Cate's Diary

So glad you´re listening to your body and heeding its clues :grouphug: Speaking of which: please see that exercise therapist at some point even if your knee heals well on its own. This is a problem that´s likely to come back and cause problems at different intervals and favoring it each time often a) leads to loss of strength and stability in the injured leg and b) makes people overload their healthy knee in the long run. I know I´m annoying about this, but...
I appreciate that you care, LaMa & you are not annoying. I was always going to get professional help. I have to wait a couple of weeks.
LaMa- I am looking forward to getting an exercise plan from a physio & will just keep doing what I'm doing until then. I don't want to risk making it worse. I did over 7,000 steps yesterday, unintentionally, including some raking (only 15 mins) & my knee held up well.
Petal- I had a lovely Sunday, thanks.
It's G's birthday today. We are going away for a night tomorrow & he doesn't feel like going anywhere today, so we'll celebrate tomorrow with friends.
Good call on reassessing the benefit of a fast...I know some people do so well with it but I know it's never a great idea for me...
I really want our record player fixed so I can play our vinyl records. CD's are just not as much fun.
Records are so great--nothing like putting on a record!
Hi, Liza. I should take notice of my GP & my cardio. Fasting does not go well with BP meds.
Records are excellent. They are atmospheric & take me back to parties & concerts we went to. They really put me back in time. A CD never does that, nor Spotify etc.
I always hated vinyl records, or at least the awkward process of putting them into the record player and having to lower the needle just right to avoid noise. CDs were a relief for me: music without stress! I guess it would've been different if the switch had come 10-15 years later.
It's the memories of good times that I love about vinyl, LaMa. Jukeboxes, parties, saving for a record......happy times. Our GK's love them too & it's so much fun when we have visitors who dive into our small record collection & get excited.
t least the awkward process of putting them into the record player and having to lower the needle just right
Oh i think that is a lot of what I love! Just the whole process and then the crackly sound. If I had a bigger place I would love a record player again. Growing up we had one of those giant cabinet ones that took up a big part of the wall. I can still smell it. I loved hanging around that record player!
My dad loves his as well and enjoys few things more than to visits secondhand stores and markets looking for new old records (and books, of course) for his collection.
It's the memories of good times that I love about vinyl, LaMa. Jukeboxes, parties, saving for a record......happy times. Our GK's love them too & it's so much fun when we have visitors who dive into our small record collection & get excited.

Amazing. We had a record player at home, but the needle broke and has yet to be fixed...

Enjoy your night away for G's birthday.
Hi, LaMa & En. We're back from our day & night away. Arch coped ok with the kennel & we are home awaiting the arrival of the truck with R's cabin, him & his dog. They probably aren't far away now. I got very little sleep the last 2 nights. Last night my knee ached like crazy & G snored like crazy.
I'm very tired, but feel good. I got a little Christmas shopping done yesterday & spent the day in company with 3 women. Walking on sealed footpaths & & I think that's why my knee hurt so much. I'm taking it easy today & tomorrow.
I hope your knee feels better with a bit of rest. If walking on hard paths with cushioned shoes hurts that much your therapist should perhaps have a look at how you walk as well.
We still have old records here . I still have the firstrecords I bought , edition of Now that's what I call music and I have M jacksons thriller in addition to some of my parents records. I remember trying to learn the words from cassettes , rewinding and playing and writing it down. Great fun .

Cate hope you feel a bit better and get some sleep
Walking on hard pavement a bunch is really hard for me, too. I hope you can put your feet up after the big R move today! I bet you will sleep better after he and his dog are safely tucked away in their cabins! I think the old records sound better than cds, which don't have the same richness somehow. I like the crackling, too. Happy R Moving Day!
Hi, LaMa, Petal & Marsia. Cabin number 1 is out in the paddock & cabin number 2 is hopefully coming today. R is asleep in the spare room & his dog is on G’s lap snoring.
It was tricky getting the truck around the corner at the bottom of our hill but he managed.
I had a really good night’s sleep & feel human again.
Yay for a very successful moving day, happy snoring dog, and good sleep. Can't wait to hear how R does with the cabins and with you able to take a little walk to go visit him!