Couch to 5K Club

OMG OMG OMG! I made it!!!

W5D3 finished!!!!! WOOOOT Let's all do the happy dance.

So, After my 5 minute warm-up, I set the mph on 6.0.. and decided really quickly that was too fast. So I bumped it down to 5.6mph. I ran a full 2miles at 5.6mph and then decided I would run another .25 miles and increased the speed to 6.0 so I ran a full 2.25 miles without stopping!!! ..I stopped for 2 minutes and then ran another .25 miles at 6.6mph. Altogether with my cool down, I ran 2.50 miles and walked .5 miles for a total of 3 miles!! YAY. I made it.. now I'm moving on to week 6.
That's awesome Tasha! I have fallen a little behind on my C25K and probably don't see myself finishing Week 5 until Monday... Work schedules and sleeping patterns this weekend are getting in the way!

W6D1 finished! WOoot!

So, Week 6 consisted of warm up then:
5 min run 6.5mph
3 min cool 3.8mph
8 min run 6.2mph
3 min cool (actually did 2 mins) 3.8
5 min run 6.3
5 min cool

W6D2 is different, I think it starts with a 10 min run or something. I guess we'll see when that begins!
Ok I am joining the club! Thanks for the invite photocrazed! Today is "weights day" for me though so I may not start it until tomorrow. I'll see how I feel.
I started today

I warmed up 5 minutes, finished the first 20 minutes and then I rolled over and died, the then revived me cooled down for 5 minutes

It's much easier for me to jog long then to jog in short intervals, I also weight trained today for 35 minutes, and walked 20 minutes which may contribute to my early death ><
Tasha, You've caught up with me. I still haven't got past week 6 day 1 yet. I've come down with a cold, so I think I need to wait a bit before I head out. It's annoying me that I've have had to hold off.
I did week 1, day 1 last night. It felt great and I made it all the way. My wife is doing it with me and she struggled a little towards the end but I was very proud of her.

Hoping to be 5k ready by June.
I finally made it thru Week 5 and am moving onto Week 6 Day 1 tomorrow probably. I have a little blister on the bottom of my foot that is kind of buggin me...

I finished week 6 Days 2 and 3. I finished them on monday and tuesday. I thought week 7 might have intervals, but I realized last night that it is ALL 25min runs. Scary! I have to say that 25min wears me out. Pushing on...
I did week 1, day 1 last night. It felt great and I made it all the way. My wife is doing it with me and she struggled a little towards the end but I was very proud of her.

Hoping to be 5k ready by June.

It nice having someone to do this with, isn't it? Tell your wife that I struggled too. I'm on to week 7 and I've come a loooong way. Best of luck!!!
Well, I went to the gym for W6D2 today and well, I can't say that I mastered today. I'll have to try again tomorrow.

I did the warm up and then ran 10 minutes at 6.0mph which gives me a 10 minute mile. I then walked the 3 minutes and started the next 10 minute phase and my shins were killing me. So I stopped pretty soon in and walked some. Then I jogged a little and stopped again. I finally decided I had to finish the mile even if it took longer than 10 minutes, so I took the treadmill down to 5.2mph and instead of running 10 minutes, I ran for a mile.

I finished up with the 5K at 37:30 but continued walking until I hit 3.50 miles. I also walked 3 laps around the gym track. For a total today of 3.75.

So, even though I did finally finish, I didn't do it in the correct order, and I want to do it the way the program suggests.

Hubby was running beside me, and he ran a full 3 miles at 7.0mph. Go him!
Hmmmmm. I'm not going to make day 2 of C25K today. I've had a pretty sharp pain in my right calf that comes and goes since yesterday and I really don't want to make it worse before my volleyball game tonight. So I'm planning to do some cardio on the cross trainer or elliptical instead today and see about doing Day 2 again tomorrow unless I feel like I can make D3. We'll see.

Great job on getting through week 6 Luscious and You Ed for making W1D1. HOpe to hear from the rest of you soon!
Hey all. Sorry to hear about the pain in your calf Tash, hope it is nothing and goes away for ya. I am planning on getting to the gym tonite and gettting in Day 1 of Week 6. We shall see how it goes :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday!
Tasha, you're working so hard that maybe your body needs a bit more rest. I don't know how on earth you manage 6.0. I don't run on a treadmill but when I have I'm around 5.0. I wonder if the higher speed is causing your stride length to be too long at this point. I read something about a connection between shin splints and stride length (depending on your biomechanics). Here is an article that might have some ideas for you.

