Cate's Diary

That's great that it's working out with the neighbors...I think it often just takes an adjustment time to learning what each others needs are as long as everyone is into living peacefully side by side. I have had some neighbors who aren't interested in compromise and it can make life hell!
I'm sure he is; that sounds lovely.
It's funny LaMa as yesterday we discussed how he has settled in & G said maybe he'll protest a little at bedtime forever because he's it's in his nature & I said I hope he'll start sleeping in past 7 am & guess what? Last night not even a peep when he was put in his crate & this morning he slept until 7.15 :)
Happy days Cate
He makes me happy, Petal. Right now he's playing with his squeaky toy.
That's great that it's working out with the neighbors...I think it often just takes an adjustment time to learning what each others needs are as long as everyone is into living peacefully side by side. I have had some neighbors who aren't interested in compromise and it can make life hell!
It's just such a relief, Liza. There is lots of ongoing noise with comings & goings- much more than before, but nothing like the trail bikes. Archie gets a fright & jumps up barking quite often, but the noise is not at all unreasonable & we'll all adjust to it I think. I have decided to let them know when we'll be away for a few hours from now on I think when the kids are likely to be home.

I couldn't help myself yesterday. My usual allergy & fear of getting on the scales turned into a can't help myself must weigh moment, even after having eaten breakfast & consuming half a pot of coffee. I have lost 1.5 kg. I am now even more determined to eat as healthily as I can.
Way to go Cate--so encouraging when we see the numbers going down!
Thanks, Liza. It has been a while.
Excellent scale result, congratulations!
Thanks, LaMa. Now to keep up that momentum!
Something happened to my back today when I was in town. I walked a fair bit with Arch but I think I might have done something when I bent to the ground to give him a drink. He won’t drink out of bowls in the street but will drink from my hand. When I got home my back started spasming & hurt like crazy. I’m sitting in my chair, too scared to move.
When I was in town I went into a sports store to buy another whistle & a spaced out guy came in asking the young girl behind the counter if she knew where a street was as he wanted to go there & give someone a “big surprise”. He was quite menacing & I waited outside for 5 minutes or so & didn’t feel comfortable walking away. I had Arch with me & had tied him up when I had gone in. A couple of young men came out & I told them that I was worried about the young girl. They hadn’t noticed him but went back in & about 5 minutes later the guy came out muttering & stormed off up the street. When the 2 came out I asked if they said anything to him & they answered that they didn’t have to as he got the message with them standing nearby. Once upon a time I would have just stayed there myself. I don’t mind asking for help any more.
I like my walks with Arch. I get chatting to lots of lonely people. Ours is a friendly little town & we will probably move in there one day.
Good job helping the cashier stay safe. If we all look out for each other a little bit the world is a good place. I hope you can get a good night's sleep and will feel better tomorrow but either way try to keep moving/don't sit still for too long at a time.
oh dear about your back Cate--i hope it has improved.
Good for you alerting the others to make sure everything was ok in the store. Good for people to look out for each other like that :)
Cate, well done on your act of bravery and looking out for your fellow man! It's so much easier to not get involved, but you listened to your instinct and did the right thing, without putting yourself in danger. You go girl. :cheers2:

Hope the back improves. I would recommend a few gentle stretches so that it doesn't seize up.
Thanks, Rob, LaMa, Liza & Em. I sat in my chair for about an hour but then took Arch for his 2nd walk. My back felt a lot better. I must remember to bend my knees when I reach down to the ground. It’s fine this morning. I’ll look up some stretches online when I don’t have a dog on my lap.
I made a decision a couple of months ago to always call out racism & general nastiness. It’s actually not in my nature to turn a blind eye. The young shop assistant may have been able to handle him on her own but she looked very nervous & it won’t hurt her to think that 2 young good looking fellas came to her rescue.
Doing a good turn was probably good for them too.
One thing I have noticed since not drinking any alcohol is I wake during the night & think it must almost be getting up time as I’m so much more alert & wide awake. Last night that happened at 1 am! We usually go to bed at 11’ish.
It was really windy last night & there is a lot of snow on the mountains. It’s a sign of how well Arch has settled in that he went to sleep with only minor grizzles. The last time it was like that he was quite hysterical.
I’m not going to golf again today. I’m not missing it.
I made a decision a couple of months ago to always call out racism & general nastiness. It’s actually not in my nature to turn a blind eye. The young shop assistant may have been able to handle him on her own but she looked very nervous & it won’t hurt her to think that 2 young good looking fellas came to her rescue.
Always hard to know what the right thing to do is, you did well this time. As I said even if you misread the situation no harm was done, and more likely she did appreciate the backup.

I had a strange experience a few years back, I saw a man being pursued by a woman, he was doing his best to get away from her and she was hitting and clawing at him. He seemed to just be holding his hands in the air and trying to escape her. Finally she fell to the ground, her own doing, and then started to scream for help, accusing him of attacking. Some of the folks who had not seen what I did tried to intervene and help defend her. It sure appeared to to me that she had been the physical aggressor, but who knows what happened before I first saw them, obviously something. Fortunately the two went separate directions before any serious damage was done, but it shook my faith in knowing for sure what the right thing to do was.

I think your sleep will return to normal, just give it time. I actually sleep through the night better when I don't drink. Drink puts me to sleep, but then I wake up in the night as it wears off.

It's been near 40 C here every day for the past week, we need to average our weather out a bit...
Rob-I don’t think it is always easy to know who’s at fault in any situation or indeed if anyone is. I was thinking more of the discussions after women’s golf, which can be nasty & racist & sometimes bitchy. It’s one of the reasons I have been having a break from them.

It has only just gone 10 am & I have done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, done a load of washing, tidied the laundry, remade the kids’ beds & tidied their room, also the other spare bed & room, cleaned the dining room, remade Archie’s bed in his crate, washed his blankets & am now sitting in my chair with a pit of herbal tea. He’s growling at the wild wind :)
I am never happy when I hear racist talk, but I have never had much luck trying to change the mind of a bigot. Sometimes, maybe too often, I just ignore it. Its not so common here in Utah, but in North Florida racism and open racist talk is still alive and well...
Rob, I'm glad it's not so common there. I probably won't try to change anyone's mind either, but I'm not going to listen to it either.
I'm having a really good day at home. I read half a book & then had soup for lunch with one slice of oat toast, took Arch for a 2.5km walk, shared an apple with him & am about to get back to the book. It's "Nothing Ventured" by Jeffrey Archer, introducing Detective Constable William Warwick. I'm enjoying it.
Today is day.....18 (had to look it up on my phone calendar) without any alcohol. I'm happy about that. I'm finding it easier than I thought it would be.
So glad your back is better Cate. A bad back can really take the joy out of life.
Your days are sounding really lovely and productive. I can't blame you for wanting a break from the golf if the atmosphere is toxic like that--i can't stand to be around stuff like that either.
Thanks, Liza. The back spasms will have me being a bit more mindful of how I bend. It did frighten me a tad. The women aren't all toxic, but I'm enjoying being home more than I enjoy being there, so that says something.
Glad a little rest did the trick. If I remember correctly 80% of people will deal with stuff like that sometimes. More often when you're tired or stressed.
Hey Cate glad your back is a bit better and I’m loving all your housework. I always feel great with days like that .
I am with you on the women groups . I avoid a lot now and prefer mostly one on one company . I too would call out rascists and bullies
Thanks, Liza. The back spasms will have me being a bit more mindful of how I bend. It did frighten me a tad. The women aren't all toxic, but I'm enjoying being home more than I enjoy being there, so that says something.

Sometimes you just need time away from people. Nothing wrong with that.