Couch to 5K Club

Can I still join?

I was focusing on weights today, which is difficult because I'm really weak, but I didn't break a sweat like I'm used to so I figured I'd try some random cardio machines for shorter intervals of time than I'm used to. First thing I did was the treadmill and I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting my mile to be much faster than it was, but my pace was sticking me at around 14min. I was honestly expecting a 10-12min max.
Can I still join?

I was focusing on weights today, which is difficult because I'm really weak, but I didn't break a sweat like I'm used to so I figured I'd try some random cardio machines for shorter intervals of time than I'm used to. First thing I did was the treadmill and I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting my mile to be much faster than it was, but my pace was sticking me at around 14min. I was honestly expecting a 10-12min max.

Tyly is right! You can absolutely join. Welcome aboard!

Just keep us up to date as we are going to have some people on the same day and week here and some people on different days and weeks.

The more the merrier! BUt it's all still the first week for most and so far I've only completed day 1 of week 1. Day 2 is coming up today! =)
Tasha - when counting miles in our signature - do we count all miles (including those walked during the C25K AND those walked on off days) or just jogging/running miles?

Pennybear - see my earlier post about being the slow kid in gym class. My jogging speed is only 5 MPH, which is a 12 min mile. - Have no shame!
Couch to 5K Stats


Members in Week 1: Focus,LillyJo, lusciouslemons, pennybear, photocrazed (Tasha), Sammyboy, Tarrish, Trkrgrl83 (Jamie), Wishes and daughter

Week 1 consists of a 5 minute warm-up,60 second runs with 90 second brisk walk in between and a 5 minute cool-down.

Members in Advanced weeks:

- Daiseeangel (Tyly)
Beginning Week 7
25 mins running all 3 days

Week 5
Day 1: warm up, jog 1/2 mile (5 mins), walk 1/4 mile (3 mins) repeat 2 more times
Day 2: warm-up, jog 3/4 mile (8 mins), walk 1/2 mile (5 mins), jog 3/4 mile
Day 3: warm-up and jog 20 mins or 2 miles no walking

Don't forget your stretching.
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i'm trying to stick to it.

This should be my 3rd week of C25k - but I'm only on the second run of week 2 :(

I'm running with the boyfriend and his crazy work schedules and a 3 day skiing trip has thrown our running program out the window. But we should be back on track tonight.

I need to get hold of a stop watch, so far we've just been counting in our heads!

Right I'll try and report back and hope to be able to say I've been good.

Come on every one we can do it!!
Tasha - when counting miles in our signature - do we count all miles (including those walked during the C25K AND those walked on off days) or just jogging/running miles?

Pennybear - see my earlier post about being the slow kid in gym class. My jogging speed is only 5 MPH, which is a 12 min mile. - Have no shame!

I am counting all miles since I started the C25K program. That includes any walking, running, jogging, sprinting starting with Monday Feb 25, 2008. You guys can count in a way that includes only the days that you are doing the program or include days in between if you do additional walking or jogging. I am trying to stick with walking only on days that I'm supposed to be resting so that I don't over work my joints and legs.

Definitely have no shame pennybear like trkrgrl says. I have been jogging and walking on a regular basis for about 2 months now (not any type of specific training though). Everyone will always have those who are faster and those who are slower. Just go at a pace that challenges you based on your abilities, but you do want it to be challenging!
You guys may notice a couchto5k user has been created and used to make a single post at the top of page 4 (I wish I had done this for the top of page 1). Anyway, I did this so that we can use one specific user account and/or post to update all USERS which can be a little challenging for one person to keep up with. I created this with the intention of having it available to all C25K members and all that wants can use the account and update their own statistics. If interested, let me know here and I'll send you the password to log into this account.

I think it'll be awesome to have all user data in a singular post that can be updated and we wont' have to go through trying to find everyone's results.

We will probably change the format of the post if everyone wants their mileage statistics as well, whatever works for everyone is good for me.

I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a terrible idea on my part. HAHA Which is totally possible. Ok, I'll stop :smash:over the head and hopefully get some things done here.
P.S. - Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night and see that Jillian made Britney run at 14 MPH?!? It was only 15 seconds - but OMG...that's crazy.
Yeah! I didn't really get the point of it. I mean really what good did that do her body. I think the risk of injury must have out weighed the benefit. I mean, if your trying to make the point that she can overcome any mental hurdles, there must be a more rationale way to get that across.
I'm heading out for day two. I'm a little frightened, I have to admit. As beginner as this first step is, I'm still a bit sore from the last session. I'll push through it though. I WILL do this!!!! Good luck to all you gym-class nerds like me! We can make it happen.
Okay, so I downloaded the podcast. I'll officially start exciting! It'll be nice to blow off some steam after my two tests.
I just finished session 2 week 1. Yee Haw!!! I broke in my shiny new white shoes on the mucky trail and wet sandy beach. They are no longer "Geek White". LOL!
Okay, so I downloaded the podcast. I'll officially start exciting! It'll be nice to blow off some steam after my two tests.

im starting monday! im scared :/

I just finished session 2 week 1. Yee Haw!!! I broke in my shiny new white shoes on the mucky trail and wet sandy beach. They are no longer "Geek White". LOL!

This makes me SO happy!

I promise all of you that I was the anti-runner! I was just as nervous and scared, and I really wasn't sure that I could do it! I KNOW all of you can!!!!

I still consider myself a "beginning runner", but I have so much more confidence in myself!

(Ok, I sound WAY too cheerleader/peppy, but I am so excited that all of you are giving it a try! :D )
YEE-HAW! Let's get runnin', y'all!

Said like a true Texan! :D

I really wish I would have tracked my miles like all of you are doing! What a great idea!
Day 2 of Couch to 5K was a little tougher than day 1. I pushed myself harder and for the running segments ran at 7.0mph and did the brisk walk at 4.0mph. I made it all the way, but the last 2 sections of running, I struggled and had to keep motivating in my head "it's just 60 seconds" heheh.

But I made it through and am satisfied with my efforts.

Great job to you to lusciouslemons for your Day 2 work out.
Hey guys... :)

Just wondering if I might be able to join this club too? I'm already kind of a runner but really need to build up my stamina and perhaps want to increase my speed. Plus, I'm needing to get the running back into my workouts regularly again, and I think this just might be the trick.

I hope I'm not too late or anything, I've never been involved with any of the challenges on here, so I don't quite know how they work. I've read thru this thread though and I think I get it. I still need to download the podcast and stuff.

I guess just let me know if I can join?
