Cate's Diary

I remember years ago I stayed at a hotel where I'd asked specifically about carpets and it turned out they were at a high enough elevation that dust mites wouldn't survive. Yay! Then we arrived and it turned out they'd been kind and helpful enough to chemically treat the carpets in my room, just to make sure... It was horrendous. I hope you recover well.
Thanks, LaMa. I have emailed them already. Depending on their response I will possibly write letters to our newspapers about it.
I had a really good night's sleep. It was so nice to be breathing fresh air again. Because my body has been assaulted by fragrance I am now super sensitive to any hint of mould especially. I am reacting to the wood in the woodbox, the garden, the bush...... This is what happens after a major exposure. It will probably take a week before my system stops over-reacting. Hopefully, it will be quicker.
I took Arch for a walk to the letterbox & back before lunch & struggled back up our steep hill. He's tired after a couple of nights at the kennels so is not nagging me yet for another walk. I'll take him for one when G is not far from home so he can pick me up along the way. Or, I may just take him for a short walk up near the house. I'll see. Meanwhile, I'm going to start a book.
Fresh air always so lovely but especially noticeable after being assaulted by artificial fragrance! Hope your system clears quickly.
Thanks, Liza. I hope so too. I feel I can still smell it & my nose is super sensitive to everything & my lungs are trying to get rid of the muck. I'll get there. I feel really tired this morning but did sleep well.
I took Arch for a walk to the letterbox & back before lunch & struggled back up our steep hill. He's tired after a couple of nights at the kennels so is not nagging me yet for another walk. I'll take him for one when G is not far from home so he can pick me up along the way. Or, I may just take him for a short walk up near the house.
What breed of doggie have you got?
What breed of doggie have you got?
He’s a Maltese/Shitzu/ Poodle. He;s such a cutie :beating:
On my lap May 2020.jpg
Glad to hear you got a good sleep Cate. Hopefully you'll be back to normal soon!
Thanks, Liza. I got another good night's sleep. I hope so too. I really struggled yesterday & had to get G to take Arch for a walk. I hardly moved & really struggled for breath.
I got a call from the counselling service offering me an appointment in the afternoon as they had a cancellation & I had to try to explain why I couldn't make it. She offered me a phone consultation or zoom & I had to tell her that I was struggling just to talk to her. I was exhausted yesterday.
I'm glad that I am sleeping well back at home though. Everywhere else in the house I am reacting to things. I don't know if it's the potting mix in the plants, the wood in the wood box or dust but my lungs are complaining. This happened the last time I had a major reaction.
G & I are going into town today & I will wear a mask if I have to go into any stores.
Everywhere else in the house I am reacting to things. I don't know if it's the potting mix in the plants, the wood in the wood box or dust but my lungs are complaining. This happened the last time I had a major reaction.
It may not be anything specific, just general overreaction. Back when my skin was so bad I'd have strong reactions to all cosmetics without testing positive on their components. It's not uncommon when the system is in hypervigilance mode.
I think it is a general overaction, but when I'm like this I do react strongly to mould. It's impossible to avoid it really. Everywhere I go there is fungi & moss. That's Tasmania for you.
I have managed to go for a few walks today & am feeling a heck of a lot better than yesterday & the day before & the day before that. Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel even better again. Mentally I feel much better as well.
I weighed myself this morning & I got a big shock. I needed that. I do know it's a reaction to the weekend & inflammation & lack of sleep, blah, blah, blah. But I saw what those scales said & if I keep this up I will end up being back where I was in 2007 & that_is_NOT_happening!
Everywhere I go there is fungi & moss. That's Tasmania for you.
It sounds glorious to me but it must be so hard when you're sensitive to it.
I weighed myself this morning & I got a big shock. I needed that. I do know it's a reaction to the weekend & inflammation & lack of sleep, blah, blah, blah. But I saw what those scales said & if I keep this up I will end up being back where I was in 2007 & that_is_NOT_happening!
Yeah, those scale shocks are no fun at all but much better than creeping back up.
That's one thing about weighing every day--I don't get those shocks anymore--more just an on-going dismay as I see it creep up! But yes, any which way, good to see the numbers even when we know water retention might be involved...keeps us on our toes! Good for you getting on the scale Cate.

Glad you hear you're feeling a bit better every day too.
Thanks, Liza. I should get on every morning but if I can just do it 2-3 times a week it should keep me grounded. I am feeling even better this morning too, which is such a relief. I had another good night's sleep & could taste my breakfast this morning. Everything has been out of whack.
I'm giving the guest services hotel manager until Monday to reply to my email & then I am forwarding it on to the newspapers & the hotel GM. It is so rude not to reply.
I think that R is spiralling up at the moment. I can't connect with him at all. We were meant to catch up last Sunday, but he forgot & went away for a night. K9 is going home to her parents for a few months & she let me know that she is worried about him & has words with him about not taking his medication. She has others keeping an eye on him. He has an appointment next week with his doctor & another one with his psych soon after. I need to have a good talk with him in the next week. It's so much harder over the phone. I'll try again this morning
Glad your system continues to clear Cate. Good that you're pursuing an answer to your complaint. Sounds like a lot more awareness needed around scents and the effects it can have on people.
Really sorry to hear that R is spiraling and doesn't seem to be staying on his meds. Must be so hard on all of you. I hope you can connect with him in a meaningful way...does he live too far for an in-person visit?
Glad your system continues to clear Cate. Good that you're pursuing an answer to your complaint. Sounds like a lot more awareness needed around scents and the effects it can have on people.
Really sorry to hear that R is spiraling and doesn't seem to be staying on his meds. Must be so hard on all of you. I hope you can connect with him in a meaningful way...does he live too far for an in-person visit?
Thanks, Liza. I went to the hotel website & submitted an online feedback form copying my email & saying I have not had a reply. I'll see what happens.
I spoke to R yesterday & he seemed good & very level so I am not as worried. I will keep reminding him gently about his appointments. I really felt like I connected with him yesterday. It was a relief. I was getting feedback from others.
Awww he's a heart melter for sure.
He is. He's adorable.
I have D & the kids here at the moment & they should be up shortly. We had a lovely evening with them last night & their brother came up for dinner too. It was so nice. I'm glad this routine is happening. It's a win for everyone. We played snooker & I actually played quite well. We have a lot of laughs together & I love hearing the banter between D & his kids.
:beating: That all sounds great! Glad to hear things are looking up.