I LOVE vanilla soy milk. I think I like it more than the chocolate kind. But it definitely depends on the brand of it as well..some are better than others!!
And for my graduation...I've actually picked out a dress that may still be attainable where I live eight months from now. It's red (I'd probably go for another color though) and it's long/floor length and it's not form fitting as such as it's silky and kind of straight and flowy. If I manage to find out how to post pictures, I'll post one! It's definitely a dress you need to be slim for!!
I'm glad I helped you think of a goal

Where will you be graduating from? I'll be graduating from a Bachelor of Social Work program.
Great suggestion about our strengths and weaknesses!! Here I go!!
I do have times when I can be very determined to reach a goal.
I enjoy exercising
I do like healthy food..often more than junk food but if tempted, I go to the dark side quite easily haha
I love chips, cheesies, pasta, fried food, fries, chocolate etc etc and I often don't have the will to say 'no thanks' when offered.
I give up on myself sometimes, saying things like 'oh I can start again tomorrow' 'one more can't hurt!' and I convince and enable myself!!
If I fall out of a routine, it takes me a while to get back into the routine! Like exercising.
BUT I am getting better at all of these things!!
I had SUCH A GREAT NIGHT last night!!! I'm so proud of myself. I was helping my family with some things yesterday and we all decided to go out afterwards for something to eat. So immediately the internal struggle happened *oh god, I want to eat bad...but yesterday was my treat day...oh but maybe just having fries wont hurt...but remember how good you feel when you eat healthy!...well maybe I can have treat weekends instead...but what about your team...YOU ALWAYS GIVE UP!! and so on*
I'm happy to report that for the first time in a LONG time....I ordered pan fried cod, baked potato and veggies!!!! :-D While everyone else at my table ordered fries! Now, I wont lie...I did pick at my boyfriends fries but still!!
yay!!! Victory is sooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone else had a great Saturday!