Cate's Diary

I don’t think I’ll try a milk bath, M as I hate having a bath. I’m just curious. I haven’t the energy to ring her at the moment.
I have spent so much time sorting through my heart-making things & not made one yet! I must go do the dishes & put some wood on the fire. I have to disturb Archie first 🐶💙
Sometimes the prep for a fun thing is half the fun. Yay for more greens!
I must admit I found it really satisfying, Llama. I do love sorting stuff but had been finding it frustrating not being able to work out how. I searched the house high & low & eventually found some woven plates that are just perfect & then I rearranged part of a bookcase So that I have most of the top & the top shelf dedicated to my heart stuff.
I haven't felt much better today & have had a headache all day so I won't even think about actually making any hearts tonight.
I won't be going to golf tomorrow. I think I'll have a day at home again (4 days in a row). I will try for a walk though & some heart-making. R & C will be here on Friday night for 2 nights which will be lovely.
You're right, Llama. Thanks for the hug xo
I'm being sensible about staying at home today, even though it's a sunny day. I am not so congested but am still wheezy & I'll do my best to recover. I will take Arch for a walk today.
I'm worried about our older son. He keeps things to himself & says it's because he doesn't want to worry me but it doesn't work that way for me. A few things have happened in the last few days that have set off little alarm bells for me. I sent him a message early last night asking if he's ok & I haven't got a reply. I hope he's not about to have his heart broken again. I suggested G ring him later & said he can say whatever he likes. ie "Mum's a worry wort" but we are both worried & G will ring him. I would love him to call in & talk to us. He thinks R overshares but he does the opposite. He bottles stuff up.
I think I had better make a few hearts today. I felt like stuffing my face last night & had a few things- 4 squares of chocolate, 2 arrowroot biscuits (boring) some cashews & some "naked" ginger but stopped myself from having more. I felt like having a drink of something (anything) but didn't. I still felt terrible just because I wanted to numb the worry but I should feel proud of calling a halt to it. How hard is it to feel proud of anything?
I took forever to get to sleep & only did after getting into another bed so that G could get some sleep. He was so tired after playing golf in the wet & then his pool comp which went late.
Sorry to hear your older son is having problems. I really have trouble when K won't share with me and I know she's upset. I do think you did great for being in a stressful mood and resisting eating more tempting stuff. I often don't feel proud when I stop stuffing my face, but I do feel pretty good that I was able to stop at some point. Is C R's girlfriend? I'd love to hear how R is doing! Does ginger help you with your lungs? I make fresh ginger root tea with honey and lemon when I have that type of symptoms, and it really helps me. Glad you are still taking it easy and resting. I hope you have a better night and can sleep well!
Thanks, M. We both just got messages back from D saying he's ok, but of course, that doesn't mean he is. He keeps things very close to his chest. I'll send you a PM about what worried me.
C is R's GF. They have been together for almost 18 months now & I think he is the happiest I have ever known him to be. I am very hopeful that this relationship will be long-term. They seem so good for one another & I have never heard him talk about his future with someone else as he does with her. I love her & I love her youngest kids & they seem to love us too. They love R & he has a great relationship with them. They are so adorable. He gets along quite well with her 2 older children too. She does a great job of juggling her life. I think she's very special & I'm so happy to see them together & so happy for the relationship we have with her too.
Ginger is wonderful stuff. I have some turmeric & ginger tea in all of my herbal brews. If I had sultanas or raisins in my pantry last night I may not have been able to stop. I do have a bar filled with a huge array of liqueurs & whisky & just about any drink you may want, but at least I knew not to touch any of them.
I had better take my little dog for a walk while it's not raining. I'll drive to somewhere flat & I might even bathe him today. That will probably be enough for me for one day. As Vic is not going to be dropping by to wash my car anytime soon( ;) ) I must do that soon too, but not today.
