bluehats diary

Your food choices look really good. I hope your stomach has settled since yesterday...
Sorry to hear of your continued frustration with weightloss. I see you as doing all you can to do your best for your health and that's all one can ever do. I hope you can give yourself a pat on the back for all that work!
Hoping there is some cheese left tomorrow if I get to shop. It's on sale and it is better for my diabetes being nearly 0 carb.
But mostly when I go the sale stuff is all bought up. And I have very few chances to shop.
Wish me luck.
On second thought I'm not shopping tomorrow. Last time when I went it really freaked me out to see one of the foods easiest for me to eat had went up a dollar. Actually a dollar and 2 cents in one jump. And another went up nearly 4 dollars in one jump.
It distresses me to see I'm being squeezed out.
It happened again.
Another unexpected bill increase. Guess where it has to come from.
So down to omad.
With a focus on protein powder and plant milk.
Should not hurt my mouth either.
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There doesn't seem to be an end in sight with price hikes. I know these things go in cycles & I hope that we see an improvement soon. Are they just charging what they can get away with I wonder?
There doesn't seem to be an end in sight with price hikes. I know these things go in cycles & I hope that we see an improvement soon. Are they just charging what they can get away with I wonder?
I believe they are.
Got a ride to a FB today.
It's a wonderful concept but I can't eat any of the foods I got. So I have to figure out how to make it usable.
I still don't understand why they can't just give me soup. It would leave a lot more food for other ppl too. As it is I have to bring home things I can't eat nor know how to make usable nor have a way to give back to them. I hate to sound judgemental but ppl stand there clearly smoking and all I want is food I can eat without pain. But at least my trades were good.

I still need to figure out with the other stuff what to do.
I think I can manage the dry cake mix. I can just eat it raw. Like just add the water to it. Not bake it. Nor add the egg as it would be raw. The 2 soups just mash well. Scramble the eggs.
Put the tiny crackers and tiny cheese slices from the lunch mate kits in the soup to melt. Chop the tiny ham slices into tinier pieces to put in the soup and hope my intolerances accept it.
The carrots and apples came rotten so they will be tossed.

I have to figure out the rest still. Like the bread and milk.
Milk is an intolerance for me and my family doesn't drink it so idk what to. Do with that.
It sounds like you are sorting it out, Blue. It is a shame that they can't just give you soup. It's hard to work out some people.
There was a pk of bacon wrapped turkey breast medallions and I didn't know such a food existed. I googled how to cook them and couldn't really find anything that looked like they would turn out soft. So I put them in the s/c with a chicken cube and 2 cups of water on low. I sure hope that was right and they turn out OK.
Does anyone know? Should I have done something else?
I chose the s/c cause it's supposed to make foods soft.
I figure maybe for 10 hours?
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There was a pk of bacon wrapped turkey breast medallions and I didn't know such a food existed. I googled how to cook them and couldn't really find anything that looked like they would turn out soft. So I put them in the s/c with a chicken cube and 2 cups of water on low. I sure hope that was right and they turn out OK.
Does anyone know? Should I have done something else?
I chose the s/c cause it's supposed to make foods soft.
I figure maybe for 10 hours?
Can't help you out there--sorry! Been vegetarian my whole cooking life and have no idea what one does with any sort of meat! I hope yours turns out for you.
I still don't understand why they can't just give me soup.
Yes food banks are definitely good to have, but really do have their limitations. i would always prefer people could choose what foods they can put to good use.
Can't help you out there--sorry! Been vegetarian my whole cooking life and have no idea what one does with any sort of meat! I hope yours turns out for you.

Yes food banks are definitely good to have, but really do have their limitations. i would always prefer people could choose what foods they can put to good use.
There are some like that but not here where I am.

Tbh I don't prefer being a meat eater. I just don't know how to do it another way. With most animal meat and products like milk etc. I can't tolerate much anyway. And it looks to be too high carb. With diabetes I have to use insulin for what i eat except for guess what - animal products and meat. Plus I've seen some pretty sad videos which I can only hope are not true.
I haven't been able to figure out how to switch. I mean I know there are legumes and things but I'm also a very bad cook! I like the pcrm new four food groups guide.
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Anyway weights the same as last Friday.
It's not worth trying to lose any. None of my health gets better with weight loss. I was diagnosed with high BP as a healthy highly active teenager. Not even overweight.
Today's soup on the menu.
There are some like that but not here where I am.

Tbh I don't prefer being a meat eater. I just don't know how to do it another way. With most animal meat and products like milk etc. I can't tolerate much anyway. And it looks to be too high carb. With diabetes I have to use insulin for what i eat except for guess what - animal products and meat. Plus I've seen some pretty sad videos which I can only hope are not true.
I haven't been able to figure out how to switch. I mean I know there are legumes and things but I'm also a very bad cook! I like the pcrm new four food groups guide.
Oh I never saw that food guide before--looks interesting!
I'm not a great cook either--luckily I only cook for myself and I'm not very fussy so it all works out :)
So I put them in the s/c with a chicken cube and 2 cups of water on low. I sure hope that was right and they turn out OK.
How did it turn out?

Anyway weights the same as last Friday.
It's not worth trying to lose any. None of my health gets better with weight loss. I was diagnosed with high BP as a healthy highly active teenager. Not even overweight.
Today's soup on the menu.
Seems like a great idea to just focus on eating as best you can within the restrictions that you have...
Oh I never saw that food guide before--looks interesting!
I'm not a great cook either--luckily I only cook for myself and I'm not very fussy so it all works out :)

How did it turn out?

Seems like a great idea to just focus on eating as best you can within the restrictions that you have...
I cook only for myself. I can't really eat nor like the diet the family I live with eats.
The medallion thing turned out ok just dry.