Couch to 5K Club

You're right...

Well, as long as I'm doing SOME sort of exercise, I don't feel like a failure :)

I am moving out of my parents house and in with my boyfriend, we just found out we may move in next week, eek!... into a nice neighbourhood where I can run in the streets :)

Once I go back to gym (once I have transport again!) I will do another run, otherwise, I will do other exercises and just start running again when we move into the new place.
Hi everyone - how's it going!? Is everyone moving along in the program?

I am in the middle of week 3 and it's going really well! Which week are you guys on?
Hi!! I am on Week 4 and have one more day! It is going well! I had to slow down a bit but I am still able to jog those 5 minute blocks. I am wondering though how I am going to get up to 3 miles. When I am done with all the intervals I am only at 2.2 miles. I run a bit slow so I am not sure how to approach increasing my speed for the race. I have a week after the 9 weeks to increase speed before the race but I guess just start running 3 miles no matter how long it takes? I am thinking it will take me just under 40 minutes to do a 3 mile... hmmmm. thoughts? Anyone had this problem?
I have the same problem Mishi! I do all of the intervals (along with the warm up and cool down) and average b/t 2.0 - 2.2 miles. I think when we get to weeks 7, 8, 9 we will be able to ensure that we are going the full distance.

Even at weeks 3 and 4 we are still walking a good bit, so I think it is normal to not be at the 3 mile mark yet.

Great job on week 4... I'm nervous about the 5 minute blocks!!!! I know they are coming!
c25k is time or distance, not both....unless you're running at a 10 minute mile, which is doubtful for a beginner.

I had 2 months off from running due to injury (sciatica) and am now running 2.75 miles 3x a week after restarting at wk 1 in June (at wk 4 I branched off and just started running without intervals). Upping to 3 miles on Sunday. Currently running a 10:30-11:30 mile.

with the intervals, think about how much you're walking and running. If you're walking at an 18-20 minute mile and running at a 10-14 minute mile, you can't physically do 3 miles in 30 minutes.
Just wasn't sure if the program was going to have me running 3 miles by the end but it didn't seem so. I don't really care what my time is. A 10 minute mile would be great but that would take me some time to build up to! That's sprinting for my little legs lol. Well I guess we will just see how it goes. Dwwise week 4 isn't too bad. I was stressed about the 5 minutes too but they really aren't that bad. Switched music and it seems to help me push through and there is less intervals so it goes by pretty fast! Next week for week 5 I have a 20 minute straight run on Friday!! Yikes!! lol ;)
the 20 minute run can be intimidating, but don't sweat it, your training has prepared you for it....and when you go back to intervals in wk 6 it'll feel like a step backwards. wk5 day 3 is a big mental game.
I personally don't like intervals at all. Once I stop running and start walking I have a hard time getting the motivation to run again.
It's funny you brough up W5D3... I saw that and was like "whooaa... I'm suppose to do that in 9 days!"

But, like daybyday said, this is what we have been training for... it should be interesting! Be sure to keep us posted on how it goes!
Hmmmm, this is making me a little less scared of starting up again... I've also gotten to that point but never a solid 20 minute run, not since I was in early high school!

Wanting to run but still lacking motivation... doing other exercise until I get my ass in gear again!

Thanks for all sharing your useful info :)
It's really not bad. It has been 4 weeks. 20 minutes will fly by and it's only once that week. Just get some good music!! lol and you can slow down too as long as you don't stop. My brother told me that was a way to get better at running... even if you run slow just don't stop:) If I can do it you guys can definitely do it!!
Knowing how to slow down is one of the most important, and difficult, things to learn, in my opinion. Once you have your easy runs down, then start doing some speed work. Why bother trying to be fast if you can't cover any distance.
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Hi guys!!! Happy Monday :p lol. Just finished Day 1 of Week 5 and I am kickin' butt and taken names. Managed to do all the running at a 5.0 and even ran a minute in my second interval at a 6.0!!! I am so uber excited and even though it was a bit tough to get through the 5 minute runs I knew I could do it and I did without slowing down once!! Yay!!! I am very excited. I am looking forward to Wednesday and then Friday with it's 20 minute run!!
I hope you all had a good weekend and your doing well!! Slowing down definitely helped me build a stronger platform to get my time in and then I will increase speed after. So far so good. Just see how I sound after the 20 minutes lol ;)
Great job, Mishi! I was wondering how week 5 was going for you :)

I start week 4 tomorrow evening and I will definitely let you guys know how it goes... I'm trying to psych myself up for those 5 minute intervals... AHHHHHH. I know they are going to be tough, but I can do it! I am so proud that we are all doing so well!

Please let us know how that 20 minute run goes!!
Good job on wk 5 day 1!
Good luck on wk 4 tomorrow.

3 miler for me in the am. hope it's a nice one. I love to watch the sun rise while I run.
Thanks guys. Good luck to you too Dwwise. The first day of that week was a bit rough for me but I sailed through the other days. It's not too bad and those 2 and 1/2 minute walks are heaven lol.
Dang DaybyDay!! 3 miles?? That's awesome. Can't wait for the day I can say "I'm going to do a 3 miler" all nonchalantly lol. Have a good run all!
That sucks about the injury:( That is my goal too! I heard it's better for you to be running 5 miles a day 6x a week for a year before you run a marathon. I would love to be able to get into that habit! Do you know if there is a beyond a 5K to gear up for a 5 mile? I know I should look but figured it was easier to ask lol ;)
There definitely is a program for that... many!

Sorry, can't give ya a quick link here now :p Happy googling :)
That sucks about the injury:( That is my goal too! I heard it's better for you to be running 5 miles a day 6x a week for a year before you run a marathon. I would love to be able to get into that habit! Do you know if there is a beyond a 5K to gear up for a 5 mile? I know I should look but figured it was easier to ask lol ;)

Yeah, in May I couldn't walk across a room without excruciating pain. Sciatica sucks....but that's all in the past.
Most people do not run 6x per week. Its really not advised. Especially for beginners.
After c25k some people do the 1 hour runner program (at the bottom of the page ), some people do hal higdon's spring training ().
Here's Hal's marathon training program for novices, even for advanced runners there are no more than 5 runs per wk.

What I've been doing is just extending my runs .25 miles each run. It's only a couple more minutes per run and doesn't put much more strain on your body.
3 miler (33 minutes) was good this morning, finally back to my preinjury distance.

Good luck on wk 4 tonight.
My run yesterday evening absolutey rocked!

I ended the last minute of my last jogging interval by sprinting up a hill and it was awesome! After my run I felt so accomplished... even though it is only a small milestone I felt as though I made a break through. For the first time since I started this program, I actually felt like a runner :)
