Cate's Diary

Thanks, Llama, Liza, Marsia & Rob. Hopefully, I will be able to have a spinal, rather than a general. It's all scary for me but if it's successful I know that I will be better off. It has been throwing out my balance. Sometimes I almost fall over backwards playing a shot at golf.
Things happen at once. Our recliner chairs were cheap (3 cost the same as one of our previous La-Z-Boy chairs). My recliner chair has died & I was using G's & he was using a foot stool with a cushion on it. I can't push back the foot rest so I moved Mum's electric recliner into my spot. It hurts my back & Arch is scared of it as the reclining foot part doesn't work properly (R broke this by getting up & down without putting the foot rest down as it is very slow). Mum was only just over 5' so it's small as well. I fit into it ok but it crashes down & Arch won't get up on it with me.
Today we'll see if we can find at least one ottoman & move this one back. Ideally I would love to get rid of all of these chairs & buy a really light-weight, easy to move around lounge suite with foot stools.
I need to get something sorted before the 5th of August as I need to make sure that I can get comfortable. I think I'll be in a moon boot for about 6 weeks & on crutches for another 6 weeks or so.

I had so much trouble getting to sleep last night & slept in our king single bed. The spare queen bed is so much more comfortable but I keep that for R & C when they visit & they were planning on visiting for one night in August & now that is 5 days after my op. I tossed & turned & turned & tossed. I don't know if you have to sleep in a moon boot too. I'll ask today.
I'll come back this afternoon & report.
I don't know if you have to sleep in a moon boot too. I'll ask today.
Huh, I never wondered about that. My guess would be no only if you get a cast for the first week or so. Otherwise maybe you'd be ok without if you lay still on your back with the blanket off your feet. But it'd probably feel safer for most people to have some protection on it at least at first. Turning over in your sleep and accidentally putting pressure on that foot with the other would likely be miserable.
I hope you find good lounge chairs. Furniture shopping is so hard. When you find the comfy, nice thing, it usually costs an arm and a leg. Could you get new La-Z-Boy chairs and put them on an installment plan? I sleep in the guest bed once in a while. I bet your guests aren't going to mind if the bed is not completely new and just for them, especially not immediate family. That's scary that you are so off balance now, and I'm really glad you are getting the procedure out of the way so you get your balance back ASAP!
The spare queen bed is so much more comfortable but I keep that for R & C when they visit
I'm surprised you save the bed just for them to sleep in...I would totally be using it in between visits...especially as they aren't there that often.
I hope you won't have to sleep in that moon boot and that you can find a way to keep comfortable in recovery. Sounds like it's a good move to get this done if your balance has been affected...
Oh my goodness. I missed a day and missed a lot here! Sending good vibes and wishes for the upcoming op, and for good medical staff to listen to your concerns ahead of time. :grouphug:
I think I'll be in a moon boot for about 6 weeks & on crutches for another 6 weeks or so.

I had so much trouble getting to sleep last night & slept in our king single bed.
maybe you'd be ok without if you lay still on your back with the blanket off your feet.
Have you ever tried sleeping in a recliner? When I had my knee surgery I did and found it was actually a pretty comfortable way to sleep, and a way to sleep on my back without moving much. I still sleep most nights in the recliner. My spine doctor confirmed that it was a good way to sleep.