Have you thought about going in someone that can check your form and assess your biomechanics? My kinesiologist has got me working on different lunge and glute exercises to correct my biomechanics that may cause stress on my knees. It has made a huge difference.

Anyways, get some rest you wild and crazy workout machine!!! Your stamina amazes me!
Well I had all intentions of going to the gym when I got off work last night but a few things made me kind of change my mind. First, I got off work an hour later than I was planning, then it started to snow a little outside (just made me not want to leave my house), and when I got home my bros were there with some of their friends and we played Scattergories...

So, to make up for it I went today before work. I did Day 1 of Week 6 in the C25K, and it felt great. I first did my 30 minutes on the crosstrainer, then this is how my workout on the treadmill broke down:

5min w/up 4.2mph
5min run 6.5mph
3min walk 4.2mph
8min run 6.7mph
3min walk 4.2mph
6min run 6.9mph
2min cool down 3.5mph

It ended up being 3.0 miles on the treadmill today, and that last 6 minute run at 6.9mph I really felt like I was hauling ass!

Hope everyone else is doing great!

I finished wk 1 last night! On to week 2. I am going to give it a go tonight so I can get back to our Mon, Wed, Fri schedule. Week one went great so I am looking forward to week 2 although I have a feeling those first few 90 second jogs are going to be rough. We are having a cold snap here so our lungs were working hard last night in the cold wind. Going to be colder tonight but not as windy.
Tasha, you're working so hard that maybe your body needs a bit more rest. I don't know how on earth you manage 6.0. I don't run on a treadmill but when I have I'm around 5.0. I wonder if the higher speed is causing your stride length to be too long at this point. I read something about a connection between shin splints and stride length (depending on your biomechanics). Here is an article that might have some ideas for you.

Have you thought about going in someone that can check your form and assess your biomechanics? My kinesiologist has got me working on different lunge and glute exercises to correct my biomechanics that may cause stress on my knees. It has made a huge difference.

Anyways, get some rest you wild and crazy workout machine!!! Your stamina amazes me!

I totally missed this over the weekend, but no, I haven't checked into anything yet and have thought about recording my running and then watching to see how it looks or having someone else look at it or watch me. I have been doing leg/butt exercises and am hoping that that's helping. I have been trying to only do the treadmill for C25K and do other things for the additional cardio - which I'm trying to hit an hour a day 6 days a week for just cardio. I'll have to check that website out. Thank you so much!

I know when I was running at 6.0mph last week and hubby was running at 7.0 or 7.2, we had the same stride.

Way to go on those running speeds! WOOOT.

As for my Current C25K progress, I ran W6D3 today I set the treadmill to 5.7mph and stayed there for the entire time. Because my speed was slower than a 2.5 miles in 25 minutes, I decided to run until I hit 2.5 miles which set me at 26:30. I will need to increase my speed to make the 2.5 miles in 25 minutes though, so this week, that is my goal. I will slowly increase my mph.

Hope you all are doing well, and congrats to Ed for making his way through Week 1 and heading into Week 2!

Keep up the great work All!
I agree! Congrats to everyone who is doing this. I didn't make it to the gym this weekend but i did manage to go run outside yesterday for 2 miles. I would have went longer but I could feel my allergies kickin up pretty bad, so I cut it short. It was great though. Tonite I plan on getting to the gym and running my C25K Week 6 Day 2 after work. I hate going to the gym after work but I also hate going in the morning. I just have such a hard time waking up... Oh well, wish me luck :)

I finished week 2, day 1 last night. I could really tell that last 30 seconds of each jog. I'm a lil sore this morning. What if any cardio do you guys do on the off days and how are you spacing your runs?
I finished week 2, day 1 last night. I could really tell that last 30 seconds of each jog. I'm a lil sore this morning. What if any cardio do you guys do on the off days and how are you spacing your runs?

Hi Ed,

On my days off of running, I'm doing the elliptical or cross trainer at my gym. I have shin splint problems and have to give my legs a break with the pounding. Also after my C25K run, I normally spend another 30 minutes on one of the other machines too. I've just gotten into stair climbing so we'll see how that goes. It's hard as crap though. LOL.

As far as spacing my C25K runs, I try to give one days rest in between each, but sometimes, I have to have 2 days because the way my shins are feeling. Definitely listen to your body, it will let you know when you should wait a little longer or if it's ready. Also, if you try to go a little faster and can do it, that's great, but if you start and start feeling bad, just stop and do walking or something and try again the next day.

Hope you are having a great day. I'm starting week 7 today, and I can tell you from week 1 to week 7 I feel like a completely different person. I can actually run 2.5 miles without stopping. YAY.

Good Luck!