Couch to 5K Club

Good morning! Awesome job everyone!

Tyly - You should be so proud you're almost done! Congrats!

Tash - Hope you're feeling better today!

As an update on me, reposting from my personal diary:

" was hectic the last hour I was there last night! There was a TON of drama that I won't get into. The point is, I left work in a really bad mood as well as mentally exhausted, so my first thought was: no exercise tonight...

Anyway, I get home late and Eric is all geared up to go eat...
I decided we would go, but that I would have to walk on the treadmill when we got back. There would be no W2D3 of C25K because if I eat before I run, I get sick, but I would walk when I got home...maybe...

Then, out of the blue, I remembered what Gillian had said to the blue team on the Biggest Loster the night before. She was talking to them regarding their emotional eating after Bernie got kicked off. I realized that I was about to go down that road...emotional eat (most likely a binge) and not exercise just because I had a bad day. Suddenly, I looked at Eric and said out loud, "The world is not over just because Bernie went home!" He was kind of puzzled, so I explained to him that I needed to stick to my plan - complete W2D3 of C25K and eat at home. He understood and was okay with it. GO ME!! I didn't give in to my stressful day! I am SO, SO proud! I had an epiphany baby!


My super, fantastic, awesome evening continued into my workout: I actually harnessed my frustration while I was on the treadmill and focused into positive energy. Wait until you check out my C25K stats below:

Warm Up
1 min each at 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9 & 4.2

1.5 min at 6.0 / 2 min at 4.0 (Repeat 6 times)

On the last interval, my 2 mins of walking were 1 min each at 4.2 & 4.1

Cool Down
1 min each at 4.0, 3.9, 3.8, 3.7 & 3.6

I did 2.32 miles in 31 minutes! I ran at 6.0 MPH! I have never, ever in my life, run that fast! I just kept telling myself to stay positive and stay focused. As I was walking in between runs (with the approximate feeling of a hot, burning boulder sitting on my chest), rather than thinking about the next upcoming running interval, I reminded myself that "anybody can do anything for a minute and a half," and that I had just done it I could surely do it again. And I did - six times! I am so incredibly, insanely proud of myself! Eric even noticed how far I went and was very, very proud of me.

Go me!"

Tonight is an off night for me. So I'll be doing a 30 min uphill walk on the treadmill.
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WTG, Jamie on that run that you did.

I haven't updated in a while, so hopefully I'll get around to it soon.

Today, I did a regular exercise no C25K on the treadmill.

I increased the incline up to 4 and did some running and walking but not a whole lot of either.

So, I'm adding my 45 minutes tonight to my total miles.

This is going to be an inspirational photo to me: It's after my C25K run on Wednesday:
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WTG, Jamie on that run that you did.

I haven't updated in a while, so hopefully I'll get around to it soon.

Today, I did a regular exercise no C25K on the treadmill.

I increased the incline up to 4 and did some running and walking but not a whole lot of either.

So, I'm adding my 45 minutes tonight to my total miles.

This is going to be an inspirational photo to me: It's after my C25K run on Wednesday:

Love the pic! I could have snapped a few of those myself by now!

You're nuts thinking you didn't do much yesterday - you got in 45 minutes!! Good job! Keep it up!

Last night I did 20 minutes at 3.0 at my treadmill's max incline, then I walked for another 20 minutes. Total distance - 2.2 miles in 40 minutes.

Tonight is a rest day for me. We're going out with friends after work - so no exercise for me. It's good - my body could use a rest after this past week.
GREAT motivational photo, Tasha!!!

I finished Day 2 of Week 3 today. I ended up going further than I have yet so that's awesome. I still run like a granny though. LOL. Speed will come with time, I guess!
Ok. Thursday I finished W3 D2. I did 1.44 in 20 minutes. I'm working through the pain, but thinking I should hit the doctor up soon. haha My aunt looked at my foot today and she thinks bone spur. She says she gets them to because of constant walking.

I'll keep you all updated. I don't want to slow down my running....I'm worried I might have to get surgery. I don't want any of that!!
If you're in pain, go see a doctor. Never "run through the pain". I did 3 weeks of physio when I started running because I foolishly tried to run through the pain.
I have finished Week 3!!! I decided to throw caution to the wind and do Day 2 and Day 3 back to back instead of resting a day in between. Guess what...I survived!! I start week 4 monday.
Alright folks... C25K W3D2 finished. I haven't finished week 3 yet, but depending on how my shins are, I'll definitely do that tomorrow.

Today, I ran at the gym. One of the personal trainers came up and was talking to me while I was doing W3 and I had to stop listening to R. Ullrey and talked to the trainer. Which threw me off. The first 90 seconds ended up being about 2.50 minutes of running with a 100 second break and another 3 minute run YIKES. I finished up the program at 2.2 miles or so and did another 1.2 miles on the treadmill. After that, I climbed the stairs for all of about 1 minute (OMG have any of you ever done this thing?) I would love to do it and do it like the girls at the gym do.

Anyway, I got off the stair climber and ran a few laps around the indoor track and then walk/run intervals and then started running around it backwards--defintely a quad workout. WOOOT!

