Respected Member
Good for you!i made the no binging goal
Good for you!i made the no binging goal
Oh, good for you, with the vegetables! What do you like? Cauliflower is pretty good - or there's good old broccoli! Or green beans, I guess... or... well, I'll wait to hear what it was that you chose!tomorrow my goal will be
to eat 4 cups of vegetables
Sounds good enough to me. Keep up the good work.kind of made my goal today
Good for you, veggies are great food!so many veggies
Another good for you, keeping up with the exercise thing.will try 10 mins. on my bike tomorrow
I agree, and a lot of the "processed cheese" can't legally even be called cheese, its "cheese food product" whatever that is. I have found that eating a small amount of a high quality good tasting cheese can go as far as a whole lot of the generic yellow or white cheese we have so much of in our stores. It does cost a lot more per pound, but I just eat a few bites, no more than an ounce at at time, so it doesn't cost any more per meal.Real cheese is no processed food for me; it´s a very traditional food. But then I´m a cheese lover
That's great! Feels good doesn't it.i did it
i did the whole 1 mile happy walk
Hey, that's great! Well done!i managed to do the walk again