bluehats diary

I'm talking today to my diabetes Dr about the medication.
I don't want to go to that dark not eating place. Maybe he can tweak the meds somehow to prevent more weight gain.
I might come back here with the results.
Not very well. The only suggestion was to reduce one of the insulins. But at least he was concerned about the weight having went up from the 242 to 265 .
But anyway I refuse to weigh 300 again (said in tears).( said now as I'm typing).
I guess I take matters into my own hands.
I shud say that I do know we have to do things not just expect our Dr's to but I hoped for a little support.
Too much to want I guess.
No worries I don't need anyone's help.
Oh, Blue. That must have been disappointing. We do expect our doctors to be more concerned about our health.
Going back to your question about cans of soup or fruit & veg- I would choose cans of soup if I could only choose one & add some lentils. Here a 1kg bag of dried lentils is less than $5 AU, which is about $3.33 US. They go a long way.
Oh, Blue. That must have been disappointing. We do expect our doctors to be more concerned about our health.
Going back to your question about cans of soup or fruit & veg- I would choose cans of soup if I could only choose one & add some lentils. Here a 1kg bag of dried lentils is less than $5 AU, which is about $3.33 US. They go a long way.
Thank you.
That sounds good.
Not much to say today. Not feeling well in the tummy.
Ate some slow cooker ground beef. Still have the beef intolerance still running to bathroom. I was hoping it would be gone. That the intolerance might heal.
So I guess I should drink extra water tonight to compensate for lost liquids.
Can't seem to win. It was a lower salt meal too.
Plus I have 3 meals left of it.
Gonna be a sore next 3 days I guess.
A beef intolerance? You poor thing. That sucks, Blue!
Thank goodness it's all gone. I gave some away.
Then ate a can (1.5 cups) size of a pasta beef thing. Ravioli.
Only to have the same reaction. Usually when beef isn't the main ingredient my body can handle it. So this says to me the intolerance may be getting worse. This is bad not only because of the reaction but that sometimes I can get those pasta cans cheap.
Geesh. Never a win.
So idk if I will feel better enough to eat more today.
If I do I will try a can of lentil soup.
Hi, Blue. I hope your food intolerances are not getting worse. Are you OK with chicken & fish? Lentil soup sounds good. Don't worry about the ED post. We just want you to be healthy :grouphug:
Hi, Blue. I hope your food intolerances are not getting worse. Are you OK with chicken & fish? Lentil soup sounds good. Don't worry about the ED post. We just want you to be healthy :grouphug:
Yes I'm ok with chicken and fish to my knowledge.
So today is my last day being 58. 59 tomorrow.

It's boiled mashed potatoes on the menu today.

I'm unable to get to the food help today so I will just need to make what I have stretch til next week. From the earlier food help this month.
I don't have to starve myself. A greedy society takes care of that. And I do donate when I can.
I've read that there is actually enough food for every person to eat and that 50 percent of food gets thrown away.
That's pretty sad.
We had a nice burrito bowl. Family made.
It contained Spanish rice, sour cream, salsa sauce, refried pinto beans, shredded cheese and a spiced ground beef.
It didn't bother me either- the beef. I think it does only when it is a main ingredient.
And white cake with chocolate. pudding and chocolate. icing on top. So it went like this-- white then chocolate. then white then chocolate. Pretty flowers on top made from the chocolate. icing.

And today is my family's bday. Yes I had my only baby the day after my 28th bday. She is 31 today. So it's leftover burrito bowls and cake. But I managed to get her something small for a gift too.

And my other family who lives miles away got both of us some gifts too. Crackers for my soup and a candy cane hot chocolate. And a gift card for each of us.

This was better than Xmas!!!
Aw so nice to hear you had such a great birthday Bluehat! The burrito bowl and cake sound delicious!
And happy birthday to your daughter as well!
That is great to hear that you had a nice birthday, Blue. That 🎂 sounds yummy. Happy Birthday to your daughter, too.
So today will be

1 cup cottage cheese
2 cups cock soup ( yep no joke that's what it's called) that I found for 79cents a pouch
1.5 cups canned chili
Finally get to shop next week.
It's hard mostly. Not just cause I don't have much but it's hard to walk past some foods. Like raspberries and chicken. I really wish I could have some. Chicken might be hard to eat but raspberries are so soft.
I'm working on a list of foods to have that will last a while so I don't have to go to stores and feel bad for healthy food I can't have.
For example. You can buy huge containers of protein powders. Id have to get a plant milk too but I believe that even that's cheaper than what the nutritional drinks have gone up to in price.
I need ideas on what else can be brought that lasts longer. Not soup either.
At least not so much.
Any ideas?