Hi, Em. G is lovely & it's great that he is optimistic. Sometimes that optimism isn't very practical. Our ute, for example, can no longer be driven outside our property.
Hi, Marsia. I think a few branches should be cleared & a couple of rocks, but don't think it's going to happen.
Hi, Liza. The good news came & the building passed inspection. I don't think any of us can believe how quickly this has happened. It is such a relief. His next-door neighbour is buying it. He's a lovely guy. It feels so right.
Hi, Petal. It feels much better now that R has sold his house. Also, we were meant to have D & the kids last night & today again but they stayed at their Mum's. The sheep got shorn & are happy. I think we'll keep the lambs & maybe have a couple of the older ones butchered.
Hi, Misty! It's always nice to hear from you, hon. R is the younger of our 2 sons. He has had a rough year, after taking himself off BP2 meds, losing his job during the pandemic & spiralling from up to very down again. He's doing well again & may end up buying something else. The cabins he bought a few years ago & have been sitting in the seller's yard since & have to be relocated so the decision was made to put them on our land & they can be his space to stay in whenever he likes. I think the thought of having that space here will also do him good.
G has gone to golf & instead of having the kids for the day, I have a free day.
I'm going to stretch out eating my breakfast for as long as I can & make it brunch. I didn't eat after 7 pm last night so 11 am would be 16 hours. I can do this
Brunch will be avocado & cold cooked salmon on oat sourdough toast, with some rhubarb chutney & a little low-fat mayo. I'll have a little Greek yoghurt with stewed fruit halfway through the afternoon if I get hungry & tonight we will be having cold chicken with hot veggies.