Hope you get by this quickly, but I know it will be no fun for a while.
Oh, I'm so sorry, but I got a surprise just then when I realised that I hadn't come back & posted after my hospital visit yesterday. I messaged my sister, R & C & forgot about the forum. Forgetting about the forum rarely happens & I feel a bit of a goose.
I'm not sure where to start.
C needs some clothes for her twins & has put out a call on FB to her friends. I asked her the other day how that went & she said she hardly got any. I asked her what she needed & said I would have a look in the op shops. We had time before my appointment so we went to a huge op shop near the Whole Foods shop, where I also managed to get the things I needed.
When I walked in I walked through the furniture section & there were 2 ottomans for $30 each. I got G to come in & have a look & we bought them.
I then bought heaps of clothes (15 items) for the kids for only $42. When we got home I spread them out around the snooker table & did a video & sent it to her (without listening to it or watching it first). It brought her to tears. She asked me if she could show the twins or did I want to wait until we saw them & we got a lovely thank you video back from two very excited twinsters.
I miss them & their Mum (& R, of course).
After the op shop shopping, we went to the hospital, had a quick bite in their caf & then saw a lovely nurse who gave me a thorough check-up, including an ECG & answered lots of my questions. She was so friendly & helpful. I didn't encounter any fragrance while I was there. It was funny because I also had a cognitive test due to my age. I passed with flying colours 🎉
Then I saw the anaesthetist who allayed any fears I had about having this op. I can't believe how good he was. I am going to have a spinal, rather than general anaesthetic as he agreed it would be best with my lungs. He was incredibly thorough. G & I were so impressed. He asked me lots of things & was so switched on. He is about to go on holiday for 6 weeks but I am going to imagine it will be him there on the day as whoever is there will be following his instructions.
After seeing him I then went for bloods & the nurse in pathology was lovely.
I felt heard & respected after my hospital visit & my fears have been allayed. The anaesthetist thinks I will possibly not have a full moon boot, but may have a small half-foot version, which would mean being able to walk with my right heel on the floor. They will ensure that I have good pain management for afterwards. I chose to have sedation during the op so that I wouldn't be fully aware. The anaesthetist explained things so well & took in everything I had said about past experiences & operations.
This will be on our public health system so I am grateful that I am in such good hands. From now on I am going to be positive about this. Talking to my sister will be a problem as she will be freaking out that I am going into hospital at all. Somehow I have to make her feel that I have covered all of the bases, without lying to her. She would be all for insisting that I have a private room because of my fragrance allergies. I would be happy with a private room but this is just for one night & I will have to hope that they will put me away from others if they can. It will be the visitors in the ward that would be the biggest problem there, but I will wear a mask when people come in & when I go to the bathroom. I'll pack my hospital bag & stock up on a few things, like fragrance-free wipes to have next to my bed.
It's now hospital policy that staff don't wear fragrance. They no longer have fragranced hand sanitiser.
This is already a saga so I will end here. I am arranging to play golf tomorrow. T said yes......
You posted as I was writing that saga. I have the sole working recliner & that will certainly be a good option :)

I have found that I sometimes have back pain when I first wake in the morning. Sleeping in the recliner has fixed that. As I said the neurosurgeon who did my neck told me a lot of folks sleep better in recliners, he often recommends it. Not to mention that it will be easier to keep you foot and leg where you want them. I would never have thought of it before my surgery made it a necessity. I naturally sleep on my side or belly, rarely on my back, the recliner has changed that, for the better I think.

