bluehats diary

Turning out that I'm not doing anything special for weight, health, or anything.
I don't believe anything. None of it is true for me.
Just eating , existing.
Maybe a better day will come.
Later. Maybe. Idk.
I guess nothing.

I've recently began to realize that it's better to be in the dark-- in the knowledge way-- because how does it really help me?
I learned about good health, better food, better habits to have. Why? I'm unable to do any.
What use is any of that knowledge to me?
I think I will crawl back into the dark again.
I've done everything in my power to get help for my mouth pain.
Too many druggies ruined it for legitimate pain.
I'm basically on a liquid diet now. It's helping a bit anyway. Plus keeping very still as much as I can during my waking hours.
Calories and food choices are not under my control so I can't do anything more.

Lessons learned--

Firstly, Insist on things my own way when I know they are better for me, my body.
We do know our bodies better than anyone else.
Example- I wanted and needed my teeth pulled a few at a time. I know it would have been a longer and more drawn out approach but it would have given me the time I needed to adjust to less and less teeth being gone.
This way of getting 20 plus teeth out at the same time its just a disaster. Even after 18 months. I cry nearly daily at the pain, and the foods I can never have again. But they told me if I got them done all at once I only go thru the healing once.
OK so when?
Let me just say it DID NOT take anywhere near this long for a few to heal and didn't hurt. I was doing well with doing that.
Secondly, if you have a gut feeling Listen To It. I never should have began insulin.
I'm not a type 1. I thought it was a bad idea but again listened to everyone else.

Please do what you feel is right for yourself.
It isnt selfish to take care of yourself and get what u need as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process if you can help it.

So anyway I hope to be
back soon.
Please do what you feel is right for yourself.
It isnt selfish to take care of yourself and get what u need as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process if you can help it.
I agree whole-heartedly, Blue. If only I had done that for most of my life!
Still gaining weight. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. By any measure or any person's recommendation I don't eat too much.
I think I have to stick with it tho.
I'm too hungry otherwise. So I will be hungry but not too hungry if that makes sense.
Dieting doesn't work for 95% of people so I'm not sure why people still do it.
I'm hoping 1500 calories isn't still dieting.
Doesn't seem like it so far.
I don't see why I should go thru dieting when weight loss doesn't improve anything for me.
Hi, Blue. Are you managing to do some dancing? I know I need to move more. My metabolism is sluggish.
Not at this time.
But it's getting cooler so maybe my feet and leg swelling will go down.
And I won't be going shopping til next month so I won't need to skip any days for that.
It's hard to get the 100 grams of protein in that's recommended for my size.
I can't eat the traditional common sources even pureed. Such as meats.
I was eating shredded cheese in my soups but it's went up too much. So has cottage cheese.
I found a protein powder of 30 grams a scoop and I can have 1 of those a day for now until the plant milk goes up too high. I haven't been able to figure out a way to eat eggs and no one else eats them here.
And now all but cold foods are painful. So the 1 cup of protein drink helps (200 calories total). The rest I fill in with nutritional drinks. But they just went up 3 bucks. I'm being cornered in. Still with $5 a day to spend. Soon there won't be much to buy.
There isn't any way I can figure to buy vegetables and protein. I just can't get it to add up.
But anyway shortly I have a total non food day coming as I have to visit the lab which means the 5 bucks goes to the ride there and back. And I don't understand why the Dr wants me to so often yet he knows I have to not eat the days I go. And the results are always good .
They are staying stable.
O well.
Well met a wall again.
My body just works against me. No matter what I do or try.
The protein powder is putting up my blood sugar!!!
It's likely the sweetener in it.
They put my blood sugar up in all the products I've tried.
I dared to hope this wouldn't be the case this time. Just this 1 time.
Nope. No breaks allowed for me.
Now what?
Thinking on how to eat better on my amount of cash daily.
So my goal would be to eat 1500 calories daily of protein first then veges with fruit juices as snacks
or mashed fruits. All somehow made cold.
The protein being pb and cottage cheese. Maybe shredded cheese if a sale.
Veggies being green peas, cauliflower, broccoli. Possibly squash and turnip. Maybe pumpkin. If any sales. They all seem easy to mash.
Add in mashed cooled soups. Without chunks.
Or very mashable.
So now a question.
How do I make these things into meals staying close to the $5?
(I have access to a dietician as a type 2 but they just give me handouts and never have the time to help me plus they have other things they hog the time for. And I have mentioned that I need some of the time for my things but to no avail.)