So, I'm looking at about 4 miles so far today, and with this energy, who knows if I'll get more in tonight. YAY!
Hey all.

Finshed up Week 2 finally. Planning on starting Week 3 tonite at the gym. Hopefully it won't be as crowded as a normal Monday nite with it being St. Patrick's Day and all. Working a different schedule this week is going to be kind of challenging but I am going to make it a great effort to get to the gym and eat healthy.

Sounds like a lot of people are having some great successes and victories on here:)


Stair climber are evil. LOL. They are so painful to do. I think that they are way harder than real stairs! They are amazing exercise if you can survive them!
Hey all,

I got back from spring break Friday but have yet to pick back up the program. I figured I'd post today so as to hold myself accountable. I will definitely run tomorrow. I'll do a day of week one and week two and see if I feel ready to progress to week three. If not I'll stick with week 2 for a couple of more days.
I have finished Week 3!!! I decided to throw caution to the wind and do Day 2 and Day 3 back to back instead of resting a day in between. Guess what...I survived!! I start week 4 monday.

Alright folks... C25K W3D2 finished. I haven't finished week 3 yet, but depending on how my shins are, I'll definitely do that tomorrow.

Today, I ran at the gym. One of the personal trainers came up and was talking to me while I was doing W3 and I had to stop listening to R. Ullrey and talked to the trainer. Which threw me off. The first 90 seconds ended up being about 2.50 minutes of running with a 100 second break and another 3 minute run YIKES. I finished up the program at 2.2 miles or so and did another 1.2 miles on the treadmill. After that, I climbed the stairs for all of about 1 minute (OMG have any of you ever done this thing?) I would love to do it and do it like the girls at the gym do.

Anyway, I got off the stair climber and ran a few laps around the indoor track and then walk/run intervals and then started running around it backwards--defintely a quad workout. WOOOT!

So, I'm looking at about 4 miles so far today, and with this energy, who knows if I'll get more in tonight. YAY!

AWESOME job, ladies!!!! :D
Made it to the gym this morn. and did Week 3 Day 1. Ended up being 2.65 miles in 30 minutes. Not too shabby.

I've only done the stairclimber thing at my gym once. Pretty hard. I've actually been meaning to do it again lately, I just can't stay off the stupid treadmill :coolgleamA:

Keep up the great work errbody!

W2G Sam!! 2.65 in 30 minutes to me sounds pretty darn good.

Today is going to be W3 D3 for me if I can get over this headache.

I did some squats at the gym last night, and boy do my butt and legs feel it, but I'm going to go to the gym and do a cardio machine hop like a lot of other people do at the gym. I find it really interesting that they jump from stairclimber to treadmill to elliptical to some other thingy, but I guess it breaks up the monotony?

Anyway, I hope you all are doing great. My headache has pretty much gone away in the last 15 minutes after taking some excedrine which kicked it's butt. =)
Ok, W3D3 completed. YAY..

90 seconds 7.0
90 seconds 4.0
3 mins 6.5
1 min 3.8
2 mins 4.0
90 secs 7.2
4.5 mins 6.5 (here I was at 2 miles and 23.xx mins)
cool down..

Did some additional walking and running between 3.8 and 7.0. for another mile and half Walked backwards at an incline of 4.0 for .25 miles and then walked at an incline of 10.0 at 4.0mph up to 4.5 miles and decreased the incline to 0 and walked 3.5 up to 4.55 miles total today.

moving on to week 4 which consists of the following:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:

* Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
* Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
* Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)

This is definitely going to be challenging, so we'll see how it goes. I'm going to move from watching the time to watching the mileage I guess.
Planning on hitting the gym tonite when I get off work here in about an hour or so. I'm going to do Week3 Day2 and probably a little extra running.

Wish me Luck!
Good Luck, Sam. I'm going to be going to the gym after I meet with some professors at the college over summer classes. This whole class thing has become a fiasco trying to get approval for online classes. The Deptartment Chair of each department has to sign off on the classes because they are online, and getting 3 different departments approval has proven challenging. I now have verbal approval for 2 departments and need to get the signatures today, but still need one more department.. Geography. Wish me luck too! Based on what I've been told this is going to be a milestone as most departments usually decline online classes. WOOT!
W4 D1 complete.

5 min warm up
3 mins 6.2
90 secs 3.8
5 mins 6.1
2.5 min 3.8-4.0
3 min 6.3
90 sec 3.8
5 mins 6.1-6.0
5 min cool down

2.6 miles - then spent 30 mins on the cross trainer so I wasn't pounding on my shins the next 1.6 miles. total about 1 hour cardio today. and 4.2 miles
Hey Tasha. I do the cross trainer a lot too. It seems like we kind of had a similar workout cardio wise. I did 30 minutes on the crosstrainer, then did my Week 3 Day 3 workout on the treadmill, for a total of 60 minutes cardio. Felt pretty good I must say.

I'm excited to start Week 4 on Monday. I want the warm weather to stick and warm up a bit more here so I can run outside some. I probably could now but I am a wuss. I like to run in shorts and a t-shirt and I don't want to get too cold....

Happy Easter Errbody,