Cate's Diary

Curry sounds great right now. Rabbit or otherwise! I think my mother made a rabbit dish once.

That's a good variety of food you have in your diet.
I will speak up the next time L is so rude to me, Marsia but I'm not sure I have stood up to the women at golf. Rather, I think I have learned that I don't deserve to be mistreated & I will no longer tolerate it.
That is great that you won't put up with people mistreating you.
G was going to go to the rubbish tip on Wednesday while I was playing golf but I suggested we do it today. We did ours, our elderly neighbour's recycling & the recycling from the golf club. We left Arch at home so we could do it quickly. It's always a good job to get done & it's meant to rain a lot this week. It's not as cold today.
Glad the weather is being a little warmer for you especially if you are wanting to get out golfing. Sounds like you got a good amount done. Hope the rain holds off enough to get some good golfing in!
Llama- My calories are probably higher than I put in as I don't weigh many things & my Fitbit/MFP exercise calories may not be accurate either. I do allow exercise calories & eat more when I have been active.
Bubbles- We love eating free-range animals that are feral pests, like venison or rabbits. We have good contacts so the meat is always well-dressed & good quality. My husband is a great cook & the rabbit curry is a West African recipe. It's one of our favourites. We have a large variety of fruit & veg daily unless we're away from home when it's much harder.
Liza- I have put up with being spoken to so rudely by my SIL & have had enough. I'll try to speak up without being angry next time. I think our cold snap has ended! I'm rugged up again today & may have to take something off soon. It's a bit foggy, but it's 8°C and it's not quite 9 am here. That feels almost tropical! I'll go out to golf tomorrow even if it's looking like rain as I miss it. I need a game.
Em- Our food is usually fab. G is such a good cook! I do the shopping & he cooks it. It's almost always delicious. We laughed last night as his soup wasn't "up to his usual standard". His previous soup was his best ever, made with the stock from cooking red-cooked venison. I am thoroughly spoiled.

I ate to just over maintenance yesterday as I had some nuts in the evening. I think I'll weigh them out in 15g lots. I didn't have any wine. I have changed my calories to 1400 a day as it just looks better ;)
Your food always sounds like from a gourmet California organic restaurant, except not miniscule portions on a bed of heirloom lettuce! I agree about measuring out the nuts - those little buggers always push me over calories. I hope the golf club appreciates all your and G's volunteer stuff you do for them. So glad it warmed up!
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Bubbles, Em, Andrew, Marsia & Vic.
I didn't have a great day yesterday. My food was still OK, but I was out of sorts. This happens whenever someone I know dies, no matter what age. I start to worry about wills & funerals etc. Mostly I worry about G being left on his own. I usually bounce back quickly but we do need to make new wills. Ours are so far out of date! Would you believe at least 25 years? Everything is so different now. We don't have a business any more, our teens are now in their 40s.

I messaged R's partner C about clothes for her kids yesterday as she put out feelers to her friends & I wondered how that went. After much toing & froing, I said she could ring if she felt like it. 1 &1/4 hours later I had offloaded much of the last week, she had offloaded many of her concerns about R & I ended up more worried about him than before. I feel very close to her & I cherish our relationship. She gave me some great advice about wills as she made a sound one after a bad experience. I want to ensure that our grandkids inherit some money from us directly when it would help them the most.

I will ring R on Friday (he's at work until then) as I know he is down. I have done some research for him & am better prepared now I know what is concerning him most.

I got my clothes, golf shoes, lunch etc out last night and ready for golf today, but it rained all night & hasn't stopped. Winter almost always gets me down. I have to remember that.

G mentioned his soup not being particularly good before I said anything. He knows I'm his biggest fan.
I'll come back later after I have a shower & do something positive xoC
Sorry you got rained out of golfing. I hope R will be ok, and glad you can talk with his girlfriend so freely and just get things off your chest. It's so lovely that you have that relationship with C. Do you think you get seasonal affective disorder? I used to before getting blasted off the face of the earth with unfathomable amounts of sunshine here. I'll send some your way just in case!
Thanks, Marsia. I'm sure that I do get SAD. I was OK when it was frosty, but sunny but the black clouds have descended in more ways than one. Thanks for sending me some of your sunshine. I'm going to get moving & come back here later as I need to throw myself into something physical inside. We need to either buy 2 new chairs as 2 recliners have failed or we need to rearrange our furniture from the snooker room to our lounge room. I would need some castor cups for the legs of our lovely, big armchairs if they are going to go on our slate floor, but I will measure up today & see if they will be too big to put in our living room. We would only need to buy 2 ottomans then, rather than 2 new chairs. The recliners were cheap & have turned out to be rubbish. I don't want to buy furniture that can fail if I can help it.
We are going to a small city tomorrow & I am going to look for clothes for C's twins & me while he gives blood & buy some castors. We'll have an inexpensive Chinese lunch afterwards. We may check out a furniture store if we have the energy.
It is great that you get along with C so well, even if the phonecall left you feeling worried. Glad to hear that doing research helped though.
I love shopping for furniture until I actually have to decide anything...
Ugh, it's awful buying stuff that isn't good quality and having it fall apart on you. I hope it works well to rearrange and just get ottomans. An inexpensive Chinese lunch sounds so nice. Hope you have a good time out tomorrow!
Thanks, LLama, Marsia & Vic.
So much can happen in a day. I got a phone call from the Orthopaedic clinic to ask if I'm ok to have the foot op sometime in the next few months. I said yes & asked a few questions. Usually you would have general anaesthetic & I told her about the last time I had it & had a major asthma attack during the op. She said they would get me to an appointment before the op with the anaesthetist to discuss options, like a spinal.
So then I went into a panic & took Arch for a walk & when I got home again, still panicking I thought I should book in for my CT Aortagram as requested by my cardio. I can't get an ap't until the 16th of August. I mentioned that if they had a cancellation between now & then it would be good as I'm due for an op any time soon & will have a moon boot & be on crutches afterwards.
I just got another call to say they can do my op on the 5th of August & could I come in tomorrow to see the anaesthetist at 1 pm? I said yes & we cancelled G's blood bank appointment. So now we're going into Laun. & I have a chance to ask lots of questions. I'm mostly worried about dying under general anaesthetic or having a major reaction to chemicals & being housebound for months like the last time. It's very scary. I need some more N95 masks as they are the best for me with my asthma & they are best at blocking fragrance. I need to find a way to get through to them how important it is for me to avoid fragrance. I'll ask if I can wear my own hospital gown. I would have to buy one.....
We have decided to shuffle our chairs around for now & I'll have a go using my Mum's electric lift chair. It's small but would do for a couple of months. We might change them around on Friday.
My poor brain is in panic mode.
Fingers crossed they'll take your concerns extremely seriously. I think it's normal to panic at the thought of surgery when the last one was so traumatic. Take care :grouphug:
Sending hugs for the anxiety around the surgery :grouphug: I hope the appointment with the anesthetist goes well and helps ease some of the stress.
I can well-imagine the panic at getting the sudden news that the surgery is happening but hopefully once you make a plan things will start to feel better.
I hope you can also picture a good outcome for your poor foot, so you can soothe the anxiety somewhat. Big hugs, and I think you are going to feel so much better after the procedure.
Best of luck with the surgery, I am pretty sure you will be fine. Biggest problem will probably be recovering from the anesthetic.
we do need to make new wills.
We all need to keep them up to date, no matter our health. Things happen. Here it is pretty easy, there are online guides to help.