bluehats diary

i think that thing i learned was called
harm reduction
and i wonder if eating every hour
would finally help a person not to want to
i sort of see that it could

so anyway my plan for now
is to increase my vegetables
thereby creating a reduction
in salt
as i dont add any anyway
to get back to the 12 cups of water
by setting the amount in the fridge
before bed so that the next day
i know i have to drink all that
for the vegetable increase
try different ways of preparing them
instead of just boiled or fried in oil
i sure can try
How did it go? From your food log it looks like you made it without bingeing.

Can you do it again tomorrow?
so anyway my plan for now
is to increase my vegetables
thereby creating a reduction
in salt
as i dont add any anyway
to get back to the 12 cups of water
by setting the amount in the fridge
before bed so that the next day
i know i have to drink all that
for the vegetable increase
try different ways of preparing them
instead of just boiled or fried in oil
That´s excellent! Sounds healthy and very doable, even if it may take a while to get used to.
for the vegetable increase
try different ways of preparing them
instead of just boiled or fried in oil
For sure! Steamed is good for green beans, and baked is good for potatoes - I'll put my thinking cap on after Christmas for all the ways I can come up with. :)
sorry for not replying to anyone
im back now after the
holiday and all the feasting
and sweets
at least i did manage not to

so i guess i will at least try
2 goals now
1 to do some bike daily
of 10 minutes a day
and for food try really hard to not binge
and work on portion sizes
and hopefully throw some low carb veggies in
so i guess here goes...
i didnt get a starting weight
the scales broken but i wasnt aware
of that

i did my bike

and it has made me hungry
but im not ready to eat yet
i dont trust that im really hungry
when my body says it always is
theres no way to tell if its real or not
so i guess this forces me to use a
source outside my body feelings
to know how much food is enough
and thats not scales as they are broken
or clothing as i wear stretchy pants

so this leaves tracking a certain amount
of calories or choosing a plan to follow
the number 1 problem with this is ive
tried it
hasnt worked this far
i know i need to do something tho

i thot about switching my exercise time around
to just before i eat
but when i eat is sometimes is not my choice
like if im out and out too long but am so hungry
i cant wait til i get home
not sure what to do about that yet

but i put off eating so long after i get up
because once i start sometimes i cant stop
idk i just dont know what to do
ive been thru all this for so long with
0 success
one thing is to ask next time i see a dr
i dont have my own so its whoevers available
maybe ask him her for an off label use med that
reduces peoples appetite
and see what happens
i dont have coverage for real meds
for weight loss but maybe there are
some that reduce appetite as a side effect
or something
and if i dont do exercise first
my energies gone from spending
it on others
so changing the times not
an option i guess

anyway i will try to post later
on what i ate
at least the bikes done with today
med that
reduces peoples appetite
Never a bad idea to ask a doctor, but I think you can manage with the right diet.

I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and a lot of snacks to help me. It does keep me from being actually hungry much of the time, but you know to learn the difference between hunger and food cravings. If I am not sure I'm really hungry and a small snack, like an orange doesn't help I have to assume its not hunger but a craving and not give in. For me the only thing that seems to be helping with the cravings is will power and not giving in. The longer I have been able to do that the better it gets. Not being hungry so much helps, but that alone doesn't completely solve the problem.

Appetite is a different thing, for me I think I will always have an appetite that leads me to overeat. I try to think of it as real hunger vs cravings.

This is just my personal experience speaking, I am not an expert or professional. But it maybe something you can try.

Best of luck with it!
did my bike

and it has made me hungry
but im not ready to eat yet
There's a really great sense of calm appraisal in this, of being in control, not being driven by a deceptive habit-appetite - good for you! :)
(I'm a bit edgy about asking for a medication for the sake of its side-effects, though! o_O )
the number 1 problem with this is ive
tried it
hasnt worked this far
No plan can work as long as you go off it to binge more than maybe once a month.
I used to get an antihistamine specifically for its anti-anxiety side-effect so I guess it's not completely unthinkable :)
bad day yesterday in terms of food again
but at least the bike got done
and so far not sore

i wanted to list the food last night here
from yesterday but i was too embarassed
and its a new day so maybe i shudnt?

off to do my bike now
late today had to spend some energy helping someone
but im sure i have enuf left for 10 minutes on the bike
then its likely gone lol
Never a bad idea to ask a doctor, but I think you can manage with the right diet.

I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and a lot of snacks to help me. It does keep me from being actually hungry much of the time, but you know to learn the difference between hunger and food cravings. If I am not sure I'm really hungry and a small snack, like an orange doesn't help I have to assume its not hunger but a craving and not give in. For me the only thing that seems to be helping with the cravings is will power and not giving in. The longer I have been able to do that the better it gets. Not being hungry so much helps, but that alone doesn't completely solve the problem.

Appetite is a different thing, for me I think I will always have an appetite that leads me to overeat. I try to think of it as real hunger vs cravings.

This is just my personal experience speaking, I am not an expert or professional. But it maybe something you can try.

Best of luck with it!

i think maybe i may try the idea of having something small
to see if its hungry or not or a craving
i usually just give in
forgot to add
that i usually eat 3 to 4 pizza slices
so im pretty happy i only ate 1
its been a long time
or maybe even the first time
ive ever only ate 1 slice