Couch to 5K Club

Hi Everyone.

I was randomly searching on the internet for some beginner running tips and came across the C25K website. Then I logged on to WLF to update my diary and just so happen to see a club for it! So, I take it as a sign that this is something I gotta do.

I was just wondering if it is too late for me to join you all?

I will be extremely new to running, since I haven't ran since I had PE when I was 15... and even then, my miles were 13+ minutes... Plus, I'm a bit scared of starting this C25K just because of my weight and I dont want to fail.

I would be starting on a Wednesday... that gives me enough time to go find shoes if you all let me join. So can I join?

Oh, I read on the previous posts that someone wanted to keep an updated log of all of the C52k Members' progress but it would be too time consuming looking through all the posts... Well, I was thinking... maybe you can just sign up a new screen name (if you haven't already) and at the end of the week or something have everyone send it a PM with their stats of which week/workout/day they are on.

Boo ya!

I just finished Week 4 Day 1 and feel great. I wasn't sure exactly what the interval times were but, I had an idea (I don't do the podcast, I know, I know...) of what they were though.

4 minute warmup 4.1mph
6 minute run 6.5mph
3 minute walk 4.2mph
5 minute run 6.6mph
3 minute walk 4.2mph
5 minute run 6.6mph
3 minute walk 4.2mph

I will do the exact intervals next time... Wireless headphones are the shiz-at if anyone is wondering :cool:

WooHoo!!! I just finished day 1 of week five. I'm getting a little scared of day 3, though (even though I haven't done day 2, LOL). Its a 20 minute run with no walks in the middle.

Sammy, I hear you on the wireless headphone. I bought a really high-end set a few years back and lets just say... they went back to the store the next day!
I'm a little behind now. I'm off to the gym to do W4D2..

Ok, W4D2 done. YAY. And Double YAY after looking at my stats the last time I did it.

for W4D1 I did this: and the red beside is what I did today w4d2

5 min warm up same
3 mins 6.2 7.0
90 secs 3.8 3.8
5 mins 6.1 6.5
2.5 min 3.8-4.0 3.4-3.8
3 min 6.3 6.8-6.5
90 sec 3.8 3.8
5 mins 6.1-6.0 6.5
5 min cool down same

I was so drained by the last 5 min run and thought it was only because I hadn't run since the 21st, but it seems that beyond that reason, I actually kicked my ass today on the treadmill...and I made it.. I really really made it! YAY

After my C25K I stretched and then got on the cross trainer again. I did the Hill training for 20 mins which was pretty hard and then I did interval training on it for an additional 10 minutes with 1 lap around the gym before stretching again. I'm looking at 4.5 miles today so far.
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Hi Everyone.

I was randomly searching on the internet for some beginner running tips and came across the C25K website. Then I logged on to WLF to update my diary and just so happen to see a club for it! So, I take it as a sign that this is something I gotta do.

I was just wondering if it is too late for me to join you all?

I will be extremely new to running, since I haven't ran since I had PE when I was 15... and even then, my miles were 13+ minutes... Plus, I'm a bit scared of starting this C25K just because of my weight and I dont want to fail.

I would be starting on a Wednesday... that gives me enough time to go find shoes if you all let me join. So can I join?


Welcome aboard! Hope to see you in the coming weeks. Don't worry about failing, just take your time and make sure you move to the next week when you are ready for it. It doesn't have to be an 8 week program.. run each program 2 weeks if you want. tweak it to meet your physical capabilities. :waving:
Checking in. Yes, I'm still doing the program. It was harder than I thought it'd be to get back up to week four after I had skipped a week for vacation, so I started over. In the end it's helping me to improve my speed a bit, nevertheless I'm glad I didn't sign up for my 5k yet. Congratulations to everyone sticking with it. I'll start logging my miles when I get back to week four which should be sometime in the middle of next week.
Oh, so I was running on a treadmill today (it's getting too hot to jog outside and the track was going in the direction I don't like), but I'm really bad at judging how fast to run. Anyways, I ended up going too fast for the speed I set it and nearly stepped off the front of it. Fortunately I caught myself; I had this image of my leg hitting the floor and then being dragged down by the belt, which would have been one big painful mess. While trying to play it off like no one saw me, the girl next to me pulls out her headphones and says, "i do that all the time.":blush5: Thankfully I'm able to laugh at myself.
I finally finished W3D3 last week. I still haven't gotten my foot figured out, but I am practically positive it is a bone spurt. I'm getting my car fixed this week, and then next week I'm going to try to see a doc. I'm taking it slow so as not to hurt myself any further, which is what everybody has been telling me.

