Cate's Diary

I hope you do get in touch with your Tai Chi teacher. That sounds so perfect for you. Good luck with all the mayhem. I hope you get a nice visit in with R and C before all the chaos ensues!
The original Bedlam was kind of a horror house but a bit of family bedlam sounds wonderful!
I hope you do get in touch with your Tai Chi teacher. That sounds so perfect for you. Good luck with all the mayhem. I hope you get a nice visit in with R and C before all the chaos ensues!
We're meeting up next Friday for a coffee. I hope it's not too chaotic, but I think it will be anyway with 3 dogs!
The original Bedlam was kind of a horror house but a bit of family bedlam sounds wonderful!
Family bedlam is the best bedlam, but it's a shame we have the siblings' lunch first as that's usually full on as well. I call it the elders' lunch as we are all the older generation in each of our families now. G's brother is keen on catching up with our grandkids & got a shock when I said that C, our youngest GS was taller than his Dad now. It will be so hard to organise but we'll try.
Yeah, that's a lot of socializing and organizing back to back! I hope your energy level is good now and that it all isn't too tiring so you can really enjoy both events!
Yes I find even with family I like, I like them spread out a little as it can be so exhausting! But i hope you are able to enjoy it and that it doesn't tire you out too much. Do the 3 dogs know each other and get along ok?
You're going to need some tai chi time after all that's over! :)
Thanks, M, Liza, Llama & Em. I have had such a good time, but it was exhausting & I am very glad that I have nothing planned for days.
Friday was hectic. We did some shopping along the way & got there early so we had a chance to explain to G's sister, W that we would need to get away early as R, C & the 2 dogs would beat us home. Lunch was pleasant & we got away quickly. Having 3 dogs was fairly insane as Arch decided he was in love 🙈 He was neutered as a puppy & H was neutered as a puppy, but he spent the rest of the day trying. Oh, dear! I think he was yelled at so many times by all of us that on Saturday he gave up. The 3 of them got along well & you wouldn't worry about leaving them alone for a few hours at least. The "pecking" order is sorted.
Friday night was lots & lots of fun with 7 "adults" & 3 dogs. Our 2 GK's ate the same food we did (plus the things I made just for them) & we all played snooker (not the dogs) & everyone seemed to have a really good night. R thought that was the best he & his brother had gotten along for quite some time so that was good too. They really connected. C had never met the kids so that was nice too.
Yesterday G went off to golf & we just lazed about for most of the day. R & C both fell asleep in the afternoon. They needed a break. She seemed to be getting a cold yesterday & had a rough night's sleep last night. They left here this morning at about 10 so that they could take their time driving back, laden with a trailer load of wood, & some berries & limes & healthy cereal.
I had better go as G has our lunch ready. Oyster omelette!
Great to hear everything went so well, even if poor Archie had a bit of a second spring :rotflmao: Your sons connecting better sounds like something that would give you a lot of peace of mind. Maybe C will be a good catalyst for them.
That sounds like a really fun gathering! Good that the dogs got along well....Archie sounds like he had a really good time 🤣, better too much loving than fighting though!
Oyster omelette! Sounds steamy! ;)

Really nice to read that your two sons got on so well together over the weekend. I imagine them as completely different people.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em. Our sons are very different but seem to have moved back a bit closer. Maybe they are both becoming more tolerant of one another's foibles as they age. They are both in their 40s now.
The oyster omelette wasn't very good as the oysters gave up too much liquid. We sort of had it as "soup" & then I mixed the rest in with my salad. These oysters had been frozen in their shells. R shucked them for us & said to use them first. We have a container of live ones in our fridge. We'll be having an oyster week. He's working on an oyster farm now, 4 days a week. He loves it.

Our house was SO quiet after they left yesterday. We were both very tired but we got out & did a little gardening. I planted out some succulents that C had given me when we visited her along a stone wall & they look really good. We had planted 2 yuccas there & they looked lonely. I think I'll put a border of rocks around to keep the soil back, but try not to make it snake attractive.

I haven't been logging much for the last week. I have started again today. I also haven't weighed for over a week. :eek: I'm scared. I really need to focus on it as I feel so unfit & fat. That is not being mean to myself. It is stating a fact.
I feel well enough to get moving again & I plan on playing golf this week. I miss it after a week off.
Wow, I have never thought of oyster farmers before. I wonder what that entails? A succulent garden sounds lovely with nice rocks around it. It's really nice to hear that your sons are getting along so well and that even though Archie got carried away, that the dogs got along well, too. I love hearing about your family gatherings, and am so happy this one was so successful!
Hi, M. I haven't had a chance to see the oyster farm yet but I will know more when I do. The guy he is working for has bought a run-down lease & is fixing it up. The job was only meant to be for 8 weeks until someone went on holiday, but he offered R a permanent job the first day. It's very physical I know & they go out to the oysters on a barge & spend a lot of time in waders in the icy waters off the south coast of Tasmania.
G has put some rocks along the edge of the garden for me today & will probably finish that while I am at golf on Wednesday. I think the dogs had a ball. Arch does get stressed around his food when there are other dogs about but he settled back down into his routine the minute they left. Our family gatherings are so much fun & that is one of the main reasons we'll try to stay in our home. The GK's love coming here & they love to show the house (& us?) off. I must put some more photos on FB.
We have discussed Christmas with R & C & they will come up, (probably just for one night) as our older GS asked us what the plans were when he & his new GF visited last week. Sometimes there is an overlap, but it would be lovely to have everyone here on Christmas night. 🤞

I weighed myself this morning & was relieved to see no gain, considering the last week's eating & socialising. I have done well with showing restraint with drinking alcohol but I am going to knuckle down to lose 6.5 kg by Summer, starting today. I am definitely going to log every day until then.
Very cool about R having that job at the oyster farm turn permanent after just his first day there! He must have impressed with his ability to work hard.
The garden work sounds lovely with the succulents and rocks added in--those touches really can make a big difference for sure!
Very nice and encouraging on not gaining after all the socializing--a big win!
Thanks, Liza.
I won't be replying to anyone's diary today. Our son was on the ferry on his way to work this morning & had lots of missed calls from numbers he didn't know & when he answered one a guy told him his dog had been run over. Someone had come along & rather than leave him on the side of the road they had put him on the footpath. Someone else wrapped him in a towel & then this guy, came along & after speaking to R, took him to his house for him. R is devastated. He was with his new boss at the time on the ferry & his boss was fighting back tears too. R is back at his home now burying him. He's hoping C can come down & stay with him for a couple of days.
We won't even think about giving him any advice about getting or not getting another dog. I feel quite shattered as I know how much he loved this dog.
Sorry to hear about R's dog, losing a pet is hard.
We won't even think about giving him any advice about getting or not getting another dog.
Good for you, I suspect he needs support now, but not too much advice.