Couch to 5K Club

Week 2 complete!

I did a little extra time with the last two workouts and I am feeling very confident about Week 3. Really starting to enjoy this.

13.67 miles total

How is everyone else doing on their programs so far?
I ran day 2 of week 6 today, it went well, but I am really dreading the 25 min run for day 3....I am sure I can do it, but it just sounds daunting! Atxjeremy, it is great to here you are doing great. It is certainly a super programme for getting fit without really knowing it!
I just did W3D1 and it was easy, a little too easy. I feel like I barely worked out. Maybe I need to add another interval of 3min/3min. Did week 3 seem too easy to anyone else?

Thanks LovelyLillie, I can't wait to get to your level. Week 6 looks like a good challenge. I am sure that if you could do the 20 minute run in week 5, you can do the 25 minute run easily, Good Luck! I do notice that I am getting fit though. My apartment stairs are a hundred times easier now :)
Well week 6 over...managed the 25 min run a lot easier than I thought. I love this programme!

atxjeremy...week 3 did seem a little easy, but it does seem to work together to get you to a good level of fitness. Keep up the great work!
Awsome thread!!! Im definately going to particpate once I get my iphone so I can download the podcast. Unfortunatley my phone was stolen :(
Awsome thread!!! Im definately going to particpate once I get my iphone so I can download the podcast. Unfortunatley my phone was stolen :(

Welcome. You're going to have a lot of fun with this program. Sorry to hear about the iPhone :(

I actually just ordered a new green nano and Nike+. It detects your speed and distance, sends the data to the iPod, and the iPod keeps track of your run. I don't think it works with the iPhone, but I am pretty sure that there are a couple of good GPS tracking running apps out there.
Week 3 complete!

I did a little more than the program said to because day 1 was way too easy. I am moving out of this apartment this week, so I will definitely be taking it slower than I did in w3, but I will still be completing w4 on schedule.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

21.33 miles total.
hmm catching up here, i did 15kms on the weekend, taking a break for several days and doing the ice and voltaren. I have a 21km run next weekend (half marathon) which im hopeing like heck ill be able to do! feeling rather nervous after having twinges in the legs this week so im off em until the day.
Also found it fairly hard to do the 15 that i did so i think that im 90% sure ill end up with shin splints after finishing the 21km run lol. But thats the last one planned for a while anyway, then im back on the bike for a couple of weeks :)
iphone app c25k

Does anyone use this c25k app on the iphone? I was thinking about adding it. Just looking for some feedback. The app is $2.99
I sprained my ankle moving last week so I am having to take a break from c25k. I hope to be back on it in a week or two. Right when I was starting to have fun :(
on my last week....did the 30 min today, but missed the 5k mark by 400m....all good though I am sure I will get there by the end of the week, I invested in a new ipod nano and nike + technology and really love it! :party:
I know I haven't been on in a while, but just when I was getting back into it all and running more, I tore my ACL and menisucs playing volleyball on March 8th. :banghead:

Surgery is scheduled for April 6th. :(

So, I won't be doing much of anything for a while. :( Keep up the great work everyone and when you feel yourself losing focus, think about how good you feel after that work out!
So, I'm back from spring break and trying to pick up on week 5 where I left off and am finding it really difficult. It's pretty ridiculous because I went skiing for SB which is one of the more athletic vacations i can think of, it's not like I was sitting around eating. :mad: Anyways, I'm thinking about restarting with week one and just taking it slow. I don't have a deadline anymore; apparently my 5k I started the program for was canceled.
on my last week....did the 30 min today, but missed the 5k mark by 400m....all good though I am sure I will get there by the end of the week, I invested in a new ipod nano and nike + technology and really love it! :party:

Is that the one you wear in your shoe?? I have been wondering how that was.. my iphone is a bit bulky to carry arround. I did my day one over again. I left town and was sick for about 4 days.. today I really pushed myself running steady at 6.0 and brisk walk for 4.0.
Is that the one you wear in your shoe?? I have been wondering how that was.. my iphone is a bit bulky to carry arround. I did my day one over again. I left town and was sick for about 4 days.. today I really pushed myself running steady at 6.0 and brisk walk for 4.0.

Yep it is the one you wear in your is great for keeping me feeling motivated. I was determined to run the 5k in 30min today, but did 31min....grrr I will get there though!
Never too late???


Is there anyone else out there, like me, who found this thread about a year late, who wants to start the Couch to 5K program but just doesn't want to be the only slow kid???

I am *THE* NON-runner.... have never had any running stamina whatsoever, but really, really want to. Couch to 5K sounds like exactly what I need, 'cause even I can run for 60 seconds!!! :hurray:

Is there anyone else out there, like me, who found this thread about a year late, who wants to start the Couch to 5K program but just doesn't want to be the only slow kid???

I am *THE* NON-runner.... have never had any running stamina whatsoever, but really, really want to. Couch to 5K sounds like exactly what I need, 'cause even I can run for 60 seconds!!! :hurray:

When I first started a year ago, I was a NON runner too. I am and will be a NON runner until my knee gets better, but start now. It's NEVER too late to start!
When I first started a year ago, I was a NON runner too. I am and will be a NON runner until my knee gets better, but start now. It's NEVER too late to start!

I'm sorry to hear about your knee, that's really a bummer! I hate to see you sidelined by an injury when you have the discipline and the motivation to work as hard as you do!!! (I've been lurking and reading alot and have been very impressed by your dedication!)

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm excited to see how the program goes for me. I did Week 1/Day 1 today, and apparently it didn't kill me, though it was pretty hard. :svengo:
Oh, bummer... I was hoping there were some other late bloomers out there like me who just found this club and are way at the beginning, too.

Well, I did Week 1/Day 2 today and feel pretty good about it! Right afterward, though, I was helping my b/f lift something that I really thought I could handle, and pulled something in my back. :cuss:

I sooooo hope that it gets better in time for Day 3... I do NOT need anything getting in my way now that I've decided to do this!!!