He couldn't have handled it any better.

He told me that I should be proud of the fact that I am now able to run 28 minutes straight! (I'm sure I could go longer, but I'm sticking to the program.) He reminded me that only a few months ago I couldn't run 5 minutes straight, and he also reminded me of the fact that I have never been a runner, so I can't expect to be able to run at high speeds in only 2 months (I started in January)! He also said the fact that I can run 28 minutes shows how much I have accomplished, and that I should be very proud of the shape that I am in now. He reminded me of all the hard work I have put into this and how far I have come. He made me feel so much better!

I would love to be fast, but that is going to take a while. Probably a long while. I have never been a runner in my life, so I don't know why I got the idea that I should be able to accomplish so much at once! I need to be proud of the accomplishments I am making and not dwell on what I need to improve on. I was really wanting to get that 5K done in a certain time, but now I know I need to work towards being able to confidently run the entire 5K without stopping... the speed will come in time! I think I just wanted it to all happen at once, and I have now realized that it doesn't work that way! And thankfully, I am ok with that. :)
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An excerpt:


"Dear Tyly,

Thank you for registering for the Komen Central Texas Race for the Cure®! Your commitment and support make this event possible..."


I did it! I did it!

No more talking about doing it - I did it!

I registered for the race!

Did Day 1 Week 2 on Friday morning. Felt exquisite. It was actually done after I did 20 minutes on the crosstrainer. I was planning on getting Day 2 of Week 2 done this weekend but, i don't think it's going to happen. Monday shall be the day.

That's awesome about signing up for the 5k Tyly. My dad has started running again recently and I'm hoping maybe he would want to do a 5k with me this summer.

Welcome aboard, smith123. :)

Good stuff everybody. Except for wishes, who's a bum! A dirty bum! :toetap05: :D

Tyly, I'm glad you realize that you are being a clownfish when you over-analyze and mope. You're a smart girl and you know shit takes time. And often steps backward to even move forward. There's a word for assessment without perspective... craziness. ;)


C25K Week 2, Workout 3

2.7 miles.

I was real excited to get out and run today. But the body wasn't quite so willing. Had to talk myself up almost from the start. Overcompensated for my tiredness by running a little harder at the end 'cause that's just how I roll, but my body is not liking this every day stuff. As I wrote in Steve's 'what's your biggest obstacle to fitness success' post (haha), "Hard work is hard!"

Boy in a box the fever is all day. Boy in a box the fever is all day.
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wow well done DA! Races are really exciting :D