bluehats diary

From my understanding, it is hard to get sufficient nutrition on much less than 1500 & you are at risk of slowing your metabolism if you calorie-restrict long-term. In my opinion, 1400-1500 seems like a safe number. That's what I aim for anyway.
From my understanding, it is hard to get sufficient nutrition on much less than 1500 & you are at risk of slowing your metabolism if you calorie-restrict long-term. In my opinion, 1400-1500 seems like a safe number. That's what I aim for anyway.
What if you gain on it? Do you have a plan?
I sincerely hope it goes well. It's good you are having a safe amount.
Ate 3.5 cups of soup then binged on chocolates.
Horrible stomach ache and bloat and nausea.
My own fault I know.
I'm just so hungry from my meds I just can't stand it.
I'm going off them and risking complications
I need to be able to reach my feet and clean my own self. I'm unable to even have a nice relaxing bath! I can't get myself out of the tub and my body goes numb from cut off circulation being so squished in the tub. I am Gaining weight real fast. I need to do something.
Hey Blue, I think a lot of us here suffer from the problems of controlling binges. I know our circumstances vary, but I suspect the underlying problem is very similar.

I hope you are able to find a way to stop, or reasonably manage the binges. No matter how you feel or what your situation I think it would improve without the binges. Have you spoken to your doctor about the problem of your meds making you hungry? It might help.
Hey Blue, I think a lot of us here suffer from the problems of controlling binges. I know our circumstances vary, but I suspect the underlying problem is very similar.

I hope you are able to find a way to stop, or reasonably manage the binges. No matter how you feel or what your situation I think it would improve without the binges. Have you spoken to your doctor about the problem of your meds making you hungry? It might help.
I have. He doesn't seem to care or maybe there is nothing he can do.
A few years ago pre covid I looked into help for binge eaters. It was only for under 18s. I can see why but there are many of us who didn't get any help that young or at all.
I was actually getting help with a dietician in my 30s but when I moved that program wasn't available and I didn't look into other ones at that time where I had moved to.
I decided that maybe by posting my daily foods eaten maybe people here could help me figure out why I'm gaining weight.
Im off the meds. Maybe it hasn't settled down yet or cleared my system yet.
Anyway I will try to be back later today with what I ate.
I decided that maybe by posting my daily foods eaten maybe people here could help me figure out why I'm gaining weight.
Im off the meds. Maybe it hasn't settled down yet or cleared my system yet.
Anyway I will try to be back later today with what I ate.
I think that is a good idea, I am sure you will get a few ideas. I find posting my food helps me, keeping better track of it makes me more mindful about what I eat. You might find the same.
1 can chili 460 calories

4 pks maple&brown sugar instant oatmeal 640 calories
Added brown sugar 200 calories
Added 10 percent cream 50 calories

Sore top gums.
I guess cause the chili's kidney beans happen to have some texture (?) to them.
Shame on me. Wanting a bit more than just liquid foods.
Hi Bluehat

I think it's a great idea to post your foods and calories to see if anyone has any insights. I'm new to your diary so if you give a brief summary of where you are at now in your journey could help me as well. Like what's your current weight and your goal weight? Any food/diet restrictions? Any exercise? Of course only post what you feel like but it just might help me and others in terms of feedback.
Cream of potato soup no pieces in it.
Idk the calories on that.
Family made pureed ground beef in pasta sauce with a can of green peas added.
Idk the calories on that either.
Hi Bluehat

I think it's a great idea to post your foods and calories to see if anyone has any insights. I'm new to your diary so if you give a brief summary of where you are at now in your journey could help me as well. Like what's your current weight and your goal weight? Any food/diet restrictions? Any exercise? Of course only post what you feel like but it just might help me and others in terms of feedback.
I have no teeth and have type 2 diabetes and am very money limited.
I recently lost weight from 300 pounds to 242 pounds. I'm regaining it back and am now 260 pounds.
I haven't felt better from the weight loss nor did any of my health conditions improve.
Unable to exercise due to swelling in feet and leg pain.
I gave up on my weight goal as I can't even keep off what I lost. Ever.
I have an Ed. B/p. But mostly the binge part now.
I have food intolerances but often have to eat them anyway or be hungry.
I don't have a calorie goal anymore.
I guess you could say I'm pretty hopeless about anything improving or changing.
I have no teeth and have type 2 diabetes and am very money limited.
I recently lost weight from 300 pounds to 242 pounds. I'm regaining it back and am now 260 pounds.
I haven't felt better from the weight loss nor did any of my health conditions improve.
Unable to exercise due to swelling in feet and leg pain.
I gave up on my weight goal as I can't even keep off what I lost. Ever.
I have an Ed. B/p. But mostly the binge part now.
I have food intolerances but often have to eat them anyway or be hungry.
I don't have a calorie goal anymore.
I guess you could say I'm pretty hopeless about anything improving or changing.
Thanks for that background. It's hard when you're feeling hopeless about things improving...
In terms of exercise is the pool an option at all where you are?
And do you log your food into an app? i find that the best way to track what's going on...even if you put some things as guesses like those meals above.
Food shopping today very very sore and tired.

Ate 4 chocolate pieces 200 calories.
Ate 250 calories of a pad Tai thing price reduced.
Ate 210 calories of soup.

Just too sore to have more.
Pain in legs, feet, and knees.
Barely got my socks and winter boots on from feet swelling.
I've had a heart specialist and regular dr many years ago when we had them in our country to see and
Neither could do anything about it. One gave me special cream because the swelling had gotten so bad my skin split right open where your foot meets your leg.
Thanks for that background. It's hard when you're feeling hopeless about things improving...
In terms of exercise is the pool an option at all where you are?
And do you log your food into an app? i find that the best way to track what's going on...even if you put some things as guesses like those meals above.
The pool here has a subsidized membership but its still half of the normal fee. Plus then I'd need a bus pass. So likely looking at a hundred maybe more as that was several years ago. Just not something I can do with my income.
I have an app to log food in. It's just missing the function to put your own foods in but maybe I just don't know how. It was a family gift but maybe I can find a free one that let's u put your own food in as I often eat the same foods when I buy several of the same cans of soup on sale.
I find it frustrating when they don't have the foods I ate. Yet say they have a good database of foods.
I feel bad guessing. Like I've underguessed. But sometimes that's t h e choice.
Yes pools can be super expensive...

Sorry to hear you are in such pain and fatigue--it all sounds very hard.

I know guessing foods can be hard- I am sure I am often wrong on my guesses but it does help me to see what my calories are like long term, and what sort of nutrients I am getting...even if it's not super accurate.

Anyways hope you got some good rest in after that tiring day!
Blue, do you have the My Fitness Pal app on your phone? That's what I use. It's easy & you can save some of your regular meals. It has a huge database & I only have the free version.
Blue, do you have the My Fitness Pal app on your phone? That's what I use. It's easy & you can save some of your regular meals. It has a huge database & I only have the free version.
I will go look at it. I've heard of it.
Yes pools can be super expensive...

Sorry to hear you are in such pain and fatigue--it all sounds very hard.

I know guessing foods can be hard- I am sure I am often wrong on my guesses but it does help me to see what my calories are like long term, and what sort of nutrients I am getting...even if it's not super accurate.

Anyways hope you got some good rest in after that tiring day!
So today I had

2 medium sweet potatoes, boiled, mashed 272 calories .
Cheese popcorn not sure as I didnt measure it.
Medium mint frosty (wendys) 340 calories .

Then I was bad and binged on chocolates .
Feeling bad physically and emotionally.
Idky this is starting up again.