bluehats diary

I'd like to not have to eat any meat or fish but when I eat with a heavy meat eating family there's not a vegetable choice. And I don't eat much pasta or fruit or even vegetables.
And sometimes I need the food.
But at least my soup might not be meat loaded. It's just that they usually have a meat based broth in them.

And vegetarian soups usually have an additional dollar or more to each can over the regular cans. The salt reduced ones do too.
But I finally found one in our local wm store. Next I go i hope I can get a can.

But anyway my new years resolutions--
less or none of the sugar foods. Like candy or cookies.
And less meat if I can.

Not sure what tomorrow's food will be. Likely a can of salt again.
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I'd like to not have to eat any meat or fish but when I eat with a heavy meat eating family there's not a vegetable choice. And I don't eat much pasta or fruit or even vegetables.
And sometimes I need the food.
But at least my soup might not be meat loaded. It's just that they usually have a meat based broth in them.

And vegetarian soups usually have an additional dollar or more to each can over the regular cans. The salt reduced ones do too.
But I finally found one in our local wm store. Next I go i hope I can get a can.

But anyway my new years resolutions--
Another less or none of the sugar foods. Like candy or cookies.
And less meat if I can.

Not sure what tomorrow's food will be. Likely a can of salt again.
How do I edit posts?
It stuck the word another in there!
I was on my laptop earlier & the options were there, but I’m on my phone now & I see it’s different. To the right of the report option is a drop down arrow & edit is there. Cheers!
I was on my laptop earlier & the options were there, but I’m on my phone now & I see it’s different. To the right of the report option is a drop down arrow & edit is there. Cheers!
O I see those ones now
How do I edit posts?
It stuck the word another in there

I'd like to not have to eat any meat or fish but when I eat with a heavy meat eating family there's not a vegetable choice. And I don't eat much pasta or fruit or even vegetables.
And sometimes I need the food.
But at least my soup might not be meat loaded. It's just that they usually have a meat based broth in them.

And vegetarian soups usually have an additional dollar or more to each can over the regular cans. The salt reduced ones do too.
But I finally found one in our local wm store. Next I go i hope I can get a can.

But anyway my new years resolutions--
less or none of the sugar foods. Like candy or cookies.
And less meat if I can.

Not sure what tomorrow's food will be. Likely a can of salt again.
I think I got it fixed now
I looked up ways to not be so hungry.
And one was that it goes away in 2 to 3 days. Of completely not eating.
Does this mean it comes back as soon as you eat again?
One time many years ago when in complete stress I didn't eat for 5 straight days.
I guess it comes back but I can't remember when it did.
Best of luck with the New Years resolutions Bluehat!

What are these cans of salt you mention--or is that supposed to say can of soup?
I say they are cans of salt because they are very salty- more than 1 days worth of salt recommended- and because that's all I likely get from them. They are cans of soup.
There's something we aren't being told about weight and/or weight loss.
I have 2 close family members that remain significantly obese. But one of them I see what's eaten and what's brought in.
She is by no stretch of the imagination eating too much. Hasn't been thru the diet cycle to mess up the metabolism and is still young. So why?
The other one reports barely eating due to some sort of issue causing vomiting with most foods eaten. And has sought medical help to no avail. Hasn't been thru the diet cycle either but gets nearly constant exercise daily caring for a sn (special needs) child.
Why are these 2 women still obese?
Are they secretly eating or binging?
One possibly but not the other 1.
Is that theory correct that states that obesinigins are added to our foods or chem trails put in the air?
(And I shared my experience here earlier about this not losing weight despite measures that should have resulted in weight loss.)
Somethings not right somewhere.
So bad news again. But just for this month.
I have to get a mattress.
And before anyone says anything about help for that-- I've got to be living in one of the worst cities being against people in poverty.
My city won't allow the homeless tents on any city property. They have to be out of town on crown land.
And I'm in an isolated city with bears and cougars and wolves near. The bears come into the city. And sometimes we hear the cougars.
So anyway I'm getting my mattress from my food money.
And the food bank makes you count your Xmas help as having used the food bank in Dec. Since it's every other month no food help is allowed in Jan.
I'm screwed.
Best of luck with the mattress find and getting your way through the month Bluehat. Poverty is a terrible issue in so many places now. It's all very concerning.
Its all gone out of my control. I now understand how there's heavy and even maybe thinner ppl. Things in life go outside of a persons control and they can't change anything.
I never knew how it went.
Enjoying some crackers melted in my soup meal tonight.
Found a little bit of unexpected help today.
And hoping my mattress will be better for me getting out of bed faster for my many nightly washroom trips. I will be up higher off the floor.
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I see that I weigh more now than when I began my diary.
I spoke with my pharmacist about the weight gain and he said all insulin makes you gain weight.
So it seems that I have 2 choices. Take it gain more weight. Don't take it risk complications.
Idk yet what I'm deciding.
Well that wasn't fair. Enjoyed crackers in my soup but my top gums still hurt this morning. They were soggy so idky.
It's like I always say don't enjoy a thing in life because it gets taken away.
Like my teeth for example. If I hadn't enjoyed food so much I wouldn't have lost them all. And my weight. From enjoying food too much.
So remember- don't enjoy whatever it is or you will lose it.
Found a little bit of unexpected help today.
And hoping my mattress will be better for me getting out of bed faster for my many nightly washroom trips. I will be up higher off the floor.
Glad you found some unexpected help bluehat!