If you are going to sleep in it I think you should invest in a good one if you can. But it makes sense to try it out with what you have first.
I was just writing about how I think you need a meeting with everyone to get reassurances, but wow, they went way beyond what I was thinking! I am so happy you had such a respectful, thorough visit and that your anxieties were allayed! I love going to the thrift store and seeing how many outfits you can get for the price of one new one. That's so wonderful how appreciative C and the twins were! So glad you are feeling better about everything!!
Thanks so much, M. I can't tell you just how much different I feel today about it all. It is an enormous relief & a big weight has been lifted!
I have arranged a game of golf tomorrow with T & TS another woman & we can play in a group of 3 in front of G & T's husband, I and another guy. I told T2 that if she wanted to stop playing at any stage she could as she wasn't sounding too positive about it. Winter is getting her down too I think. T & I get along well with her & cheer her up usually.
C was thrilled to bits about the clothes. I didn't have time to look at shoes but will do so in our local small town where we have 3 op shops. That will be a lot harder.
We're also now going to Dev on Thursday for G to give blood. He was meant to go yesterday. I managed to change a podiatry ap't to the Thursday just before the op to get my toenails cut properly as I probably won't be able to for a couple of months. They're so hard to do well because of damage done to them by dropping large rocks on them while building rock retainer walls. I used to be horrified at my great aunt's toenails, but I'm probably older now than she was when I saw them. She & my nan conned me into cutting them a few times.
How wonderful that hospital staff was so caring and diligent! And you're a great bonus-grandma for finding so much stuff for the twins: now wonder C was excited.
My only semi-problem with recliner sleeping is that they generally don't allow for full hip extension. Which is super comfortable for most lower back issues (and definitely better than belly sleeping for most people) but it also means people are likely to further decrease their hip mobility, which leads to more lower back issues. Which can be easily prevented by practicing hip extension for a minute every morning (doesn't matter in which position as long as you avoid hyperextending your lower back at the same time).
Thanks, Llama. I just watched the video I sent C of the clothes & didn't hate hearing my voice. Note to self- less self-criticism is an improvement. I read a book recently & the main character keeps his dead wife's phone active & charged to listen to her voicemail & I thought I should stop deleting photos & videos of myself. I love that we have such a lovely relationship. C & her family are a welcome addition to our extended family. I love them.
Llama, I will only consider sleeping in my recliner for a whole night as an absolute last resort & @liza3 I will sleep in the spare queen bed after the op. You're right. It's silly to save it just for rare visits. I'll use my spare wool pillow which is identical to the one on our bed & one of my organic cotton pillowcases. The mattress on that bed is so comfortable & is like sleeping on a cloud. I also think it's too high for Archie to jump on, which would be a bonus after the op.
So good to hear how those appointments helped clear your fears. What a difference it makes when doctors and healthcare workers can take the proper time with us and take our needs seriously!
Your good finds at the op shop makes me want to get down to my thrift shop to get some new clothes! (actually i did try last week with no luck, but you got to keep going sometimes--ours are smaller thrifts so not as much selection)
I have arranged a game of golf tomorrow with T & TS another woman & we can play in a group of 3 in front of G & T's husband, I and another guy. I told T2 that if she wanted to stop playing at any stage she could as she wasn't sounding too positive about it. Winter is getting her down too I think. T & I get along well with her & cheer her up usually.
I hope you all have a great game and that it chases away some of those winter blues!
I'm really glad you listened to Liza about using the visitor's bed. This forum can influence our lives!

I'm so glad you had such a fantastic hospital visit and had such a good chat with the anaesthetist. I love hearing about people who do their jobs professionally and well.
I used to be horrified at my great aunt's toenails, but I'm probably older now than she was when I saw them. She & my nan conned me into cutting them a few times.
Thanks, Liza & LLama.
The visit to the hospital was great. Now I have to stop myself from googling as I accidentally saw a horrendous photo while I was looking up bunion surgery recovery. I won't look again & I don't want to see or hear about any horror stories.
It's not raining this morning & I just got a message from TS to say we'll see her out there. I gave her all sorts of escape clauses as she was very hesitant. It will do us both good.
I'm really glad you listened to Liza about using the visitor's bed. This forum can influence our lives!
Thanks, Em. It sure can & does. I think we're a good influence on one another.
I'm so glad you had such a fantastic hospital visit and had such a good chat with the anaesthetist. I love hearing about people who do their jobs professionally and well.
They were so impressive! I came away thinking our health system is in good hands & so am I. I will pretend I will be having the same anaesthetist. I can do that.
I had all sorts of weird dreams last night. In one my PT (I have never had one) was telling me I should be doing weights & was horrified when I said I had an aneurysm & in the other, I was in an outdoor car park & couldn't find my car. A woman with a shopping trolley wanted to chat & I told her I was in a hurry, then I bumped into C & she asked for my keys, pressed the button & we both saw my little car.
I think I will be having lots of dreams in the next 3 weeks.
I accidentally saw a horrendous photo while I was looking up bunion surgery recovery. I won't look again & I don't want to see or hear about any horror stories.
Horror stories always get shared the most. That doesn't mean they happen the most, thankfully.
Horror stories always get shared the most. That doesn't mean they happen the most, thankfully.
Oh, I know, Llama. Good news rarely gets shared. I am not going to Google anything else about bunion surgery & I am going to unsee that photo.
I had a lovely day today at golf. I played quite well & finished 7th out of 25. My buggy played up & I was worried about making it around the last few holes or my score would have been even better. I'm happy with my day & TS was glad she played too. T is always great company.