Couch to 5K Club

Hey guys... :)

Just wondering if I might be able to join this club too? I'm already kind of a runner but really need to build up my stamina and perhaps want to increase my speed. Plus, I'm needing to get the running back into my workouts regularly again, and I think this just might be the trick.

I hope I'm not too late or anything, I've never been involved with any of the challenges on here, so I don't quite know how they work. I've read thru this thread though and I think I get it. I still need to download the podcast and stuff.

I guess just let me know if I can join?


We'd love to have ya. As long as you don't laugh at the little kids. LOL. If you want to you can check out the plan on the and the pod casts on . It may be a little beginner for you...see if its worthwhile skipping some of the weeks or trying a different plan on the cool runnings site. Otherwise, make up your own program and keep us updated on your progress. Basically, this is just a great place to see how everyone is doing and to discuss problems and successes. Welcome Sam!
Thank you so much! Also thanks for the link to the podcast, I was wondering where that was. I just printed out the plan for the C25K and it looks fun. I've never been into podcasts, so I'm excited to download it and get it on my Ipod and start runnin'!!!

I had never used a podcast before, but this one has been very helpful! I hope it works out for you!

I am not real excited about running in the 30 mph wind, but I am too stubborn to deviate from my plan! I know it's going to slow me down, but the resistance makes for a worthy leg workout, right?! :)

Ugh. Trying to think positive! :D
Tyly, Good luck on that run in that kind of wind. WOW..

Sammy, Glad to have ya. Just jump on in and we'll update the official roster on Top of Page 4.

I hope everyone does well with their C25K program. I'll be out of town until Monday afternoon, and I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have, but if I get some, I'll try to update you how my day 3 was.

Good Luck everyone.
Finished day 1! :D

The podcast was extremely helpful. I even brought my mile down to a little under 13min, which is a little more than a minute shaved off my time yesterday, but I suppose that was on a treadmill and today I was on the track.

What is everyone doing to workout besides this? I was thinking I'd lift on off days and do some light cardio, but I'm at a loss as to what to do on days of the program. I'm used to more than just 30min of activity.
C5K Week 1, Workout 2

Ran 2.6 miles this afternoon. Suspect it was actually 3.0. Not quite sure if I did 3 or 4 laps of one particular route but I prefer to underestimate.

It's weird because I decided I'd avoid the lights n train and just do laps around the neighborhood. Felt like significantly less work (despite having less break time without the lights). Maybe I'm just crazy.

I was actually kinda sore going down the stairs today to start my run. That rarely happens to me. Yeay for adaptive stress. :D
What is everyone doing to workout besides this? I was thinking I'd lift on off days and do some light cardio, but I'm at a loss as to what to do on days of the program. I'm used to more than just 30min of activity.

I do arm weights in the evenings of my Couch - 5K days.

On other days, I do Biggest Loser DVDs, Tae Bo Dvds, and use the elliptical.

Every night I do different crunches and a few push ups.

Hope that helps! :)
Day 1 of Week 7 is complete!

I ran 2.4 miles in 25 minutes, so that is a bit better than last time.

It was tough thanks to the stupid wind! But I'm sure without the wind I would be complaining about the heat. It's always something... :)

I would like to build up my stamina and speed. I'm still pretty slow and tired at the end!
Congratulations, pennybear!


You need to run with the wind not against it and then take a cab home. LOL. Just imagine what your distance would be ten!
Sorry I was MIA yesterday - was working at another location - no Internet access.

I finished Week 1 Day 2 Wed night at 2.04 miles total. Logged miles since Sunday 2/24 total 7.38.

I worked out every day Sat through Wed, so yesterday I took a night off.

To keep with my rotation, tonight's workout will be 30 minutes of walking and abs/butt/legs on exercise ball. Tomorrow will be Week 1 Day 3 of C25K.

I fear I may not be able to move ahead as quickly as the plan calls for. I actually have a heart condition (have no fear - I've been treated by a cardiologist for two years now). It just makes running a bit harder for me (remember the slow kid in gym class thing - I had the condition then, but it wasn't "officially" diagnosed until two years ago). Basically, my heart thumps so hard/fast while I'm running that I think from time to time that it might pop out of my chest or up out my throat or that I might pass out. My cardiologist has done stress tests, echos, etc., and I am fine now (with beta blocker medication), but I just don't have the stamina I should for my age (which is probably why I run a lot slower than everyone else too). I am going to keep truckin with the plan, but I may need to repeat days/weeks where others do not need to.

Also, I noticed Wednesday that I have horrible running form. I feel uncoordinated and all over the place. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or does it just correct itself with time and practice?
Congratulations, pennybear!


You need to run with the wind not against it and then take a cab home. LOL. Just imagine what your distance would be ten!

HAHAHAHA! What a brilliant idea!!! :D

I try to avoid running against it, but I have to at some point to get back home.

I may have to get James to pick me up from wherever I end up at the end of my 25 minutes! :D

I fear I may not be able to move ahead as quickly as the plan calls for. I actually have a heart condition (have no fear - I've been treated by a cardiologist for two years now). It just makes running a bit harder for me (remember the slow kid in gym class thing - I had the condition then, but it wasn't "officially" diagnosed until two years ago). Basically, my heart thumps so hard/fast while I'm running that I think from time to time that it might pop out of my chest or up out my throat or that I might pass out. My cardiologist has done stress tests, echos, etc., and I am fine now (with beta blocker medication), but I just don't have the stamina I should for my age (which is probably why I run a lot slower than everyone else too). I am going to keep truckin with the plan, but I may need to repeat days/weeks where others do not need to.

