bluehats diary

I don't know what that calorie amount refers to--but I would imagine it would also be referring to the type of calories one would need to be healthy--like if you are looking at the amount of protein, fat, and carbs one needs to be healthy, then maybe it's been calculated that one would need at least 1200 to get all that in? I know I struggle to get enough protein even though I usually eat way more than 1200 calories but that is probably because I still eat a lot of sugar and am always way over on needed carbs amount.
Thanks. I understand better now.
The townhouse sounds lovely. I hope you can navigate the stairs ok. Sorry to hear about your meds going up and increasing cravings.
Pretty depressed
Very sore tummy
Been eating food bought for this month. 4 days at one time.
Very very hungry and sore stomach.
Sore gums too.
Totally in tears I don't wanna weigh 300 again
But I can't fight the meds.
Sorry about how you are feeling. I know nothing about your insulin or really most drugs. However I do know you have done well before and am sure you will do well again. Just keep trying!

Best of luck.
I found an idea online. It was for people who have to use the washroom alot. Their drs get them to go to a washroom hourly to check. I believe that could help me. Plus I'd get extra exercise.
My left jaw side is so sore I can barely move it today.
I know I need liquid foods but being a binger and also missing out on my fav foods I don't do what I shud.
I consulted by phone ( the poor nurse!!) the diabetes clinic to see how many meal replacements I can safely have being diabetic.
She says I shud have 1600 calories so depending on the brand (200 to 400) calories each) to have 5.
Cause I really need to give my jaw a break. I think I hurt it binging. The clinic does not know of my Ed.
But anyway I say the poor nurse cause at this time my ears are nearly completely plugged. I probably made her deaf!! Talking so loud.
Anyway I found some I can afford at 2 a day. I guess it's something and that much liquid at one meal at 5 o clock shud not bloat me too too much. I hope .
The new place is 272 dollars more than here. But I do split that with my family. Not sure what I'm doing about food yet or what's getting cut out.
Still very painful jaw today.
Food has never been good for me or to me.
I hope that your jaw feels a bit better soon, Blue. Having family support is so important. Hopefully, the new apartment will end up being a much nicer place to live.
Need an idea.
On how to get things up the steps with me and back down again.
Each Hand will
be hanging on to a wall or railing!!
Maybe a basket somehow? Put things in it then send it down?
Idk. I don't understand that idea.
Any ideas on managing this?
Jaws a teeny bit better. But I've been taking Tylenol.
For a blasted headache.
That could be helping.

O that camping trip I mentioned earlier will be in sept. I was going to take potato chips to eat as it didn't bother me but it does I'm not sure what I can take to eat.
Water update--
Still hardly drinking any.
And my kidney stone surgeon said to drink 12 cups a day and the nurses where I stayed after surgery said a cup every hour I'm awake and half a cup at night every time I p.
Well I'm a long way from any of that.
It's hard if u don't feel thirsty and if makes u feel so full.
I can't help you with the stairs issue, Blue. I'm about to have an op on my right foot & am trying to work out how to get around our place. We only have 3 steps down to our living room. Someone else might have some ideas for you. I had better borrow some crutches & start practising! Can you try drinking more water in the morning or up to say 4 pm? I think I'll try to do that too. It's Winter here & I don't drink enough either.
I can't help you with the stairs issue, Blue. I'm about to have an op on my right foot & am trying to work out how to get around our place. We only have 3 steps down to our living room. Someone else might have some ideas for you. I had better borrow some crutches & start practising! Can you try drinking more water in the morning or up to say 4 pm? I think I'll try to do that too. It's Winter here & I don't drink enough either.
I hope the surgery goes well and you can manage the steps. Sounds painful. I hope it isn't too hard.
Maybe a basket somehow? Put things in it then send it down?
What sort of things are you thinking of bringing up and down? Like could a bag or backpack work? If it is something like a cup of tea or something that could spill, I wouldn't risk trying to take that on my own if you need both hands on the railings.
Water can be a hard thing to get used to drinking, but sometimes it has helped me to measure out some water in the morning that I'm supposed to drink throughout the day. I know when I first started trying to drink a glass of water before breakfast it was very tough. By now it is part of my morning habit.
Water is so good for so much in the body.
What sort of things are you thinking of bringing up and down? Like could a bag or backpack work? If it is something like a cup of tea or something that could spill, I wouldn't risk trying to take that on my own if you need both hands on the railings.
Water can be a hard thing to get used to drinking, but sometimes it has helped me to measure out some water in the morning that I'm supposed to drink throughout the day. I know when I first started trying to drink a glass of water before breakfast it was very tough. By now it is part of my morning habit.
Water is so good for so much in the body.
I put 2 bottles in the fridge. 4 cups each. I will try to drink them by bedtime.
Yes maybe a backpack will work. Something like my cell or clean clothes needing put away or maybe a shampoo -- stuff like that.
The scales playing tricks on me.
One day I was 257 then another day 260 now (a sneak peak before the 1st) it's 254.
Maybe keep trying on the smaller capris to gage how I'm doing? They aren't getting tighter so I guess it's okay.
Secretly waiting for another family pair for if they get too loose. Maybe that's a way to feel some hope?
I think how clothes fit is a better indication of how you're doing.