I suppose I ought to post something about my training
I think I've got the DB snatch form right now. I moved up 38.5 lbs this week which is just over 10lbs heavier than I was using before and I think with practice I can move that up again pretty fast
I did the leg sled again as the shortage of BB's at my gym meant the squat rack was empty yesterday. I lifted 330 lbs for reps of 8,10&12
Cable rows- 3x10@ 185
I did some other stuff too but I forget now
On Monday a did the chin up iso holds Tony suggested for my arms day and I think they're going to help me a lot
On a bad note- I'm still losing weight! I've taken to eating cakes, sweets and fatty snacks at home to try and stop this from happening but I must be down to 220lbs now. My girlfriend said my arms looked a lot bigger yesterday, I had to tell her it was just because the muscle didn't have such a big layer of fat round it anymore
Oh yeah, I seem to have constant DOMS at the moment, I'm training less than before so why could this be? I'm hurting all over