Couch to 5K Club

Thanks for the encouragement. Its nice to hear. Based on what I feel like after about the 3rd rep of 90 second runs it is hard to imagine being able to run for 30 minutes.
OMG! So I started this. This is my 2nd day doing it. 1 min on and 90 min walk briskly. For 20 minutes. It was tough. I stayed on the treadmill however, afterwards for another 25 minutes walking quickly. It doesn't seem like I'd improve, but I know I will because I did something like this before, and in a very short time, I was able to run longer and longer.
Went out for W7D1 tonight and I didn't quite make it all the way the 2.5 miles in one run. I'm not sure if I ate too recent to running or what, but I got the worst side stitch ever and I almost couldn't breath because of it. It started at about 16 mins in and I stopped and walked for .20 mile at 19 mins. Afterward, I picked up and ran another.80 miles. I hit 3.10 miles at 35 minutes.

My speed the entire running time was 5.8mph I will be trying this again on Friday for W7D2.
Thanks for the encouragement. Its nice to hear. Based on what I feel like after about the 3rd rep of 90 second runs it is hard to imagine being able to run for 30 minutes.

I know exactly what you mean. I started the program in February after doing some walking/running intervals with my hubby through Jan and beginning of February. I guess I might have been a little more used to it, but it still was so hard on certain days in the beginning, and even now as I'm running longer distances and times.

Tyly (daiseeangel) has finished the program and has a race coming up soon I think in May. If you haven't seen her diary, check it out she may have some more words of encouragement in there.

OMG! So I started this. This is my 2nd day doing it. 1 min on and 90 min walk briskly. For 20 minutes. It was tough. I stayed on the treadmill however, afterwards for another 25 minutes walking quickly. It doesn't seem like I'd improve, but I know I will because I did something like this before, and in a very short time, I was able to run longer and longer.

Welcome aboard! I hope this thread stays alive as more people decide to join. Way to go with all that extra cardio and fat burning! Keep up the great work!
I'm glad to hear more people are starting this as well. Welcome Busy :)

Tash- Don't feel too bad about the side stitch. I know how that goes. I usually do the same thing you do. Walk it out for a few and then pick right back up where i left off. Lately for me though I have had to pee right during the middle of my run, and I can't stand that feeling while I am running because it's intensified probably because my bladder is bouncing around inside me while i am running, lol...

On my off days I sometimes still run. I really try to save my energy for my running days with this program. I do the crosstrainer and the elliptical quite a bit, and want to start the stair climbing as well.

Thanks for the encouragement. Its nice to hear. Based on what I feel like after about the 3rd rep of 90 second runs it is hard to imagine being able to run for 30 minutes.

OMG! So I started this. This is my 2nd day doing it. 1 min on and 90 min walk briskly. For 20 minutes. It was tough. I stayed on the treadmill however, afterwards for another 25 minutes walking quickly. It doesn't seem like I'd improve, but I know I will because I did something like this before, and in a very short time, I was able to run longer and longer.

You can do it!!!!! I was the exact same way. When I first started doing the program, I couldn't even begin to imagine running 5 minutes, much less 30 minutes! I have since finished, and I am running a 5K for breast cancer on May 3rd. I am still a slow runner, but I can at least do the entire thing without stopping! Stick with it! You can do it!!! :D

Tyly (daiseeangel) has finished the program and has a race coming up soon I think in May. If you haven't seen her diary, check it out she may have some more words of encouragement in there.

Thanks for mentioning me!! :)
Finally got thru Week 6 today. The last day of Week 6 has you running for 25 minutes straight, which I did:) I altered the speed between 6.0 and 6.5mph, and it felt just right. I ended up hitting 3.00 miles in 30 minutes. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical beforehand to warm myself up (I like to do that). Another thing I did today was eat before my workout. I'm usually someone that doesn't really eat anything before a workout, and I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. About an hour before the gym though today, I had a whole grain bagel with some RF cream cheese. Very tasty and helped me fuel my run :) I think I will do that again.

hey everyone.

i bought my new shoes yesterday so I'm planning on doing the C25K now. I went for a little bit of a walk/jog this morning with my Dad just to kinda get me into it. Next couples days I'll start with my official Week 1 - Day 1 plan.

I had a couple questions though if anyone could answer them, that'd be great...(Sorry if they've been answered already in here, but 17 pages is alot to go through!!!)

#1. I want to do this mostly for weight loss. The fitness part is important too, but if I'm not gonna lost alot of weight, I'm not too sure. So my question is, if I'm doing this for weight loss, should I be doing other things on my "off days" from running? Or should I stick strictly to the program to give myself a rest?

#2. I plan on doing this in the morning before work. (I know I shouldn't care, but I'd rather prefer to wake up before work so not as many people seeing me looking like an idiot...I'm sure I won't care as much when I get more into it). So, I was just wondering, should I eat something before I go? I'm not really sure what's best. If I wake up a couple hours before work, go do my run, then come back, should I eat my breakfast once I'm all done or before I head out?

#3. Do I take water with me? I don't normally see people running around with a bottle of water...

#4. Is there anything else I should look at getting to help me out? Right now I'm armed with my new running shoes, running socks (I didn't even know that was a thing until I bought my shoes) and my Ipod (along with Robert Ulley's podcasts)

#5. Any tips? Advice? Anything else I should know?

Sorry if these questions are stupid, I'm REALLY clueless about this running business...