Great job stopping the overeating in its tracks. That's not easy, especially when your brain is turning in circles around a problem you have no real influence on. I do understand D - I don't like to worry my parents either - but I understand you as well: I hate it when I can tell my mom is struggling with something but won't tell me because she doesn't want to burden me.
Glad to hear you are doing some good resting and good self-care Cate. All so important for good recovery. i love ginger as well-so healing! I hope D is ok. :grouphug:
OK. I am going to really concentrate more on my posture. 5 metres in front, though? I think (know) I would be too scared of tripping on something, like tree roots or a dog :eek: I did almost tread on a Tiger snake once because I was walking up a mountain & looking at the view.
Looking at the floor on truly uneven ground or when you have a pet underfoot makes perfect sense! It just tends to become an all-the-time habit.
Great job stopping the overeating in its tracks. That's not easy, especially when your brain is turning in circles around a problem you have no real influence on. I do understand D - I don't like to worry my parents either - but I understand you as well: I hate it when I can tell my mom is struggling with something but won't tell me because she doesn't want to burden me.
Thanks, Llama. It helps to get someone else's perspective. I do the same as your Mum with both of our sons, so should understand why D doesn't share his problems with us. Somehow it feels like our role as parents that we don't worry our "children" about something we are struggling with, but it's hard(almost impossible) not to worry about them. *sigh*
Looking at the floor on truly uneven ground or when you have a pet underfoot makes perfect sense! It just tends to become an all-the-time habit.
You just posted this. I think I do fear falling & I'm sure I didn't when I was in my youth/teens/20s/30s etc. It's an inevitable fear as we age. I will think about it more though, I promise xo
Glad to hear you are doing some good resting and good self-care Cate. All so important for good recovery. i love ginger as well-so healing! I hope D is ok. :grouphug:
Thanks, Liza. I think this has done me a lot of good. Sometimes pushing yourself out the door is good, but this week I think staying at home has been the better option.
Yes, please PM me about your older son if you get the time. I am so glad R found someone who makes him so happy and that he is bringing happiness to C's whole family. That's wonderful! I'm trying to grow ginger and turmeric this year, but I put them mixed in the same bed and I don't know which plant is which. I'll let you know if it goes well! I know what you mean about fearing falling. I have tripped and fallen and seen how much more it hurts now at this age - yow! I'm glad you are doing little amounts of fresh air and exercise but not pushing yourself. I hope your walk is relaxing and nice. :grouphug:
I felt like stuffing my face last night & had a few things- 4 squares of chocolate, 2 arrowroot biscuits (boring) some cashews & some "naked" ginger but stopped myself from having more. I felt like having a drink of something (anything) but didn't. I still felt terrible just because I wanted to numb the worry but I should feel proud of calling a halt to it. How hard is it to feel proud of anything?
You should feel proud of this, stopping short of a binge when you have legitimate stress is not easy. Good for you!
OK. I am going to really concentrate more on my posture. 5 metres in front, though? I think (know) I would be too scared of tripping on something, like tree roots or a dog :eek: I did almost tread on a Tiger snake once because I was walking up a mountain & looking at the view...
I think I do fear falling & I'm sure I didn't when I was in my youth/teens/20s/30s etc. It's an inevitable fear as we age. I will think about it more though, I promise xo
Good to know I'm not the only one looking down! As Llama says there are times when it makes a lot of sense, but most of the time we don't need to. Now to figure out how to act on that.
I do a lot of looking down when I am running on those trails with lots of roots waiting to trip me up... if there was the potential of snakes around I would be always looking down!!
These are good things to think about though. Our posture etc--I wonder if there are things I should be doing now to prevent issues in the future...
I think practicing balance, very much including corrective steps in all directions when you do start to topple, might be helpful to feel safer. The problem with balance training is that it's never 100% safe. Standing with your back toward a corner of the room (far enough away that you don't touch it when you sway a little but close enough to not hurt yourself if you fall against it) usually helps but if it was completely, guaranteed safe it probably wouldn't be adequate practice (unless of course you have a sturdy person ready to catch you in emergencies).
