Couch to 5K Club

So I know that I ain't got nothing on Tasha, but I ran over 5K last night!!! With the walking, I totaled 3.65 miles. My modified program is working out great. My back hasn't been causing me problems, so I think I'll increase the interval times (I've been holding back at 25min). I've kept my program flexible. I just pick a goal, whether its speed or endurance, and aim for it in my run, progressively getting tougher each time. Last night I had had enough and decided that it was about damn time I hit the 5K mark. I made it! I have increased my speed by a mile/hr in the last two weeks and increased my distance by a mile since Thursday. I getting there guys. I'm not at 6.0 yet or a continuous run to 5k, but I'll make it!

Best of luck to those who plugging away at c-5k and those just starting!
I just started and I'm loving it so far! Tomorrow is my last day of week 1. I'll definitely be reading through this thread :)
Congrats Luscious and everyone else who is doing/starting this.

I ran a few nights ago and it felt wonderful. I will definitely be able to start and finish Week 8 this upcoming week I imagine. I had to take a week or so off due to that damn cold thing I had. Now it's all gone and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things :)

I ran W5D1 today and I feel ready for the rest of the week. I'm trying to run as much as possible because I'm moving from a wonderfully green downtown area to a bleakly gray edge of town in two weeks. It was great! I can't believe I've gotten this far! Yay!
how long did igt take you to build up to that? i am only pu to 1.5 miles and onlyr unning about 3/4 of it i am dying... but i love running so far!

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you! I started the program on Feb 25th 2008. I pretty much followed it religiously the first 7 weeks and from that point I listened to my body because everyone is different.

As far as running 4.3 miles, I was as shocked as anyone else could have been because I had no clue I had it in me to do that. I haven't gone that distance since then, and as a matter of fact, I was out of town and didn't do any running for 2 weeks so I need to get back on track. It's going to hurt, I know!

I'm glad you are enjoying the running you are doing. Welcome and good luck!
So I know that I ain't got nothing on Tasha, but I ran over 5K last night!!! With the walking, I totaled 3.65 miles. My modified program is working out great. My back hasn't been causing me problems, so I think I'll increase the interval times (I've been holding back at 25min). I've kept my program flexible. I just pick a goal, whether its speed or endurance, and aim for it in my run, progressively getting tougher each time. Last night I had had enough and decided that it was about damn time I hit the 5K mark. I made it! I have increased my speed by a mile/hr in the last two weeks and increased my distance by a mile since Thursday. I getting there guys. I'm not at 6.0 yet or a continuous run to 5k, but I'll make it!

Best of luck to those who plugging away at c-5k and those just starting!

Luscious, you are doing awesome with all of your training and hard work, and the best part is you are listening to your body all the while doing it. It does you or no one else any good to injure themselves trying to do soemthing they aren't ready for and fitness plans and even running plans aren't one size fits all. You are a great inspiration to anyone who thinks they should give up because they can't do it like the manual says.. because it's all mobile and changeable and you are awesome!!!

I just started and I'm loving it so far! Tomorrow is my last day of week 1. I'll definitely be reading through this thread :)

Welcome susan! I hope you are continuing on and enjoying the running thus far. It has been amazing for me to reach the goals I have and I hope to get back to it this week. Come by here and post how you are doing so we can follow you too!

I ran W5D1 today and I feel ready for the rest of the week. I'm trying to run as much as possible because I'm moving from a wonderfully green downtown area to a bleakly gray edge of town in two weeks. It was great! I can't believe I've gotten this far! Yay!

hiya spartacus! Have you moved yet, I didn't notice the date on your post and I hope you got all of the running in that you wanted to do while you were in the great downtown area. If you are running in a new part of town and the "bleak gray edge" refers not just to the greenery but also to the type of people you might encounter, be careful where you go and don't wear earbuds while running outside alone!

Congrats Luscious and everyone else who is doing/starting this.

I ran a few nights ago and it felt wonderful. I will definitely be able to start and finish Week 8 this upcoming week I imagine. I had to take a week or so off due to that damn cold thing I had. Now it's all gone and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things :)


Sam, I know how it is taking time off, I've done that and I need to get back on track. I hope your allergies are good and the cold is long gone by now! Have you been able to get back on the running thing? I totally need to go tomorrow as long as my TOM pain is manageable.

Hope you are doing well!

Come back and post soon everyone so we know how you are doing.

Hi everyone! I just started the program yesterday, did my first session, and so excited about the rest!

I want to run a 10km race by October so I am starting with 5km! I don't have time to read through this thread now, but hopefully will later.

Anyway, today I'm not running so I'm going to belly dancing and do some strength training. Ciao!
photocrazed, I'm moving tomorrow. And even here in my nice little sweet town, I'm completely paranoid, so I don't do the jogging in the dark/wearing music thing.

Also, I have learned that my breath is a better beat to run to than music.

Thanks for the advice, though!!!

