Cate's Diary

It's 2 pm & we just got home. G drove in & back but we are both exhausted. We detoured via our local town & the flooding is widespread & like nothing we have seen before. I think we'll lose 2 of our small walking bridges over the river & maybe the railway bridge & the main bridge. It would be a miracle if they are not badly damaged as there are so many trees down & so much water still to come down from the mountains, bringing logs with them.
We're well stocked up again. We were going to have lunch in town, sitting outside with Arch, but it started showering so we went to a supermarket instead & got a cooked chook & lots of veggies & fruit & came home & had some with the last of our cooked veg.
I'm glad G convinced me to go as I was able to stock up on things we can't get locally. It is also an issue with the locked gate until our neighbour gets the electric one organised. It's all a bit confusing at the moment & I wouldn't want to get deliveries.
Glad to hear all went well at your little haven and I hope the rest of the area wasn't too badly damaged.
Thanks, Llama. We are really lucky to live where we do :beating:
I think there will be a lot of flood damage in our local town, but hopefully stock losses will be low & I doubt there will be any human lives lost this time. Everyone had good warning this time.
We detoured via our local town & the flooding is widespread & like nothing we have seen before. I think we'll lose 2 of our small walking bridges over the river & maybe the railway bridge & the main bridge. It would be a miracle if they are not badly damaged as there are so many trees down & so much water still to come down from the mountains, bringing logs with them.
That must have been hard to see. Really sad when so much gets so damaged :(

I am so glad you are ok where you are and all stocked up again!
Thanks, Llama & Liza.
All is calm & it's not raining at all. The birds sound so happy. I'm not sure what I'll do today. Maybe more gardening & a couple of walks.
BF was overnight oats(muesli really)
Lunch will be chicken & veggies, dinner will be lamb pho(made from the last of our own lamb).
I'll make a fruit salad I think as I now have a good array of fruit, including fresh mango, pineapple & passionfruit. I should have bought a melon of some sort to flesh it out.
the flooding is widespread & like nothing we have seen before
Sounds like you and your house are ok. Flooding causes more death and destruction than any other weather event. I've had my own house flooded and helped many others after floods, just awful. Hope you can stay high and dry!

Your fruit salad sounds really good. What is "lamb pho"?
Hi, Rob. We had a minor leak, but G thinks he knows how to seal that. I don't like him going up on the roof & I think we should wait until we can get someone to do the job. I'm not sure who though. Everyone is so busy. Our drains & gutters held up well. There was so much water!
Pho is a Vietnamese soup. I thought I had my recipe saved, but I haven't. Here's just one that seems ok-
We cook a huge broth & then freeze it into large 2-portion serves. We always have the fresh ingredients that you put in the bowls- fresh chilli, coriander, Vietnamese mint, french mint, sprouts(we have canned ones in the pantry), tomato & salad onion. You have to have fish sauce. The rice noodles we just soak in hot water & add to the bowl & then pour the hot broth over the top. We loved the food in Vietnam, but especially pho. It takes time & effort to cook the broth & take the meat off the bone, especially as we use cheap cuts & often venison or lamb, but it is worth it. If you made it with beef shin it would not be so messy. The lamb was fatty so needed more work, but it was what we had.
That pho sounds amazing! Can relate to wanting to wait for a professional to do the work, but professionals are in short supply out here. (NJ), too. Glad you survived the storms!
Thanks, Em, Vic, Alexis & Liza :grouphug:
We had pho 2 days in a row. This batch is especially delicious. I would go back to Vietnam again just for their food.
It has been really noisy since the storm. It seems to have brought out all_of_the_birds! Last night there was a very loud owl, this morning it was some very noisy grey shrike thrushes talking to one another (
) & since we got up we have been hearing & seeing lots of yellow-tailed black cockatoos-
Spring has definitely sprung. The black cockies come down from the mountains when the weather gets really rough. We are only about 1.5 hours away from Cradle Mountain.

I have been feeling a bit down & crabby lately & have struggled to feel as supportive as I like to be. I am being the hardest on myself & feel like I'm on a runaway train. I feel really fat & uncomfortable. Things won't change unless I change them. I have been too scared to get on the scales.
I need to make some changes that are permanent so need to think hard about what these changes/restrictions will be. I won't voice them yet, but I think I do know what they are really. I definitely need a firm plan. I feel daunted, but also know I need to do this. I have an appointment with a nutritionist on Thursday & will ask for help.
Today I will stay at home, but tomorrow I'll go into town, where the walking is easier. I have been walking between 4-5km most days but I think I need to add something more vigorous that won't hurt my knee.
Sorry to hear about the down days. :( I really think it is just about getting a few small wins and building from there. I'm here to support you. Let's just keep chipping away at it.
Sorry to hear about the down days. :( I really think it is just about getting a few small wins and building from there. I'm here to support you. Let's just keep chipping away at it.
Thanks, Em. That's what we need to do. I'm sick of feeling disappointed in myself.
Walking 4-5 km a day is great! You're starting at a good time of year for exercise: the lengthening days should give you a bit of a boost. Hopefully the nutritionist helps as well. It feels so awful when you feel unsatisfied with yourself!
You're preaching to the choir, sister! We can do this. xx
Thanks, Em. We can. I had better get on the move!
Walking 4-5 km a day is great! You're starting at a good time of year for exercise: the lengthening days should give you a bit of a boost. Hopefully the nutritionist helps as well. It feels so awful when you feel unsatisfied with yourself!
Thanks, Llama. It sure does, but a pity party isn't helping me at all so I had better get up & get going. I hate feeling this way about myself & it must change & starting to lose weight & feeling back in control will make such a difference.

That's it. It's 9.20 am on Sunday & I'm making changes as of today. This week-
Sunday- wine.
Tuesday- wine
It sure does, but a pity party isn't helping me at all so I had better get up & get going.
I was thinking the same thing this week and while it's 100% true I hope you still have compassion for yourself. I know I don't always but it's easier to help someone you feel compassionate about than someone you look down upon.
I'm trying Llama. I feel so much better after just one day of deciding to do something about it definitely. I had an active day as well as having a brief nap after lunch, which was roast chicken with lots of veggies & had very sour yoghurt, instead of ice cream ((n)) with some fresh fruit salad (mango, passionfruit, pineapple, kiwi fruit) after lunch, & am currently drinking a combination of diet lemonade & diet tonic water with a lime ice cube. Dinner will be Vietnamese fresh spring rolls, followed by a small fruit platter.
I weighed myself this morning & it was as I expected. I'll use this as my start weight. My first aim is to lose 2 kg by the 16th of November. Then 2 kg by the 16th of December etc
I'm glad I can come in here & talk about how I feel. I get very annoyed with my sister who is very slim & used to be very thin & is currently saying that she is rotund. I am biting my tongue.
I'm happy with my day 1, take 500. (Slight exaggeration).