Sorry to hear you are worried about your son. Maybe you should give him a heart? That might encourage him to open up. Men like hearts too!!

2 arrowroot biscuits (boring)
This really made me giggle for some reason. So disparaging towards the arrowroot! :p
Thanks, M, Rob, Liza, Llama & Em :grouphug:
I think I would really benefit from getting back into doing Tai Chi. My balance was much better when I was going to regular classes. I must check it out again. My neck & shoulders have been aching like crazy too.
I am upgrading our bedding & have ordered a new doona & cover in king-size so that we have a good overlap on our queen-sized bed. With A 🐶 sleeping on our bed, I often struggle to roll over & stay covered. Changing the doona cover is probably my worst chore & I'm hoping this new one will make a big difference. It has zips on 3 sides & looks ridiculously easy to change. Our doona & covers will go on the spare queen-sized bed as the current bedding on it is cheap & cold. I asked C to bring a doona with her for this weekend as she really feels the cold.
I am hoping that our older son & GKs are able to come for dinner on Friday night to catch up with R & C 🤞 We probably won't find out if anything is wrong in his life, but it will be good to see him ( & them).
I had better get moving. I need to go into our local town & do some shopping to make sure we have enough food for everyone.
@Emilyrose The last time I saw D I showed him my hearts & asked him to give a specific one to his wife. He took one look & seemed really embarrassed. He said, "Mum she'll just throw it in a drawer". I must have looked hurt because he then said that he would like it though & took it with him. I might make one especially for him tonight or let him pick a combination out for himself.
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Tai Chi sounds wonderful and I remember you'd been wondering about finding a class again last time I was on the forum. It just seems good for so many things at once! I'm doing yoga with Adriene on YouTube and she has some for neck and shoulders. My little cat used to stretch out and take up 3/4ths of the bed, so I empathize. That's great the Doona cover is easy to change. Some of ours I get inside it with the quilt in order to tie the quilt to it's inside corners, and it's not fun. Can you ask the grandkids if they know anything? Anyway, happy shopping and I hope all goes well with the visit!
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Tai Chi does sound like a great idea--both for balance and for shoulder/neck sure is hard to keep up with everything. I know I always find good benefit in Tai Chi, but it's just hard for me to keep up with it...
Hope the gathering goes well--sounds like it should be a fun full house!
Tai Chi sounds wonderful and I remember you'd been wondering about finding a class again last time I was on the forum. It just seems good for so many things at once! I'm doing yoga with Adriene on YouTube and she has some for neck and shoulders. My little cat used to stretch out and take up 3/4ths of the bed, so I empathize. That's great the Doona cover is easy to change. Some of ours I get inside it with the quilt in order to tie the quilt to it's inside corners, and it's not fun. Can you ask the grandkids if they know anything? Anyway, happy shopping and I hope all goes well with the visit!
Tai Chi is wonderful & I used to love the class I went to years ago. My teacher moved away, but she has moved back & I must get in touch with her. I think she may have had a relationship breakdown. I would go again if she started a new class. I just want to keep doing beginner classes. I'm assuming the doona cover will be easy to change. It gets rave reviews & I have watched videos of how it works & it looks great. I did a great big shop & G has been cooking today & we are fairly ready I think. We have G's siblings' lunch on tomorrow & we have to leave Arch at home. We'll pick up the new doona & a few things on order before lunch & get away as soon as it's polite as it looks like R & C are going to get here before we return.
Tai Chi does sound like a great idea--both for balance and for shoulder/neck sure is hard to keep up with everything. I know I always find good benefit in Tai Chi, but it's just hard for me to keep up with it...
Hope the gathering goes well--sounds like it should be a fun full house!
I do need to get back into it. I might send a message now.
Tomorrow night will be bedlam, especially with 3 dogs in the house, 5 adults & 2 teens, but it's family & I love them all!