bluehats diary

I have decided that I will only spend my now less than 4$ a day food money on vegetables and some sort of protein food.
Calorically it will likely be less than 1200 but at least I will know that I ate as healthy as I could/can.
I have decided that I will only spend my now less than 4$ a day food money on vegetables and some sort of protein food.
Calorically it will likely be less than 1200 but at least I will know that I ate as healthy as I could/can.
Who am I kidding? I can't even do this.
Pretty depressing
Blue, I don't have any miraculous answers. I wish I did. Only you can do what you can to be as healthy as you can with what you have.
Blue, I don't have much time this morning & I don't guess calories. Do you have a phone where you can install My Fitness Pal or another calorie counter & input that food as that is what I would do for myself. I also would give chair exercises a go as even though they may not burn many calories they would keep your body moving & that has to be beneficial.
I have a diabetic app fromm family. It tracks calories and things.
The only issue I have with it and nearly any app is that I get used to the way it is and then they do updates and I have to relearn it.
So at present I can do the calorie part of it but not the medication parts.
But it's OK that way.
Blue, I don't have any miraculous answers. I wish I did. Only you can do what you can to be as healthy as you can with what you have.
You're right.
All I can really do is eat what i have.
And exercise when I can
with what i have too.
And then stop stressing about it.
Tried some soup today.
My top gums all hurt.
I know that pure meaning strictly liquids are the only thing that doesn't hurt but I don't know what to have.
All I can think of is fruit and vegetable juice, diet pop, water, coffee, tea and diet hot chocolate and nutrition drinks.
Not sure where to go from here.
It doesn't make sense to keep hurting my gums.
An update on my quest to get my 2 meals merged into one ---omad.
So far I've been able to get them 2 hours closer. Meaning I can now wait from noon to 2 in the afternoon to eat the first meal.
Thus putting them 2 hours closer together.
Still struggling to eat without the pain. Beginning to get depressed because I didn't know that my decision (to agree to have them removed all at the same time- which was mostly the top ones - the lower ones were nearly already gone and healed but 4) would be my life. No one told me eating would hurt for the rest of my life.
Gracious I weigh more than I did when I started this diary!!
Clearly I'm failing at the weight loss game.
Where have I gotten?
It will be 6 years in a few months since I began.
But I'm glad I'm not at the 300 pound mark. Still.
One way I got there was believing in the non diet way of thinking plus major binging.
Diets don't work yes I agree with that but man neither does the non diet way!! And from medication side effects.
The calorie in calorie out theory is not 100% true. You can gain weight without overeating. Medications alter your metabolism.
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Sheesh! It's tough but we mustn't give up on ourselves. I have to remind myself that I am in a better place (weight) than I once was too even though I have regained a lot, but I am still trying to get back down again. I won't give up on myself.
Pureed boiled squash yesterday.
Top gums throbbed for 2 hours.
This morning it feels like I chewed hard food.
Squash must have a harder texture than sweet potatoes because I did them both the same way but sweet potatoes didn't hurt.
I found them both on sale.
How long ago was it that you had all of your teeth removed, Blue? Is there no way of getting dentures with your health system? I find it almost impossible to fathom that anyone would be left without any teeth & unable to chew at all. It does not seem right at all.
How long ago was it that you had all of your teeth removed, Blue? Is there no way of getting dentures with your health system? I find it almost impossible to fathom that anyone would be left without any teeth & unable to chew at all. It does not seem right at all.
2 years ago in March.
The denture help is nearly one thousand dollars. Dentures are 3000 to 5000 dollars depending on the clinic.
I do not have the balance.
One of them has a plan where u can pay them whatever u want until it's all paid then they will fit you for them. But by the time I give them enough I will have passed on.
I'm not sure how it works here but I know there is a public dental service, probably with a long waiting list. That sucks, Blue. Does most of your pain come from acidic or rough food affecting your gums? It must be so hard for you.
I'm not sure how it works here but I know there is a public dental service, probably with a long waiting list. That sucks, Blue. Does most of your pain come from acidic or rough food affecting your gums? It must be so hard for you.
I dont know what acidic foods are.
Rough foods, pieces of soft foods, some mashed foods hurt.
Applesauce and pudding and ice cream and mashed white potatoes and sweet potatoes and cooled oatmeal don't hurt. But I'm diabetic and they just throw my blood sugar up. Insulin just doesn't deal with that much sugar or carbs. For me anyway.
Plus spicy or hot food and mouthwash with mint even alcohol free all hurt.
Cooler/cold liquids is the only thing that doesn't hurt in any way.
Had baked mashed squash this time. To c if it was any easier.
Nope. So I guess if it's on sale again I just don't get to have any.
It's really bad when cheaper foods hurt too.
But maybe I just don't have the choice. It's hurt or starve.

Been still thinking on what I can cut out to buy better foods or any more foods.
Internet is not mine to do anything with/to. I share that cost too.
I need my phone as at this time it's the only way I get any medication or medical care. I have the bare minimum on it.
Moving won't work as the rents out there are literally more than my whole months income. I share an apt. with a family member.
I cant cut transportion as it's not fair to my family member to give a free ride places nor can she pay it.
And I'm not dumping my pet. It's all I have to make me happy. It's the only thing that doesn't hurt me.
And that's all my bills. Other than helping pay for laundry but it's not a set amount.
Can anyone see anything I can cut?
I really can't see a way to cut things back further. What pet do you have? I adore my dog & can't imagine life without him.
I found a surprising food I could eat.
I generally hate fish but there are a few that don't taste fishy.
So I tried a box on sale.
It's surprisingly very soft.
Pollock if anyone's curious.
Frozen sticks.
I was glad for the protein source without all the fat.
I'm not doing low fat or anything but sometimes it's just gross.