Couch to 5K Club

well yonks ago i said i was gonna do the couch to 5k and never did, then im sure i said i was gonna do it again at some point, and again same thing

Well the other week boss asked if anyone wanted to do a half marathon and i put my hand up.
First week i did a run of 2-3km to work which took 20 mins and included some walking.
I kinda bypassed the whole couch to 5k thing, The second week i did 6.5km laps around the town 3 times a week and i did that the third week also.
This week im doing 10km loops (this is week 4) and ill do that again next week whilst throwing in a much longer run.
Im running only on grass not concrete and invested in some seriously cool shoes that do all the shizzle so hopefully i wont get shin splints or other nasties. A friend gave me a foot spa thing which is bliss also!
Anyway moral is, sometimes you gotta go at your own pace, and its not always what the plan says lol.
I have 4 weeks till marathon at which point ill be ready for the 21km. I was lucky (as much as luck has to do with cycling every day for 2 years) enough to be cardio fit so my only thing was training the muscles and joints.

Ill let you know how i do. Ive also been invited to do a full marathon in 3 months time! :O Unsure at this stage whats happening there, but it will be a total buzz to do it!
I don't usually do much running outside of my normal sports but i thought i would give the C25K a try so i can improve my endurance for the Rugby Union season this year.

started today and found that day one was fairly easy but was a great warmup for the rest of my workout.

i built a custom playlist for week one and will update it again next week.
it's been one of my goals to run a 5k, so I'm definitely going to get started on this today...glad I found this before hitting the gym.

Glad it helped, keep us updated on how your getting on!!

Good luck :D

I'm starting this tomorrow! My boyfriend has been running for years and he's really fit, only I hate running, and I always quit when I try. This starting-slow type plan may work for me, though I do often get impatient when I don't see results rught away, but I'm not quite sure what kind of results I'm looking for.

I agree, the start slow is definately helping me...I've noticed improvements after only doing this twice..just got to remeber to stick with it and the results will hopefully follow aslong as your nutrtion is also 'correct'.

Good luck!!!

Hi everyone! I just started the Couch to 5K yesterday! I'm trying to add variety to my workout so I think this will be great! It's not hard right now but I looked to the weeks ahead and I'm a little nervous. AHH! But you know, gotta take it 1 week at a time! YAY. I'm so excited to be doing this! LOVEE! :)

I agree with what you said about getting nervous about the weeks ahead..but Im sure by the time you get there it wont be half as bad as it seems now!!

Good luck, keep us updated on how your doing :)
Anyway moral is, sometimes you gotta go at your own pace, and its not always what the plan sayslol.

Very good point, at the moment the plan seems ok, but like you say, gotta go at your own pace!

Ill let you know how i do. Ive also been invited to do a full marathon in 3 months time! :O Unsure at this stage whats happening there, but it will be a total buzz to do it!

Good luck with the 21km :)
I don't usually do much running outside of my normal sports but i thought i would give the C25K a try so i can improve my endurance for the Rugby Union season this year.

started today and found that day one was fairly easy but was a great warmup for the rest of my workout.

i built a custom playlist for week one and will update it again next week.

Half the fun for me has been building the playlists!!

Good luck with it, let us know how your doing.

hehe yeah the music is important i agree!
I picked up a really cool little gadget which is a heart rate monitor, stop watch, calorie tracker etc and all that usual stuff.

BUT the key thing is that i plug it into my mp3 player, and plug the earphones into it, and then set my HR targets and it talks to me whilst my mp3s are playing!
This means if i start going too hard it my music fades out and i hear 'take it easy' spoken into my ears, and vice versa when i go too slow.
It also speaks the calorie useage and time spent and laps and all that at the press of a button which is excellent and saves me having to look at my HR watch all the time. To top it all off it was a cheap $30 purchase :)
Wishes, that thing sounds amazing! Where on earth did you find it?

Grrr, I fell asleep the day I was supposed to start and didnt get a chance. I'm going to start tomorrow then, because I want to keep the days the same. I'm so mad at myself. Oh well, I'll just do some weights today or pilates or something.
Wishes, that thing sounds amazing! Where on earth did you find it?
It was on a 1-day sale site. You can buy them all over the show . Just google for Pulse Sonic Talking. and the $30 was NZD so thats about $15USD give or take a few.
Wow, I'm really glad to see that so many people have decided to join in. It's gonna be so cool to go through this w/ other people, and see all of the successes.

