Couch to 5K Club

Just checking in...I'm finishing up week five right now. I just did the continuous 20 minute run at a constant 6.2mph pace. Around 17 minutes I really felt like giving up but I made it through! I'm going to run that one more time before moving on to week 6.
Wow, Nasus, that's amazing! I'm building my running up RREEEAAALLLYYY slowly!

Cheers for now!
I'm going to start back with one of the earlier weeks to build my running back up as I haven't been running enough. I haven't decided which week I'm going to start with, but I'll try to figure it out and post on here soon. I felt pretty good when running and hope I can get that feeling back up.
hmm somehow i was gonna get into doing this couch to 5k but got side tracked
anyway then i ended up doing a bit on the treadmill for like 10 mins every now and again at the gym. Then one day i decided to go to a friends and jog there.
I hadnt really worked my way up to that, but i did manage to do 5.5kms in 40 mins to my friends place in 1 go without stopping! i was so chuffed that i did more and more running, and last week and jogged to another friends house and then had lunch and then jogged back for a total distance of about 12ish kms! :D

Anyway, the whole couch to 5k is really good way to get started. I think the main thing is to keep going even when you want to stop. think about things or listen to music helps me take my mind off it a lot.
Ran again today for the first time in over a week... I quit smoking and I got a bit of a flu... Now I'm back and ready to see what I can REALLY do with all this new lung capacity !!!! :)
I would love to join this group. I have had the C-5K program on my desk top for several weeks now and I'm finally ready to begin! I found a trail near my home that would be really great for the program.

How did you guys go about timing the first week with 60 secs of jogging and 90 secs of running? I'm not really sure how to go about it...

Also, I have signed up for a 5k on November 22nd! This will give me time to complete the program and then increase my speed... I am so excited about it!
Hello all! I didn't realize this thread was here! I will have to read more through it but I wanted to say hello. I started c25k last week. I downloaded the podcasts and have been enjoying it. It is hard to get into running after so many months of slacker, couch potato behavior but this is a great program and I am starting week 2 today. My schedule it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I am running a Susan G. Komen 5K on October 5th which is 9 weeks from now I think lol. Good luck to us all!!
Oh dwwise83- I use the podcasts that I downloaded because the guy will tell you when to change your speed. It is easier than looking at the clock. You could make a music mix with your own speed change cues. I find it is nicer because you aren't as aware of the time and it seems to go faster that way!
I am going to keep up with you all, too.

I did the Couch to 5K last year and got up to 2.75 miles before the time changed and I had to quit running. (My husband no longer got home before dark) I have been back at it for a few weeks now, but have decided to skip the beginning and go more for the end of the program. I thought I was doing 2 miles, but it is actually 1.5 miles. I have been doing it in 15 minutes or so. I want to improve my time there before I move on to a farther distance.

Anyways, I am going to be watching you all and keeping up with your posts...maybe it will help keep me fored up and offer a little bit of accountability.
Well, back to running. I could do 2 mins run, 1 min walk for about 10 minutes yesterday, the rest was 1 minute, 1:30 minute.

I will be going to try to improve that today!

I have, however, increased the speed I was going at... I was going at 9km/h (5.5m/h) and now it's 10km/h (6.2m/h). Yay!

I will be tracking how far a distance I run everytime I do 20 minutes to measure progress as well. Yesterday I made it to 2.7 km.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I downloaded the podcast and finished my W1D1 workout on Tuesday morning. It was hard... and I realized how VERY out of shape I am! I am doing W1D2 in the morning and can't wait!

2.0 Miles
30 Minutes
Very well done!! Has anyone gotten to week 2? It is hard for me and just wanted to commiserate ;) lol
Tomorrow is the last day of Week2 and then on to week 3!!
So, going for a run today... not at gym, as I don't have time today. I'll be running my block. It's about 2km or 20 minutes jog/walk (when I was 14....)

I'll give it a shot, measuring by landmarks for the intervals (I don't have an mp3 player to run with). I need to do at least this today... Wednesday and Thursday I'll run again!
Well I finished my first week of the program and feel really great. I finally found a place to run that isn't so hilly! I start week 2 tomorrow and am nervous/anxious to see how it goes!
Good luck on Week 2 dwwise83!! It was a bit of a struggle for me but I got through it! I am on to week 3 D1 today!! I am nervous because of increased running!!
Good luck on your run today Ankebuzz! It would be hard to run for me without having a watch or something to time. I am to OCD for just winging it lol!! Have a good day today!!
I just finished my week 2 day 1 workout and it went great-ish! :)

Head over to my diary (see my signature) to read the details!
Tried to go run... the dog was following so I went back home. I ran around my yard (it's big) for about 20 minutes with jumping jack intervals :)

Better than NO run, right? I am losing running motivation... I'm procrastinating getting back into it... what to do!!!??
Personally, I have to think of running as a requirement. As soon as I make it an option, I opt out! It literally takes me an entire day to psych myself up for a run the next morning.

You can do it!!!!
I have heard people say that you schedule it like an appointment. It's something you have to do. I feel ya on it being hard to get out there but once you do and get it over with it feels good! Think how skinny you'll be with all that running!!