bluehats diary

Today's it's meatballs in sauce and tomatoes in the slow cooker. And plenty of chocolate. And some homemade applesauce.
No calorie count today.
Leftovers from yesterday.
I looked up reasons a person might always be so hungry.
Medication. Not enough protein. Being thirsty - thinking your hungry. And an actual disease - prader wili.
But I found a few weird ones.
Like obesinigins( spelled wrong) put in the food.
Apparently it's chemicals that override our full signal.
Put in junk foods I think.
And a really weird one is chem trails. Spread by planes. To make people obese. There's even a group of people who believe this. I think it's possible too. Insulin resistance was one.
And grelin resistance.
I might have it the wrong way around tho. Resistance to our full signal in our brain.
And not having nutrients can make our body want more and more because it's not getting nutrients. Just calories.
Probably there are many more reasons.

For mine I would say medications- I'm on at least 2 known to cause hunger. And no nutrients.
And not enough protein - some days none. And sometimes mistaking thirst for hunger. I would add one I didn't find in my research - Feeling deprived of foods I want or like.
But anyway. I haven't found a cure yet!
Yes especially if you are limiting those calories it's so important to make them nutrient and protein packed ones! Our bodies need those nutrients to function properly.
Nice to see you getting more nutrition the last few days at least.
I am also on meds that tend to make me gain weight so can relate to that one!
I thought of a way to be able to eat less of the soups. Buy the 1 cup size cans( actually they are 10 oz sizes until shrinkflation happens to them!!)
The condensed ones here are 10 oz size but your supposed to add a can of water to them. So I just won't add the can of water.
I usually only add half a can anyway cause more dilutes the flavor too much.
I buy the 2 cup size ones now but eating the other cup later it tastes weird reheated. I guess it picks up what they call a fridge taste?
Today's going to be
4 cups of cream of leek soup from a dry mix. 600 calories
With a piece of the homemade family made cheese ball. Not sure of the calories on that.
I think possibly some of my weight gain could be from so many foods idk the calories in. The family made ones.
Buf they don't track calories or keep track of what they put in things they make.
So hopefully I don't get too many offers of it but I'm not able to say no. It's so much more tasty than my plain old cans of salt or dry soup mix ones.
Nothing much matters anyway.
The new years bringing a new hit to my budget. And what's left for it to come out of? Food.
Four dollars a day now. 1.50 starting in Jan.
I have nothing can cut out. Not even my phone because the family member I live with phone won't ring. So I wouldn't be able to get my Dr calls.

The food banks allow 3 days food every second month.

I guess maybe I will get to lose weight after all.
Nothing much matters anyway.
The new years bringing a new hit to my budget. And what's left for it to come out of? Food.
Four dollars a day now. 1.50 starting in Jan.
I have nothing can cut out. Not even my phone because the family member I live with phone won't ring. So I wouldn't be able to get my Dr calls.

The food banks allow 3 days food every second month.

I guess maybe I will get to lose weight after all.
That is very hard. It is hard to make good food choices when money is scarce.
I think I can still get a can of vegetables or a box of crackers to crush
for my money. Or a few bananas. But only one of these things a day.
I guess there won't be calories needing counted.
Pretty sad.
I find this shocking. 3 days every second month & that's all? Are there other charity organisations that you might be able to ask for help?
Ya I don't understand why 3 days worth of food every other month.
Other than they have to have a limit somehow.?
There is an actual soup kitchen serving soup.
I used to go when I lived across the road.
I imagine you can guess why I can't go anymore.
No funds to get there.
I shud be ok.
Thanks for caring
Ya I don't understand why 3 days worth of food every other month.
Other than they have to have a limit somehow.?
There is an actual soup kitchen serving soup.
I used to go when I lived across the road.
I imagine you can guess why I can't go anymore.
No funds to get there.
I shud be ok.
Thanks for caring
They only give you enough food for a day when you go? I would have thought at least about a week's worth of food per visit...Have you gone yet and seen what they give?
Money issues are very real and very hard. I feel for you.
They only give you enough food for a day when you go? I would have thought at least about a week's worth of food per visit...Have you gone yet and seen what they give?
Money issues are very real and very hard. I feel for you.
They give you enough for 3 days at the same time you go and you can go every other month. Once.
Yes I've been. Most of the food I can't eat.
With no teeth. And some of it is usually gone bad so not helpful.
And I asked about only receiving soup but was rudely told --
We do not cater to people .
I try to eat my can of salt as close to evening as I can.
As I've always had trouble sleeping from a silly stomach always hungry.
Today's is a can of veggie flavored salt.
Today is a family made meatloaf.
Hoping it doesn't send me to the washroom for hours after like 9 out 10 times beef does.
It's OK if it's only part of something like what cans might add- a few pieces- but if it's the main ingredient I'm in trouble alot. That's why I say I have a beef intolerance.
But it's really weird because this wasn't an issue that I can recall until after the covid thing a few years ago. And I never got covid so idk maybe they do beef different since then.
Same with pork. But not poultry.
Anyway it will be ground beef, onions, ketchup and salsa sauce and onion soup mix inside and ketchup on top.
Today is a family made meatloaf.
Hoping it doesn't send me to the washroom for hours after like 9 out 10 times beef does.
It's OK if it's only part of something like what cans might add- a few pieces- but if it's the main ingredient I'm in trouble alot. That's why I say I have a beef intolerance.
But it's really weird because this wasn't an issue that I can recall until after the covid thing a few years ago. And I never got covid so idk maybe they do beef different since then.
Same with pork. But not poultry.
Anyway it will be ground beef, onions, ketchup and salsa sauce and onion soup mix inside and ketchup on top.
O and it had some cheese and a can of vegetable soup without any water added.