Couch to 5K Club

Didn't make it to the gym like I thought the other night... Working overnite two nites this weekend in addition to all the daytime hours I put in during the week:) so the gym has definitely been put on the back burner. I know without a doubt though I will make to the gym on Monday and workout really hard, then next week should be a little more normal. Dontcha just hate when work throws in a curveball and it messes up your workouts....grrr.


I'm so glad this club exists! I found it this morning before my jog.

I'm on W3D2 now; I just finished day one. I'm 233, so three minutes for me was amazing. I was praying and everything. I'm so excited to read the other posts about facing challenges and overcoming fears, etc.

I have to admit, every single time I finish that five minute warm up walk and am about to jog, I get a single moment of fear. (That I won't be able to finish? That my legs will randomly break in two? I haven't pinned down exactly what it is yet.) Does anyone else get that?
I finished Week 1 today! Yay!!

Today I felt alot better than my very first day. The only problem was my stupid Ipod! (Grr!) It decided to lock up 5 minutes into my run. Luckily it happened to me last week at home, and I looked up how to reset it. However, I had to keep walking while I reset it and got it back to the spot I was at, so I probably walked 3:00 instead of 1:30 at that point. Crap.

I have no clue why it did it. Some searching said it might be caused by bouncing up and down while running . (I keep it in my front pocket of my hoodie)...but it never did this the other few times I went running. Anybody else have this problem?

Weeeird. Well, Week 2 starts on Tuesday (eeeek!)
I finished Week 1 today! Yay!!

Today I felt alot better than my very first day. The only problem was my stupid Ipod! (Grr!) It decided to lock up 5 minutes into my run. Luckily it happened to me last week at home, and I looked up how to reset it. However, I had to keep walking while I reset it and got it back to the spot I was at, so I probably walked 3:00 instead of 1:30 at that point. Crap.

I have no clue why it did it. Some searching said it might be caused by bouncing up and down while running . (I keep it in my front pocket of my hoodie)...but it never did this the other few times I went running. Anybody else have this problem?

Weeeird. Well, Week 2 starts on Tuesday (eeeek!)

Congratulations on week 1!! Good luck on Tuesday!

Do you turn the hold on before you go? If you don't you could be accidentally pressing buttons and confusing it. Otherwise, I don't know.
Well, today was my W7D3 run and I'm going to continue working on W7 for a while. I'm trying to get my speed up now before I move on. Today I got 3.10 miles in 32:50. I really would like to get it beneath 30 minutes and then perhaps below 28. My next run, I might just focus on running the full 2.5 miles nonstop though because I have been pushing myself on the speed lately.

My hubby finished 3 miles in 23:05 (I have no idea how he's able to go so fast). When we finally run our 5K, and he paces himself with me, he's going to be going a lot slower than he's used to or I'm going to be going a lot faster. HA.

Welcome aboard to all you C25K newb club members! Glad to have ya!
Hey all.... Today was my Week 7 Day 2 workout and it felt great. Did the 5 minute warmup at 4.2mph and then did most (all but about 3 minutes ) of the 25 minute running portion at 6.5mph. It felt great to get the run in and now I want to do it again:) I ended up at about 3.10 miles total.

Glad to see more new faces joining. I recommend this program a lot on here just because I feel like it has really helped me out in getting the running back into my routine gradually and consistently.

Knoxville- I hate it when my ipod locks up too!!! It used to do it a lot on the treadmill right when I was in the middle of a run. It hasn't done it in awhile though and I'm not sure why. I did change from wearing it on my arm to putting it in the bin thing on the treadmill though...

Tasha- Your husband is fast as hell. It is my goal to one day be that fast. Is he a runner? I have to pat myself on the back though, I did run one mile outside Sunday (up some hills and down some hills) in about 8 minutes I think. It was exciting to know I could run at least 1 mile that fast :)

Have a great night fellow runners:)

Are yall doing this indoors or outdoors?

I'm on week4 day2

heres the thing, outside I can run at maybe 5.5-6mph, but I struggle at the last run

on the treadmill i can run 6.5-7mph for all the runs

gosh the music is LAME for this week...:smash:
Are yall doing this indoors or outdoors?

I'm on week4 day2

heres the thing, outside I can run at maybe 5.5-6mph, but I struggle at the last run

on the treadmill i can run 6.5-7mph for all the runs

gosh the music is LAME for this week...:smash:

That's interesting, I have heard it's the opposite for most people. As in they can run faster outdoors than indoors.

I have done all of my training indoors so far.

Tasha- Your husband is fast as hell. It is my goal to one day be that fast. Is he a runner? I have to pat myself on the back though, I did run one mile outside Sunday (up some hills and down some hills) in about 8 minutes I think. It was exciting to know I could run at least 1 mile that fast :)

Have a great night fellow runners:)


Hey Sam,

Hubby was in the USMC and had to run his PT's by a certain speed to pass them and they were all 3 mile tests. As far as him being a runner, he's always hated running. He can run 2-2.5 miles on 8mph and will run the additional bits on 9mph and sometimes has like .10 walking somehwere in the middle. it's nuts.

I really wish I could run faster and while it may come with time, it's not happening now. I think I injured my left hip flexor while running on Monday. It's been bothering me since then. Sigh.
The big day is finally here!

I am really nervous, and I don't know why. I know I can run the 3.1 miles, so I don't know what it is... first time jitters, I guess!

Anyway, wish me luck!

I am hoping for 36/37 minutes. I'll (of course) keep you all informed!!!
Ok, C25K run day for me. Hubby and I decided to do it outside (which we've never done) and we ran 4.3 miles instead of 3.1 miles. I almost died, but I made it!!! 4.3 miles in 42:36 WOOOOHOOO! And this included several up hill grades that I'm not used too. He stayed with me the entire time and encouraged me when I was ready to throw in the towel. I stopped about 3 times for about 3-5 seconds or less each and picked up the pace when he said "hurry up, come on no walking." So this is the most I have ever run EVER! YAY!!
That is great Tasha!!! I wish sometimes I had a running partner too. Your hubby sounds like a great motivator for you! 4.3 miles is terrific! :)

I am just seeing this and I am wanting to do a 5k this summer and have been having trouble getting started!! I am DEF going to do that podcast!! Thanks so much and I look forward to posting in this forum more!!!!!
aw man!

okay so today, when I went running on my second turn of week 4 (last week I did 2 days, and then i got really busy so i restarted today) well I got this sharp pain in my lower abdomen and lower back and it felt so severe I had to stop for about 1 minute. I finished the tape and ended up jogging home later, but I felt really bad for stopping. I'm sticking to week 4 until next week, so i'll be ready for that 20 minute run next week.

Do you guys think the pain was just menstrual? I started my period today and I think that might have been the problem. I did finish and I'm happy, but so disappointed that I stopped. Any tips on how to alleviate this pain? It went away fully by the cool down, but now i'm feeling a dull ache
I've kind of fallen out of my rhythm... I got a little sick and it turned into some nasal/sinus/chest thing, and so now I'm kind of behind on my running, according to the schedule of the program... What I am thinking I will do is start back up this week, and go easy, do intervals, then next week do either Week 7 or 8, depending on which one I can manage.

Glad to see all the new faces in here :)

how long did igt take you to build up to that? i am only pu to 1.5 miles and onlyr unning about 3/4 of it i am dying... but i love running so far!

Ok, C25K run day for me. Hubby and I decided to do it outside (which we've never done) and we ran 4.3 miles instead of 3.1 miles. I almost died, but I made it!!! 4.3 miles in 42:36 WOOOOHOOO! And this included several up hill grades that I'm not used too. He stayed with me the entire time and encouraged me when I was ready to throw in the towel. I stopped about 3 times for about 3-5 seconds or less each and picked up the pace when he said "hurry up, come on no walking." So this is the most I have ever run EVER! YAY!!
is the podcast free or how much does it cost??

I'd like to start the program as well, where is the thread to download the podcast?