Wow! I am so impressed that you aren't using your condition as an excuse not to do it! You are such a rockstar!

You do it the way you need to! I'm so impressed!
Just finished day 2 of week 1. It was a little easier for me this time. I did 1.83 miles. .o2 more than last time. lol I guess that's something. I suppose I'll track my miles like the rest of the group, but I'm only going to count the miles I do for this particular program. :D
HAHAHAHA! What a brilliant idea!!! :D

I try to avoid running against it, but I have to at some point to get back home.

I may have to get James to pick me up from wherever I end up at the end of my 25 minutes! :D

Wow! I am so impressed that you aren't using your condition as an excuse not to do it! You are such a rockstar!

You do it the way you need to! I'm so impressed!

run against the wind at the beginning of your run, if you can. you'll have more energy than at the end.
Week 1, Day 2: 2.6 miles in 30min

Actually tried running outside this time, which was interesting although a bit wet (stupid fog). I think I pushed myself a little more because I was more tired during the running, but it was still okay. I'm almost looking forward to running days. I'm so impressed with my progress from just two days, my mile is now down to about 12min.

Also, I noticed Wednesday that I have horrible running form. I feel uncoordinated and all over the place. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or does it just correct itself with time and practice?

I was wondering this myself. Sometimes I feel as though my strides are really short. I have pretty long strides when I walk, but I feel as though I'm cramping in on myself while jogging. I try to make myself stretch back out but it's very difficult. Anyone have any tricks?
C5K Week 1, Workout 3

Ran 3.0 miles tonight (I am following the times, that's just how far I got in 20 minutes). Sort of liked running in the evening with the wind. I'mma need to wear gloves next time so my hands don't turn into blocks of ice.

Had a little difficulty getting out the door to start, there, but made out alright overall. Noticed myself wanting to run past the 60s mark so I shortened up my walk intervals (to 80s walk and 70s run). I also notice I come out of the gate way too fast.

Great job, everyone who's been keeping at it. :D The hardest part really is just consistently getting started.

I don't know much about jogging form (mine is naturally good, apparently - I played a lot of sports when I was young?) but I imagine if you try to keep your thighs relatively together and take short, sure steps with your feet exactly perpendicular to your torso (facing straight ahead at about shoulder width) you're doing fine. I wouldn't be worried about your jogging stride being shorter than your walking stride. Pretty sure that is normal, if not desirable. Your stride lengthens when you are moving faster, I believe.

Penny (oh hi welcome btw :) ), I am currently performing a full body strength training routine three days a week and doing light cycling daily (in addition to either weight training or running). I'd recommend you just do whatever you can stick to that will give you results, for now. There's no need to increase your activity unless you're not making suitable progress. For me I know it takes a lot to get my body going, so I do what I gotta.
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Week 1 Looks to be pretty much complete for the majority of Week 1 members. Congratulations for making it through the first week!!!

I just finished Day 3 of Week 1 today. 2.80 miles total and will be adding to my new totals soon with my walking from yesterday as well.

Hope you all are gearing up for Week #2. This weeks plan is listed below:

Warm-up 5 minutes
90 seconds jogging
2 minute brisk walk
for a total of 20 minutes and
Cool-down 5 minutes.

Keep up the hard work and again, keep doing those stretches after your workout!!!
Just finished Week 7 today.

All of you guys make me feel so slow! I only get about 2.5 miles in my 25 minute runs, but I have to keep in mind that is soooo much more than I used to be able to run! :)

Week 8 is 3 days of 28 minute runs. I can do it! I can do it! I just keep telling myself that!

Does anyone have any tips / thoughts on what to do while running to help the time pass? I do listen to music (the podcast), but I also picture myself trying on a smaller size, wearing cute clothes, seeing a smaller number on the scale, etc.
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2.5 miles in 25 minutes is very good. I run a 5k (3.1 miles) in 33-34 minutes. just under 6mph. you guys doing 3miles on wk 1...I don't know how you're measuring yourselves but you have to be going pretty fast (i.e. non stop running) to do 3 miles in 30 minutes.
2.5 miles in 25 minutes is very good. I run a 5k (3.1 miles) in 33-34 minutes. just under 6mph. you guys doing 3miles on wk 1...I don't know how you're measuring yourselves but you have to be going pretty fast (i.e. non stop running) to do 3 miles in 30 minutes.

First off, as with all things fitness, what you can do is only relative to what you used to be able to do. So it ain't nothin', daisee. Good on you for being more concerned with how fast you used to be able to run. :)

Daybyday, objectively speaking, 3 miles/30 mins (6 mph) is not a very fast pace. That's only a little quicker than brisk walking. Average running speed (for a healthy, mildly fit individual), as far as I'm aware, is 15 mph. If you're walking at average speed as well (3 mph), then to run 3 miles while strictly following the program you need only be walking and running at average speeds. Of course that would mean you are "running" during your run intervals rather than "jogging", which I suspect is what makes the difference.

Not that I'm saying jogging is bad. Jogging is what you're meant to be doing. I just have issues with working at a certain intensity when my body wants more. All I'm saying is if you're running, it's not inconceivable that you are moving that distance while doing what are functionally closer to sprint/walk intervals than jog/walks. This is all particularly true for someone with an athletic background as opposed to someone who has avoided activity for most of his life (not saying that is the case here with anyone, just making the contrast).

This came up in my journal, too, haha. I guess I'll go down to the U one of these days and run laps. Kinda curious myself.

Edit: Just wanted to add that when I say average running speed I mean for short bursts, and not for distances. Even the most elite marathon runners can't sustain a 15 mph pace. They can get close (13 mph'ish I believe), but that's for hours!
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