Couch to 5K Club

Hey - count me in!

I just did session one last night.

5 min warm up
Alternated 1 min jog at 5.0 MPH with 1.5 min brisk walk at 4.0 MPH for 20 mins
5 min cool down

total distance = 2 miles in 30 minutes

I'm not fast - mainly because I'm an indoor runner, and my treadmill sucks! I'm sure over time, I will get faster though.

Also, I don't have the podcast - no iPod for me! I am just using the guidelines on the cool runnings website.

I'm just walking tonight - no running - and doing some exercise ball exercises (abs/butt/legs).

As far as the shoe topic, I agree with visiting a running store. I wear New Balance anti-pronation shoes to prevent shin splints. The store I went to helped me find the perfect shoes for my feet, and I love them. There was a remarkable difference between the two styles of anti-pronation shoes they had me definitely see someone who knows what they're doing and what you're looking for.

I also agree with Maleficent. My New Balance shoes were about $110 - about the same as the worthless pair of Nikes I had bought before them in the mall.
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I found it! I found the club!!


Of course right when I find it is when I have to go pick up my students from Science Lab... blah.

But rest assured, I WILL be back!
This out of my journal, but I figured I would share it here as well:

I have a big announcement to make!

I have decided to sign up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure!

It is a 5K race about 45 minutes from where I live. Well actually, there are other things you can do, but I am going to enter the 5K!

It is on May 3, so I think that will give me enough time to get 100% ready to complete a 5K!


I can't believe this is actually happening!

It benefits breast cancer, so I can't think of a better 5K to run as my very first one!

I already told James that he will be required to come with me, take pictures, and be proud! :D
oh wow! thats super news! woot!

I love doing rides for charity things, it makes it more fun and enjoyable.
have decided to sign up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure!
they're a good organization to raise money for - as a fairly high percentage of donations goes to actual research and not operating costs.

How much do you have to raise in order to run? (the 60mile walk money raising i did last summer was brutal)
good luck with it everyone.

I finished in December, and due to a bad month have gone back to wk 5 to train for my 5k in april.
ok im in, and my daughter is gonna do it with me :)

Excellent. :D Dos runners por favor.

That's the wrong reason to buy a pair of shoes... Everyone's foot is different and how they walk/run is slightly different -what might be the perfect shoe for one person - might be all wrong for another.

You should always go to a running store and get properly fitted for a pair of shoes -most better running stores have employees trained to check the wear pattern on your current shoes - watch how you walk/run - and are able to suggest the best possible shoe for your foot.. .

Hehehe. You're so funny. I did try them on first. At a running store. Where I was being fitted. They just happened to fit nicely. They did ask me for my previous shoe but the last time I ran consistently, I was 12. I also got a snazzy insert thing they said isn't really necessary (forgot to ask but I think it's because I have remarkably flat fleet and apparently don't pronate - which I did ask about) but I insisted on getting just to try out.

Not that what you're saying isn't right, of course, for the people reading. Though in my case it doesn't really matter - the chances of my injuring myself are pretty much 0. I have never even pulled a muscle in my life, and I've done some pretty ill-advised things, physically speaking.

Now that I've said that, of course, watch me somehow hurt myself today. :D

So I mapped out a route that takes me out of my apartment straight north and down along the river. Crosses some railroad tracks and hits two serious sets of lights (I think), but other than that runs along the path next to the river. Also has the advantage of being exactly 5k (3 miles) there and back.
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I just got done doing some cardio....2.5 miles in 30 minutes! It was refreshing, and it puts me at 50 minutes/4 miles total for the week.
I feel like the slow kid in gym class... :blush5:

WAIT! I always was the slow kid in gym class!

Anyway, my max run speed right now is 5.0 MPH. I don't know if it's me or my crappy treadmill. Oh well, I'll get faster with time. I hope....
This may be difficult for me, but I'm in. I haven't been a runner since Jr High School so I'm interested in seeing how this will effect my body. lol

A newly made friend of mine is a mountain bike racer, and she loves exercise. It will be nice to find a program that I can do while we're at the gym together. :D

I'm going to the gym tonight so I'll try the first day of week one. I'll post about it later. :)
Today was an off day for the Couch to 5K program, but I still did my 65 minutes on the treadmill and 4miles today. I didn't run as I am afraid of 1) blisters 2) burnout and 3) shin splints or other injuries.

I'm going to edit my original post for me and keep up with how many miles I've gone during this program.

Hope you all are doing well and having a great day.

This may be difficult for me, but I'm in. I haven't been a runner since Jr High School so I'm interested in seeing how this will effect my body. lol

A newly made friend of mine is a mountain bike racer, and she loves exercise. It will be nice to find a program that I can do while we're at the gym together. :D

I'm going to the gym tonight so I'll try the first day of week one. I'll post about it later. :)

Welcome to the club and no worries about the running, I haven't run since I was in High school 10 years ago.
So I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes just now. I could've done 3 or more I'm pretty sure, but I want to follow the rules on this one. At least to start. If it turns out to be too easy I'll crank up the heat. :flame:

The route I picked sucked with the swiftness so I just winged it all over the place and used my trusty new to figure it out afterwards.

[Just noticed the quick formatting buttons are broken. Now I get what that guy was talking about earlier.]

Edit: Oh, man. This is going to be addictive, I can tell. I already wanna go back out and run some more. I feel like I didn't try.
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Good idea on adding the link to this club on your signature! We will be able to recruit more wayward souls. You really are the Den Mother of this club...keep it up mommy!
Alrighty guys, I did the first day of week one. I have to admit I haven't sweat like that in a while, but it felt good. It was a small struggle, but one I enjoyed.

TrkrGrl83, I'm right there with ya on the slow kid in gym class thing. We'll gain speed together! hehe

I did 1.82 miles in 20 minutes. Not to bad, but I hope to get faster with the program. :)
Ok, looks like today may be day 2 for some on board and it might be an off day for some.

Make sure that you all are stretching those legs and arms after each work out we definitely don't want any injuries here in week 1 (or any other week).

Congrats to all of you who have completed Week 1 Day 1 so far and gear up for week 1 day 2 today or tomorrow!!
Speed will definitely come later! I am still pretty slow, but I try!

I just finished Week 6 yesterday, and I am starting Week 7 tomorrow. Since yesterday was a 25 minute run, I am giving myself the day off of running (I am doing Tae Bo instead). I will start Week 7 tomorrow, which is a 25 minute run for all 3 days!!! :D

It's so crazy how I started in Week 1 running only 60 seconds at a time! ALL OF YOU CAN DO IT! The confidence I have now is awesome - knowing that I was only running 60 seconds at a time, and now I am running 25 minutes at a time! Stick with it! I promise that if I can do it, you can do it!!

I'm on Week 1 - Day 2 today.

Here's my breakdown:

WARM UP (5 mins)

1 min @ 5.0 MPH
1.5 min @ 4.0 MPH

COOL DOWN (5 mins)

Distance: 2.04 Miles

P.S. - Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night and see that Jillian made Britney run at 14 MPH?!? It was only 15 seconds - but OMG...that's crazy.
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