Okay, I know I said I was gonna get started this Monday...but I didn't. I was gonna type out the long drawn out reason why, but I'm just gonna suck it up and say no excuses.

Bottom line, I WILL start next Monday.
I only got to go to the gym 1 day out of the first week, but I recorded 1.95 miles. I think I'm going to do the first 2 days at the track, then the third at the gym to see my improvements.

it was fun though
I know I was supposed to start last Wednesday, but... haha, I'm a procrastinator.

However, I started this morning =) W1D1! I got really frustrated at the end and had to push myself, and was angry because I knew I wasn't even running that much. I think I walked through the very last running segment, but after I took a shower and relaxed a little, I felt good.

I don't know when I can run again, though. It seems like I never have any time. If I were to run in the morning, it'd have to be at 4:30 AM (because I usually wake up at 5:30 AM & I'd need to take a shower), and I get back from school at 3:00 PM, when it's super sunny and everyone is out and watching me. I really just don't want people watching me.

Bleh, I need a tredmill.

So, how is everyone else doing?
However, I started this morning =) W1D1! I got really frustrated at the end and had to push myself, and was angry because I knew I wasn't even running that much. I think I walked through the very last running segment, but after I took a shower and relaxed a little, I felt good.

I haven't started yet either, I just kept putting it off.

I'm pretty sure this is how my first run is gonna go. I know I hafta believe in my self and all that jazz, but I'm not sure how far into it I'm gonna get. That's probably the main reason I keep putting it off.

Anyway, thx for posting, it's encouraging. I'm starting Mon. so we'll see how it goes.
Runner's World Magazine has a pre-couch to 5K plan that you might want to do instead -

the 30/30 plan...

Here's a simple 30/30 plan to get you going, featuring 30 minutes of exercise for the first 30 days. It is a routine similar to one that Chuck Cornett, a coach from Orange Park, Florida, uses with beginning runners.

Walk out the door and go 15 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 15 minutes to where you started: 30 minutes total.

For the first 10 minutes of your workout, it is obligatory that you walk: No running!

For the last 5 minutes of your workout, it is obligatory that you walk: Again, no running!

During the middle 15 minutes of the workout, you are free to jog or run--as long as you do so easily and do not push yourself.

Here's how to run during those middle 15 minutes: Jog for 30 seconds, walk until you are recovered, jog 30 seconds again. Jog, walk. Jog, walk. Jog, walk.

Once comfortable jogging and walking, adapt a 30/30 pattern: jogging 30 seconds, walking 30 seconds, etc.

Follow this 30/30 pattern for 30 days. If you train continuously (every day), you can complete this stage in a month. If you train only every other day, it will take you two months. Do what your body tells you. Everyone is different in their ability to adapt to exercise. When you're beginning, it is better to do too little than too much.

If you continue this 30/30 routine for 30 days, you will finish the month able to cover between one and two miles walking and jogging. You are now ready to progress to the next stage of your training as a beginning runner.
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i decided to go to the gym again today, and improved a little bit -- 2 miles even.
so 5.7 miles total for week 1, and i'm excited for week 2.

i'm hoping i form a habit, because i've always wanted to be able to run for pleasure. :)
Good for you bnm. That's definitely the way to do it. A little more each time.

I hit the treadmill today, and i did all 30 minutes, but I wasn't able to do it all in one go. i did two sets of 15 minutes though. I think I'm gonna do week 1 for two weeks or until I can get it all done in one go.
week 2 day 1 is out of the way.
2.02 miles

the jump wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I was able to keep my same pace.

to any graduates; how is week 3 in comparison?
I'm doing the Week 1 still (even though I've been doing it for weeks now) but I just don't feel ready to move on yet. I am finding it to be a great workout though! After a few more workouts I'm going to move onto Week 2. I still can't believe I am actually running, for any length of time!!!
W2D2 is finished, 2.14 miles

i think i'm going to go get fitted for some shoes on sunday before day 3.

how is everyone else doing?