Thanks all, I hope to talk to you all more soon and let you know how I'm doing. :D


...oh yeah, btw, I'm a 22 year old female and I weigh about 170. I had a starting weight of 225 a few years ago. I lost the majority of it by just watching what I ate and playing DDR. The first bit of weight was eeeeasy. Now it's getting harder so I'm ready to start working harder and doing whatever I can to get to my goal of 140!
So my back has finally topped out at Week 7. By the time I had done the 3rd session of 25min runs, the strain was starting to show. So unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be finishing the program without modifying it. So I talked to the kinesiologist and here's the plan. Two intervals of 10min runs with a 3min walk in between for two sessions a week and one 25min run session a week. I'll work on increasing the speed and distance rather than the interval time. He thinks that this will still get me to the 5K point anyways because I should be able to fit 5k in a 25min interval as I improve. After that I'll add more intervals to go beyond the 5k. He said I should be running marathons next year....I just laughed. Lets get to 5k first!

Welcome to everyone who has just started and keep it up to those that are mid-program.
hey everyone.

i bought my new shoes yesterday so I'm planning on doing the C25K now. I went for a little bit of a walk/jog this morning with my Dad just to kinda get me into it. Next couples days I'll start with my official Week 1 - Day 1 plan.

I had a couple questions though if anyone could answer them, that'd be great...(Sorry if they've been answered already in here, but 17 pages is alot to go through!!!)

#1. I want to do this mostly for weight loss. The fitness part is important too, but if I'm not gonna lost alot of weight, I'm not too sure. So my question is, if I'm doing this for weight loss, should I be doing other things on my "off days" from running? Or should I stick strictly to the program to give myself a rest?

run for fitness, not weightloss. weight loss comes with a caloric deficit, and running is a good way to burn calories, but weight loss starts at the dinner table.
you can do some low impact excercise on off days, walking, swimming, etc. I wouldn't try anything really hard though.

#2. I plan on doing this in the morning before work. (I know I shouldn't care, but I'd rather prefer to wake up before work so not as many people seeing me looking like an idiot...I'm sure I won't care as much when I get more into it). So, I was just wondering, should I eat something before I go? I'm not really sure what's best. If I wake up a couple hours before work, go do my run, then come back, should I eat my breakfast once I'm all done or before I head out?

you don't have to eat breakfast until you get back if you don't want to. you have enough energy stored for your runs easy. but you can if you want, it doesn't really matter.

#3. Do I take water with me? I don't normally see people running around with a bottle of water...

for the length of time you'll be running, you don't need water, unless you're running in hot weather and getting overheated.

#4. Is there anything else I should look at getting to help me out? Right now I'm armed with my new running shoes, running socks (I didn't even know that was a thing until I bought my shoes) and my Ipod (along with Robert Ulley's podcasts)

if you have thigh chafing, maybe some compression shorts.

#5. Any tips? Advice? Anything else I should know?

go slow, forget about speed. what's important is that you are training your body to run. the hardest thing for me to learn was slowing down.
have fun with it, don't get too bummed out if you have to stop for extra walk breaks or have to repeat a week...and check out all the info at . stretch after your runs.
thanks for answering my questions. that helps out alot.

i went on my elliptical for 30 minutes yesterday on my "rest day". today i got through my week 1 - day 1. it wasn't too bad except for the cold and blowing snow! (i should've dressed warmer). stupid canadian weather. snow at the end of april? yeeesh.

i'll keep updating with my progress :)
Those tips helped me too! lol thanks for asking questions knoxville. (I'm also a DDR freak)

I'm about to go off and start week 3 day 1. I wish I could dub ullrey's prompts on my music, but it's not that bad.

I thought I was doing really good, until I ran with my boyfriend (who is doing the program) he started week 2 and I was finishing so we synched up, but he runs A LOT faster than me! He's 5'8 175 lbs, and i'm 5'3.5 145lbs.. I finished but after the last interval I had to hunch over and breathe. My shins were also on fire. It may have been the pollen in the air...or the heat, hell, even just a mental exhaustion but I was so tired! Which makes me nervous to know that in a few weeks I'm going to have to run a lot longer.

This is really the first time I've ever just it's a bit overwhelming, yup yup.
if you have thigh chafing, maybe some compression shorts.

I just heard about this stuff called 'body glide'. Has anyone used it. It is like deoderant but you put it between your legs and on the inside of your arms if needed. It stops chafing.
I finished week 2 last night! It about killed me though because we got busy and took Fri/Sat/Sun off and it was hard to get going again.
Anyone think it would be ok to go ahead and start week 3 tonight so we can get back on schedule?
I think you're supposed to rest a day in between. I did 2 days of week 2 back to back and had no problems tho. Week 3 was a little push I started it today. It's not too bad tho
Hey guys,

I just realized how long it's been since I've updated; school is having its final crunch before finals and i keep forgetting to swing by.

So I just finished week 6 with the 25min jog. It was not a pretty preview of next week, I just sat in my car afterwards staring while my heart rate slowed thinking of how miserable that was. Nevertheless, about 30min later I always feel pumped up and like I could do another session. The weather has been gorgeous lately but the humidity is picking up again. It might be time to move it back inside.

It's cool to see all the new people joining. Great going everyone!
Well, I tried W7D2 on Wednesday and I was able to only run 1.5 miles and needed to stop for a breath. So, I walked .10 and then ran another .50 miles and stopped for .10 miles and then ran another .50 miles for the total distance of 2.5 miles.

I hate that I had to do this, but because of some stressors in my life, I have been having some anxious moments which totally affects my breathing both when I am and when I am not exercising. It totally sucks, but not much I can do about it. I may look into taking some meditation exercises or Yoga or something.

I'm thinking I'll do W7 for a little longer than 3 days since I'm having these problems.

I also ran the 1.5 miles at 5.9 & 5.8 mph and then the .50 miles at 5.8 and then the other .50 miles at 5.9. So I'm still not able to go 2.5 miles in 25 minutes but I'm not totally worried about it.