Happy jogging everybody!!
I just ran my third run of week three yesterday. I'm doing four runs of each week so I have one more tomorrow before I switch to week four. I'm still really loving this program, I feel challenged but not overly so to that point of can't breathe,my side hurts so much. When I get down to 175 I'm rewarding myself with new running shoes! I think I can already tell that running's been helping, my pants are getting ridiculously baggy on me.
I have done my first week, but things came up, I have only done 2 runs this week, so I'm doing week one over again from Sunday. I will now run Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. My boyfriend's joining me on the weekend, I can't believe it, yay!

I feel so empowered doing this running and knowing I have a goal in mind (and in sight!)
What's crackin', homies.

Sorry, I went MIA for quite a while there. It's a long, crazy story, I won't bore you with it. Looks like I missed watching you guys kick some ass!

Anyway I got back into the city just under 2 weeks ago and picked up right where I left off, then started accelerating the pace, mostly because I'm hyper. Tonight I ran 2.7 miles in 30 mins, at a 4 (6min):1 (1.5 min) run:walk ratio.

So, yeah, I'm just gonna pretend I've been here the whole time, if you don't mind. :D
My First Real Run

5.0 miles in 55 minutes. No walking or stopping. Well, I did stop for about 10 seconds at the fountain, once each lap, so 20 seconds technically.

Anyway, it was glorious. I really, really enjoyed it. Couch to 5k... more like couch to 5 miles I guess. Now if I can just repeat it on Saturday and Sunday, after max effort lower body day (weight training). Then I can officially pat myself on the back.

How's everybody else doin'? Say somethin'. Do somethin'. What goin' on up in heeahh!?

Sorry, I'm a little hyper. :D
Well, I've been sticking to my workouts. This is my 3rd week, I only stepped it up a notch now... and only increased each running interval with 10 seconds.

I figure if I get there slowly, I'm more likely to stay there (pretty much the same as weight loss!)

I'm pretty hyper too, no worries!!!
New to the Club

Hi All,

I'm pretty new to the board, but I've been working w. the couch to 5K program for a while now.

I started off TOO strong (got up to week 4 by running every day), and then had company for 10 days and totally fell off the wagon.

I'm trying to get back on and be more reasonable about it this time. I played sports when I was younger, but I've never been a runner. A lot of my friends are dedicated marathoners, so I guess I always felt too self conscious to really talk about running or try to run around them. But - if I could run a 5K, that would be a great accomplishment for me. More than anything, I would like to be able to start running 3X a week, and then, over the course of the next year or so, gradually work up to working out 5 days a week (a combo of running or another cross training sport).

So - Today I did the second session of week 3 (I went back a week to get into it). I have to say, pushing through those 3 minutes was tough - and I just hope I someday can run for a much more extended period of time without feeling like this.

The only other annoying thing is that the places I can run to (the park) require that I cross a lot of busy streets, so sometimes my timing isn't right and I have to jog in place while waiting for traffic. I know this isn't the same, but I don't know what else to do. Any tips for getting back on the couch-to-5K wagon?
Well, I've been at it for 3 weeks now... going at my own snails pace :)

I'm now officially moving onto Week 2! Wish me luck!

And come on Veggie, you've done it before, you can do it again... and more!!!
Well, I've been at it for 3 weeks now... going at my own snails pace :)

I'm now officially moving onto Week 2! Wish me luck!

And come on Veggie, you've done it before, you can do it again... and more!!!

Thanks Ankebuzzz - Appreciate the positive support! We'll be running week 3 together!

The bad news is that I slipped on my stairs today (I was wearing wool socks and the stairs were very slippery I guess). Really could have been very hurt, but only ended up with a good sized bruise on my back and my head hurts a bit. Scary! If I don't feel up to it, I won't run tomorrow (which I know is the sane, safe thing to do).

But one question I have, when something like this happens (and injury or some other reasonable thing that sidelines you from your goal) - what's the best way to pick it back up again?

Wishing you all luck on your runs!
I've been wondering about this same thing myself...

I figure, if you get an injury, listen to what the doc tells you about exercise. If you can't exercise or move that area at all for a while, work on the areas that you can... abs, arms, back, bum. There are a bunch of exercises that don't use your legs. Obviously same thing goes if you've got a hand/arm injury.

Try to stay in your same routine of exercise (time wise), but change it up to suit your body at that time. I think by doing this you'll still be in a rhythm by the time you have healed and you can easily add in more exercise when you're ready. Maybe for a while swimming could be used....

Hope that helps! Another thing is getting a cold or flu... I haven't had one in a long time, but I seem to recall that the last time I exercised consistently for a while I stopped when I got sick and gave up after that.

I want to prepare myself for stuff like this now. I think if I realise I'm getting sick, I'll do official bed rest and fluids and take 2 full days off from work. I'll do some light stretching and maybe just ankle exercises (I try to strengthen them for the running, otherwise I tend to sprain easily) while I'm sick. Once I start feeling better, I'll do a light work out, maybe walk instead of run for a day. By this time I should be ready to get into full swing again!

So ye, I feel prepared now... now how to catch the flu... them days off sound good! :p