I did 1.46 miles in 20 minutes. I'm moving on to week four now. :)
Way to go Pennybear and Tarrish! I'm glad you both are enjoying the running and listening to your body's, that's so important with any exercise!

Congrats to you both.
Tomorrow should be W4D3 for me and I'm going to be out of town, so I will be running outside instead of inside. It should definitely be interesting to see how I do.

Today I hit the gym during my break between classes and got in 45 mins cardio on the cross trainer thing and the Elliptical. If the calorie info was right, I burned about 523 calories between the two. I'm really really digging that cross trainer. I'm glad I have something to help keep my shins from hurting so much.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and keep up the running!
I have become a ghost around here! Sorry!

I only have 1 more run to do, and then I am DONE! :D

But after that, I am going to continue running at least 3 times a week. I plan to go up to 33 mins., then 35 mins., and so on...
I finished Day 2 Week 5 a few days ago, I think I'll head out tonight for Day 3. This should be interesting as it is a 20min long run. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive!
I hope everyone is doing well on here. I finished week5 day 3. I ran for 20min straight! I'm still alive to tell you guys about it. Good far it hasn't caused any back pain. My physiotherapist said that a ten minute run interval would be a amazing accomplishment...and I doubled that!!!

I have to admit that I was pretty wiped after and I thank my lucky stars that Day 1 and 2 next week are back to intervals. The thought of 20 min runs each session is still a bit to scary a prospect at this time!
Congratulations Luscious! Wait til your physiotherapist hears about that.:D I haven't made it that far yet, but I'm pretty much dreading it.
Way to go luscious! I was out of town visiting family for the weekend and was able to get in a few couple mile walks, but no running, so it put me further behind. YIKES! But I have another 5 miles to add plus today.

I did W5D1 today and did the 5 minute runs with 3 min walk intervals

run speed 6.1, 6.1 and 6.2 for the last one. Shins seem to be doing better with my break and my treadmill use and then moving to cross trainer.

So 33 minutes on the treadmill today - the 5 min warm up was .33 miles and the running intervals was 2.0 miles and then the cool down was .25 miles.

After treadmill, I spent 29 minutes on the cross trainer hill intervals again and worked my butt off. for another. 1.60 miles or so.
I finished C25K Week 5 Day 1 as well today...

Warmup 4.2mph
Run 6.5mph
Walk 4.3mph
Run 6.6mph
Walk 4.3mph
Run 6.7mph
Walk 4.3mph

I had kind of been doing this since last week and I think my brain is telling me to kick it up a notch. I think my next C25K workout includes running for 8 minutes, so anticipating that, and then running 20 minutes straight... Its amazing because now I'm running at 6.5 like it's nothing. I also did 30 minutes on the crosstrainer today and did a core workout with my PT... I'm going to be sleeping like a baby tonite I'm thinkin :)

Way to Go on those mph's on that running, Sam! Awesome!!

Ok, So W5D2 done. I looked up the running info online and saw 8 minutes run/5 min walk/8 minutes run. YIKES :willy_nilly:

But I thought I'd try to do it anyway and see how far I got with it.

I started the running at 6.5 and quickly bumped it down to 6.3 because of the duration of the run. I made it through the first 8 minutes and did the 5 min cool down then picked up the last 8 minutes at 6.2 mph and then had to decrease to 6.0 for the last 4 minutes. It was tough, my body wanted to stop--but I kept telling myself that I could do it, I could do it... and I made it.. and did an extra 10 seconds before my cool down. It was an amazing feeling --- finishing those 8 minutes of running both times.

Afterward, I did another 30 minutes on the cross trainer. I think I might do D2 again tomorrow and then D3 on Saturday--it all depends on my legs.. they feel like Jello right now.
Sammy, Tasha,

Those are incredible speeds. I run outside so I'm not sure how fast I'm going, but I know it is no where near that!

I finished Day 2 of Week 6 last night. I have to say its nice going back to intervals. I really appreciate the walks in the middle. LOL

Pennybear, You'll make it up there too. It seems unfathomable, but as I'm finding out, it is completely possible! Good Luck.
Yay, week 4 day 1. I was pretty impressed with myself after the 5min run, but after that it was hard to get going again. I'm assuming it'll get better with the next two runs. It's starting to get overly humid now, which is disgusting. I need to find some running shorts that won't ride up or I might die of heat stroke.
It'll get better Pennybear. I found that the first day always felt harder.