Cate's Diary

So nice the tree got there for company. Can't wait to see it! You have such a great dog - so lucky! Papers being signed for R's house - yay!!!! Sounds like everything's working out so well. :)
Hi, Marsia. It's very rustic & just the sort of thing I love. It's made from an old fence. Things are coming together for R. Now I hope that K9 will have a run of good luck as she's a bit down & missing her family.
Wow, sounds lovely! I saw a DIY project like that that I would like to do with K. I hope K9 will bond with your family over the holidays and not miss her own family so much!
Great tree Cate.
Nice that it's made of recycled material and can be re-used every year. A good for the earth christmas! :)
I adore bling for Christmas (flashing lights make me want to claw my eyes out though) but this is just as lovely!
Thanks, LaMa & Liza.
We think we'll go into town again today as G needs to get set up properly with internet banking for the social golf club & needs me with him to do it. I need a haircut & we need some good coffee. I'll try to do some more Xmas shopping as well.