bluehats diary

I feel kind of sick just thinking of that much bacon but then I've been known to eat 500g of chocolate in one sitting so who am I to judge :)
dear diary
well todays shopping again
and as usual i have no clue what to get
it has to be for a week

with the recent discovery of why a specific
tooth has reinfected once or twice every year
since i was 40- ya 14 years-
that its my gums not that tooth
its best i eat soft foods
since it doesnt need pulled

the puzzle is that in that 14 years
i developed t2 diabetes
so now the soft food choices need insulin (soups fruits grains etc.)
the problem is that insulin causes me weight gain
which i dont need extra help doing lol
sometimes when i end up getting these soft foods
i get all freaky and afraid i will binge
or i dont want the insulin so out goes that food-
a waste of food and money

so im not sure what to buy today
all that extra food bothers me
food beyond 1 meal

maybe google low carb soft foods?
and go thru the low carb foods i like
and figure out how to make them softer?
i tried making my own soups and only
1 maybe 2 turned out how i like
i just dont cook well!
(in addition to not being able to portion it out)

maybe i can figure the soft foods issue
but how to solve the amount of food around
for more than 1 meal issue?
(i have no where to leave it to go get
slowly as needed)
Cooking is a matter of practice - very few people are good at it right from the start. Slow-cooked meat dishes might meet your high-protein-soft-food requirements. Also quark, cottage cheese, or anything put through the blender. Maybe with some fresh herbs for taste?
Adding to what LaMaria said, slow cooked meat dishes store well in the freezer when portioned out into meal size containers to minimise wastage from cooking larger quantities.
dear diary
didnt do well

the food i bought- the soft food
goes against everything i believe
not sure what to do
its already bought
dear diary
so i have this really good book
about the cup diet
its not a diet per say
its where u count your cups
of food rather than calories
the calories count of course
but its figured that each cup averages
270 calories
so for me i would have 5 to 8 cups
getting approx. 2160 calories
u eat what u want
no restrictions on foods
just amounts
so im going to try it
dear diary

i had 8 cups today

and this was on a sick day
i can go higher
but i'd like to try 8 cups
dear diary
ive been trying to think of how i can
make a crockpot meat dish and
still be able to put some in freezer
one thing i do is tend to mono eat
eat like one thing per meal and
thats the whole meal
so when i make a crockpot dish thats
what i will eat all day
so none gets put away
idk if there anything wrong with that
or not but it gets expensive sometimes
but im trying to slowly gather some spices
to have on hand so it isnt so much
to buy all at once
then eventually it would just be
the main fresh ingredients to get each time
and it can pour out into the cups
i need too and be softer
i just have to keep trying

so anyway hoping to make my 8 cup goal today
so far nothing but a coffee
dear diary
my goal right now
is to find a plan i can live with
so far ive found 3
the cup diet and omad
and eat meat drink water
but i just cant figure out
to combine them
i dont have weight loss
as my goal anymore as it
never works
I don´t think it would make sense to combine them all. Do you feel the need to? Every one restricts your eating and combining them all would leave you with an extremely small amount of options.
dear diary
yesterdays food--
3 cups
still not feeling well
i called the surgeon dr as
i dont have a dr at all
but hes very busy with alot
of patients
im just not up to an 8+ hour
er wait
i guess i just ride it out
and hope nothing went wrong
I don´t think it would make sense to combine them all. Do you feel the need to? Every one restricts your eating and combining them all would leave you with an extremely small amount of options.

i think its because i cant decide which to choose
but i came up with 4 cups of meat once a day
thats all 3 ways mixed together
but not right now
as im not feeling well
dear diary
im still here
just not well
but cant see a dr til the 4th
our remote area has drs leaving
so the number is reduced
its very underserviced

i havent been tracking my foods but im
not concerned for now
I can understand that food is not the main priority when you're struggling with medical issues. I hope the doctor will be able to help :grouphug: