bluehats diary

I think how clothes fit is a better indication of how you're doing.

Weight varies a lot from day to day, more to do with water than fat gain or loss. My weighing every day has taught me that, I try not to make too much of anything but longer term trends. Though weighing every day does help remind me to eat right, and has taught me somethings about how my body works.

Sounds like you are doing well, looser pants are one sure sign of it!
The scales playing tricks on me.
One day I was 257 then another day 260 now (a sneak peak before the 1st) it's 254.
That is one thing I like about weighing more often--i can see how much the scale can move around so it doesn't throw me so much if it looks like I've gained...
Going by how your clothes feel sounds good to me too.
I can't help you with the stairs issue, Blue. I'm about to have an op on my right foot & am trying to work out how to get around our place. We only have 3 steps down to our living room. Someone else might have some ideas for you. I had better borrow some crutches & start practising! Can you try drinking more water in the morning or up to say 4 pm? I think I'll try to do that too. It's Winter here & I don't drink enough either.
How is it? The foot.
Thanks for asking, Blue. My op is on the 5th of August. I need it more to correct my balance as much as anything. I know it would only get worse if I put it off any longer.
The digestive issues are back . I guess with whatever I have u get flare ups. I can barely stand it happening for one meal I can't imagine 2 or 3 meals.
I still have not found safe foods. In case I didn't say what happens -- severe water loss runs (diarrhea) within 15 mins to an hour after eating. Pain for many hours later
Does anyone have any suggestions other than see a dr. I will do that but I need relief in between. And/or a suggestion for
Bleeding skin from wiping since the attacks do last a few hours so maybe 6 or 7 trips.
Sorry if this is a gross post.
O and Imodium or Pepto or any of those have no effect.
Any foods I can try. Or ?
That all sounds very hard Bluehat--I really don't have any suggestions. I have some digestive issues but not severe ones like that.
I'm sorry, Blue but I can't offer any suggestions either. My bowels are the opposite :blush5: My Mum had a serious dairy allergy but it was years and years before she figured that out. When she lived in an aged care facility they sometimes messed up (someone in the kitchen once said they thought she had a gluten intolerance & this woman didn't know the difference!) & Mum would get terrible diarrhea & vomit & she was underweight all of her life. I used to have to remind them all the time.
You poor thing :grouphug:
I will have to see what they suggest next month. For the digestive issues.

For my share of the 272
I will not be sharing internet, having a calling plan on my cell, paying no fuel (walkings going to be real hard but if I leave extra extra early maybe I can), my free book app, and 20 from my food.
This is the best I can do as I personally have 100 more than my family so I really need to pay my whole half. 40 for food still let's me get a few things.
So even tho the scales mean to me, the capris I bought (used) are getting loose. And the pair from my family.
I had been wearing a 4x now the 2x is getting looser.
So that scale can go u know where!
I will say bye when I don't have the internet. Hopefully I can get on before disconnect. Plus whenever I can access it I will pop in to say hi.
I was hoping to be here still in dec as I believe that's my 6 year anniversary here. But I guess I can't be. Plus I was hoping to post results of the contest. In Sept.
I will try.
In case anyone should wonder why are they moving to a place that's so much more rent
Well it wasn't supposed to be this way. It's a subsidized unit. And they were at one time only a few hundred dollars for
the rent part then most ppl had enough left to pay their heat and electricity and water. But somehow in the many years we waited on the list things changed. It is much much
higher in rent plus your electricity and heat and water. But we weren't told this until it was too late to keep where we are. Plus we had to get a fridge and stove. But things can't be undone now.
I Hope to be able to come back here to post.
I hope you can get connected again soon. It's a shame about having to move, but if it can't be helped, it can't be helped. Hopefully, the new place will be better.
That's too bad about the surprise with higher rent :(
I hope you can figure out some internet access...I used to access public computers at our library...Maybe you can find some public access places...
Thanks for letting us know that you may not be able to get on as often though.
And wonderful about your pants get looser!
I hope it works out well for you too, Blue & I hope you get a chance to check in with us from time to time. All the best :grouphug:
I'm back!
We found a $15 internet plan. So excited.

My family camping didn't go. So I hope to see them next summer.

It's not time for weigh day yet. It's not the 15th but my sneak peeks look good.

And I'm using a backpack for carrying things up and down the stairs. (Liza3)

The only negative So far is due to swollen legs the back of one got blisters that broke open with repeated banging going down the steps. So in order to try to avoid ripping it open so often before it heals I'm somehow scraping my arm on the same side. I'm not sure what to do about it. My family's looking into something soft to put on the step edges to see if it will help.
Awesome that you got a nice cheap plan for internet! And I'm glad the backpack idea is working out. I hope you all can find a solution to the blisters forming...I do think it's great that you are making it up and down the stairs though. How do you like the place in general?
How is your foot from the surgery?

There's a notice on Cate's diary that she's not been able to log she's trying to remedy that. But there are lots of updates about her recovery from her foot surgery on there that she was able to make before she was locked out. Hopefully she'll be back on again soon!