bluehats diary

dear diary
todays food--

2 cups of a family made
waters hard to get in
with so much nausea but i try
Little sips... It´s tough drinking when you´re nauseous but good to hear you keep trying.
dear diary
today i went for my first walk
since march
im not sure if thats considered exercise or not
but im going crazy stuck in my hothouse
its harder not to eat so much stuck indoors all day
most days

todays food--
2 cups soup
1 cheese bagel
1 panzerotti

i walked to the closest food store
to see if i think i could walk to buy
food and save the money im giving
to the person for fuel for shopping
im not sure yet what to decide but
i have to decide by monday
How far is the walk to the closest food store, bluehat? How did you feel afterwards? Carrying shopping on the way home might put too much strain on your body. Did the actual walk feel good?
How far is the walk to the closest food store, bluehat? How did you feel afterwards? Carrying shopping on the way home might put too much strain on your body. Did the actual walk feel good?

it is a 10 to 20 minute walk depending on the path
conditions and the traffic conditions
thats total time(in the summer with no ice and snow)
then add some walking around the store

i felt fine on the way and wasnt even breathless
on the way back was more uphill so not as easy
but the actual walk felt good
freeing invigorating

i was wanting to walk so i have to buy less food
because getting rides im expected to buy too
much food at one time

i dont feel damaged in any way
but it was only 1 walk
more consecutive walks
might be different
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Still: it´s good to hear the walk felt good! Maybe you could try doing it every other day so you have time to rest up in between.
It's really good to hear the walk went well. If you do feel it's doable without hurting yourself, then small shops more often might be a possibility. Carrying groceries would put more strain on your body. Do you know anyone who has a small shopping cart that you could borrow?
If you're still only eating a few cups a day a light backpack may be less strenuous than a cart but that's for you to decide.
Great that the walk felt good! I can see that you'll be getting really strategic in your shopping - thinking what's lightest to carry as well as healthiest. :)
dear diary
i decided to walk while the weathers nice
and while i can walk

i only have the reusable shopping bags
no one i know with a cart
my max. will be 2 bags
and thats alot
likely too much food
food to eat i mean
here all at once

i guess the next decision
is what to get

i wont need to go until tues
luckily cause the stores are
closed tomorrow

ive never been the kind of eater where
you have a veggie a starch and a protein
on the plate
its more mono eating even tho i dont even try
to do that style
some thinking is in order now
Things like lentils are light to carry, but cook up into big, filling meals. I make yoghurt about once a week (which bought fresh is heavy to carry) using a dry powder, like Easiyo - it makes up overnight into yoghurt - a bit fiddly, but worth it.
one of my biggest things with eating
is that my list of foods that are safe
from binging or that doesnt raise my
blood sugar is very scant
the list safe from binging is vegetables
the list that doesnt raise my bs is
certain vegetables and meat/eggs and cheese
so that puts me to 3 types of food
meat veggies and cheese/eggs
it should be super easy to food shop
but somehow it never is
the other foods scream out to me
so i remain forever binging
with high bs
well i have a few days to think
dear diary
not up to shopping/walk
i have 2 cups of sunflower seeds
and 12 cups of pea soup
i will see how long i can stretch that
1 cup of seeds for every 6 cups of soup?
Making a big soup is a great idea. Adding more vegetables to it would be a good idea if you can. A packet of dried soup mix would make it more substantial.
I hope you feel a little bit better when you wake up xo
dear diary
add 3 more cups of soup
be4 bed
so i guess that leaves
3 cups of soup
and 2 cups sunflower seeds
for today

maybe tomorrow with my ride to the drs
i can pop into a store
I hope you can. Sunflower seeds are nice, but two cups of them is a LOT.

and you will never guess what?
i looked at the label again and
realized that the serving size was
50 grams 1/3 cup in a 300 gram pk
i have two pks that means i have 600 grams 4 cups?
yikes i will probably never want them again after all those
...i looked at the label again and
realized that the serving size was
50 grams...
yikes i will probably never want them again after all those...
:D Yes, healthy nuts can be a real trap! And checking what a manufacturer means by "serving size" can be an eye-opener!
I add a teaspoon of seeds and/or nuts here & there. I love nuts but weigh them out now before I think about having any & always end up having fewer than I want. Unsalted nuts are a lot less more-ish. Serving sizes on packets are a sneaky & misleading ploy in my opinion.