Thanks, Llama, Liza, Bubbles, Em, Andrew, Marsia & Vic.
I didn't have a great day yesterday. My food was still OK, but I was out of sorts. This happens whenever someone I know dies, no matter what age. I start to worry about wills & funerals etc. Mostly I worry about G being left on his own. I usually bounce back quickly but we do need to make new wills. Ours are so far out of date! Would you believe at least 25 years? Everything is so different now. We don't have a business any more, our teens are now in their 40s.
I messaged R's partner C about clothes for her kids yesterday as she put out feelers to her friends & I wondered how that went. After much toing & froing, I said she could ring if she felt like it. 1 &1/4 hours later I had offloaded much of the last week, she had offloaded many of her concerns about R & I ended up more worried about him than before. I feel very close to her & I cherish our relationship. She gave me some great advice about wills as she made a sound one after a bad experience. I want to ensure that our grandkids inherit some money from us directly when it would help them the most.
I will ring R on Friday (he's at work until then) as I know he is down. I have done some research for him & am better prepared now I know what is concerning him most.
I got my clothes, golf shoes, lunch etc out last night and ready for golf today, but it rained all night & hasn't stopped. Winter almost always gets me down. I have to remember that.
G mentioned his soup not being particularly good before I said anything. He knows I'm his biggest fan.
I'll come back later after I have a shower & do something positive xoC